The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1524

Yunqianyue felt that the burden on her head was really heavy, and she stopped talking.

Rong Lingyan said with a smile, "grandfather, tomorrow my sister-in-law will go out to fight. Don't give her any pressure. If you want to be anxious, you should be anxious. What are you worried about? "

"You little girl, don't talk about her. After a few days, you and Qin Jing will get married! Your brother and sister-in-law are not in this house. Your grandfather will marry you Let the old prince say.

Let bell smoke face a red, twist over the body, shyness way: "I don't marry."

"Well? Not married? " Mr. Rong looked at her.

Qin Jing's face was also red. At this time, she quickly reached out to hold ronglingyan's arm and said in a quick voice, "we agreed earlier that you would marry me. How can you say you don't want to marry me?"

"Oh, you idiot." Rong Lingyan was so ashamed that she wanted to find a place to drill in.

Qin Jing was stunned.

Cloud shallow moon looks at two people, "Puff Chi" laugh out.

Let the old prince laugh, "five girls, what are you ashamed of? It's a good thing that you two love each other and marry a man and a woman. "

Rong Jing seemed to be amused. Looking at them, he said with a smile: "we don't know when we will be back. I remember that the fifth sister is born in May. When it comes to the birthday, it's hairpin. More than a month, let's leave it to my grandfather! "

Qin Jing seemed to realize that ronglingyan was shy. She made a joke for herself and turned to bow to Rong and Rongjing. "Thank you, Lord. Thank you for your success."

"I'll call my grandfather later." Let the old prince laugh.

Qin Jing called out with a red face.

Rong Lingyan's face is as delicate and bright as spring water.

Yun Qianyue looks at them and admires them sincerely. They don't have to pay attention to anything. They just need a place in Prince Rong's mansion to like each other. However, she and Rongjing are not much older than them, but they have to face so many things. In the cloud palace, because of the cloud from the cloud and the seven princesses, the clouds dispersed. Rong Jing is right. No one can predict it.

They had a meal at the old lord Rong's place, and said that let the old lord Rong take the medicine to move to the cloud palace. He agreed happily.

Back to the purple bamboo yard, Hualuo and canglan are sitting on the chair waiting in the courtyard. Seeing that they are back, they quickly get up and stand up.

Cloud light moon see flower fall and canglan although thin some, but the complexion has recovered as before, is obviously raised almost. She released Rong Jing's hand, stepped forward, patted a person on the shoulder, and asked, "how much martial arts have you recovered?"

"Seventy or eighty percent." They answered.

Yunqianyue nodded and thought for a moment: "I let the wind and dew go to Fengyang's side, but such as tonight's light warm and Cang pavilion are in the southwest. Although the little girl is clever, I still don't trust her. Let's see. Now that you have recovered, you can contact Hua Sheng and you will set out to help her in the southwest. "

"The two of my subordinates should follow and protect the little master! It's enough for Hua Sheng to help her. " Flower Drop road.

Canglan also nods.

Yun Xiaoyue waved her hand, "no need! I have a hundred thousand soldiers in my hand. I can't use you. Fengyang is weak. Hua Sheng and others will not be able to cope with it. " Then she said, "if I guess well, Luo Yu should also go to the southwest to have fun. You go there and look at her

Two people to look at one eye, and another look at Rong Jing, see him smile to them, two people all nod together, "yes!"

Although they have been recovering from injuries these days, they also basically understand the news from the Red Pavilion. After a discussion, they plan to set out that night. Yun Qianyue thinks that since they are well hurt, they should leave early for a day and night, so they agree. They go to pack their bags and leave.

Rong Jing and Yun Qianyue discussed again and determined the person to take away. Qingchang and the injured string song and Rong Xi, Rong Lingyan and Qin Jing guard the Rongwang mansion. Ling Lian, Yi Xue and Qing Quan followed them to Nanliang.

The next morning, yunqianyue wakes up at daybreak, and sees Rongjing has got up and is playing with something at the table. She looks at it suspiciously and asks, "what do you do?"

"You can get up and have a look." Rong Jing turned his head and laughed.

Cloud shallow moon sat up, barefoot bed, came to the table, see a jade sword inside the brocade box as green as jade. Wang is green and green. She is very beautiful. Her sword body is almost the same as Rongjing's ice spirit. Her eyes brighten and she says, "where did you come from?"

"The sword of empress Zhenjing was sealed off and given to King Rong before entering the palace." Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow moon a Zheng, did not expect this is the sword of empress Zhen Jing. She knew that empress Zhenjing was the younger martial sister of the ancestor Rong Wang. The young master of ronghua was so elegant and his younger martial sister was also highly skilled in martial arts. So she rushed to this sword to know that she was a person who loved the sword and how excellent the sword technique should be. However, she sealed the sword and sealed the heart of King Rong at the same time!

"The jade pendant was carved for me by the ancestor King Rong before his death. After three generations, his descendants named it Jing and gave it a special jade pendant. It also includes this kind of reward. " Yung King Road.

Yun Qianyue looked at the sword and said in a low voice: "this sword really deserves the name. Empress Zhenjing rewarded the king Rong with it. He is so benevolent in the world that she can't bear his hardship and give up herself and do it for him. ""Do you want this sword?" he said

"Is the ice soul in your hand the sword used by King Rong?" Asked the moon.

Let the scenic spot nod.

"Well, I'll take the sword. Although you didn't fight with your own hands, such a good jade and a good sword with it are incomparable. No one in the world can fight it again. It's a pity to leave it dusty. " Yun Qianyue reached out and picked up the sword. She felt a cool moment pass to her fingertips. She gently urged her skill, and the sword suddenly gave out a happy singing sound. She immediately fell in love with it.

Rong Jing said with a faint smile, "this sword was played for Empress Zhenjing by our ancestors."

Cloud shallow moon eye light flash, "take out your ice soul."

Rongjing slowly took out the ice soul and put it on the table.

Yunqianyue put the reward on it, side by side with it. Looking at the two swords, she suddenly sneered: "what ice soul, qinghun and broken snow are the three famous swords in the world. It's clear that ice soul and reward are the real couple. The world is ridiculous and does not know how to pay for it. "

Rong Jing touched her head and said in a soft voice, "it's late. You'll take it to order soldiers."

Yunqianyue nodded and turned to get dressed. She changed into a complicated palace dress that had been worn for two months. She wore the lilac Ruan Yanluo light yarn spring dress that she used to wear in the cloud palace. He took the handsome seal and Hufu and called out, "Ling Lian, Yi Xue, follow me to Xishan camp."

"Yes, miss!" The two men had already packed up and dressed up in corset, which was extremely heroic. , the fastest update of the webnovel!