The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1525

Cloud shallow moon out of the door, turn around to see Rong Jing still standing in front of the table, to him a smile, "you guess, can I get out the troops?"

"It has to be done." Rongjing chuckles.

Cloud shallow moon slants a head to look at him, smile way: "two hours later you go out again. I won't go back to my house at that time. You can get ready and go to the city gate. "

Rong Jing nodded with a smile

Cloud shallow moon no longer said, turned to go out.

Rongjing stood at the table, looking at the back of yunqianyue. He walked out of the Zizhuyuan with his hands on his forehead and whispered something. Nobody heard him, even he didn't seem to hear it.

The horse has been prepared at the gate of King Rong's mansion. Yun Xiaoyue turns over and gets on the horse. Ling Lian and Yi Xue follow her. A group of three people go to the gate of the city.

It seems that there are more people standing on the street today. When yunqianyue rode by, many people yelled "jingshizi Princess", others called "General of army and horse", and others called "Miss shallow moon". In the morning, the capital became lively.

Yun Qianyue sits upright on the horse with a straight body and a beautiful face. Her black horse and purple clothes are like pearls sealed for thousands of years. She is a person who is naturally in charge of thousands of troops.

Along the way, in the face of the people with good intentions, Yun Qianyue has a smile on her mouth and is calm and confident.

When he came to the gate of the city, Rong Feng rode on his horse and waited there. The moon saw him in a long blue and white shirt, which was extremely handsome. People in and out of the gate of the city should look at him more, but he only looked at the direction of her horse, which was obviously waiting for her.

Came near, cloud shallow moon has not yet opened a mouth, Rong Feng light voice way: "I accompany you to point troops!"

Cloud shallow moon blinks an eye, smile way: "good!"

No more words, the two men tacitly beat out of the city.

Xishan military aircraft camp is five miles away from Yulongshan new barracks. At two crossroads, yunqianyue should head to Xishan military aircraft camp. Rong Feng, Ling Lian and Yi Xue follow her.

Half an hour later, we arrived at the military aircraft camp.

It seems that she didn't get her order to order soldiers in the barracks. The gate was closed and there was a faint sound of training inside.

Cloud shallow month reinforces the bridle, to Ling Lian and Yi snow command, "knock on the door!"

Ling Lian and Yi Xue immediately turn over and dismount from their horses, together go forward and knock the knocker.

The knocker rang three times in a row, and no one answered or opened the door. They looked at the moon and clouds.

"Break it Cloud light moon road.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue get the order, naturally no longer soft, together palm, two people palm wind together, only listen to the "bang" of a heavy ring, the iron bolt from the inside of a hammer broken, the iron door slammed open, issued a huge sound.

The gate opened and there was no one in it, not even the gatekeeper.

Cloud shallow moon a smile, urge horse to enter. Rong Feng Mou Guang took a deep look at the broken bolt, and then he followed the horse.

She has been to the military aircraft camp more than several times, familiar with the way, and naturally soon came to the training ground.

The training ground can hold 300000 people to train, but in the past, it has been done in batches. Today, we can see that the training ground is full of black heads. I think 300000 people are here.

On the high platform, there are two deputy generals in the barracks.

The arrival of the four people seemed to have no effect on the two men and the 300000 soldiers. They were in good order, kicking and wrestling. No one looked at them.

Cloud shallow moon stops to see for a moment, suddenly shakes out the red brocade in the sleeve, lightly floats to the 300000 soldiers and horses in the middle to throw out. Hongyanjin, with the brilliant colors of the early rising sun, is like the Milky way in an instant. All the 300000 soldiers and horses can only feel the twinkling of stars in front of them. A cool wind blows, which instantly dispels the sweat heat of training and makes the whole body cool.

Everyone's mind is awe inspiring, the heart and soul of the photo, instantly stopped the action.

The two vice generals on the stage were also surprised and closed their eyes uncomfortably.

Cloud light moon leaves the horse body, lightly falls on the high platform. Standing between the two deputies. The red brocade in her hand was taken back and wrapped around her wrist. She had a handsome seal in one hand and a tiger Rune in the other hand. Her voice was clear and beautiful, "she was in a rage, leaning against the fence and resting in the drizzly rain. Look up at the eyes, look up to the sky, roar, Zhuang Huai fierce. Thirty merits, dust and earth, eight thousand miles, clouds and moon. Don't wait for leisure, white youth's head, empty sad

Two vice generals were stunned.

Three hundred thousand soldiers under the stage were silent. They all looked at the woman on the high platform, and suddenly thought of the hum in their ears.

"From now on, I will be a general of the army and horses. If you want to follow me, you will step forward. Although Yun Qianyue is a woman, she also has muscles and bones. Words are bound to travel, and fruits are bound to come. Rewards and punishments should be clear, and merits and demerits should be calculated clearly. " With the words of the moon, she drew out the sword from her waist. With a green light, she stabbed the biggest side of the high platform straight into the drum. The drum was pierced and sent out a "bang" sound. Along with the sound of sword singing, her voice was particularly Soul-catching. Throwing the ground had a sound, "this sword makes a contract, stabbing drum witnesses!"All of a sudden, everyone's heart was suddenly infused with a stream of blood.

Cloud shallow moon two times fall, no longer speak, quietly looking at the following.

The 300000 soldiers and horses seemed to feel her eyes, and everyone only felt that the eyes seemed to shine on their own heads. Extra quiet and cool. For a moment no one came forward.

"None?" Yun Qianyue looked down quietly. After a moment, he said in a clear voice: "although the emperor ordered that 50000 troops and horses be transferred to the Xishan military aircraft camp, I can not dispatch any one. In the new barracks, from 50000 to 100000."

"I will!" she exclaimed in an instant

There are more than 50000 people shouting.

Cloud light moon gently smile, such as breaking through the clouds of sunlight, particularly eye-catching, riding on the horse below Rongfeng way: "Rongfeng, hard you, select soldiers for me!"

Rong Feng stayed in Xishan military aircraft camp for a long time. Although he had no real power, he just looked after him, but he knew everything about the barracks. Naturally, he came here for this purpose. He nodded, turned over, walked into 300000 people and pointed out who he wanted. He pointed out that if the person is willing to stand up, if not, he can not.

At this time, the two vice generals seemed to have finally returned to their senses, and even said, "Princess jingshizi, this is unreasonable. The emperor ordered you to order troops, but he didn't say that he would choose from 300000 soldiers. "

"The Emperor didn't tell you to close the gate and not to let his appointed general come in?" Cloud shallow moon looks at him clearly.

The man trembled and lost his voice.

Half an hour later, 50000 troops were ordered. Cloud shallow moon takes the reward sentiment, a wave of hand, with 50000 troops and horses out of the Xishan camp. , the fastest update of the webnovel!