The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1523

Cloud shallow moon out of the West Maple Garden, heard behind the sound of footsteps chasing, she stopped, stopped and waited.

Cloud from a few steps to catch up with the cloud light moon, face gentle, "sister, I send you out of the house."

Cloud shallow moon also does not shirk, nods.

When they reached no place on the road, yunqianyue said in a low voice: "did your mother tell you about the health of your sister-in-law?"

The cloud moved slowly from the low head.

Cloud shallow month slants head to look at him, his Jun Xiu side face is covered with a layer of shallow shadow. She sighed softly, "I didn't find her body all the time. If it hadn't been for the prescription prescribed by my mother, I couldn't have found out if it had not been for the obscure explanation of the problem."

Cloud from thin lips close together.

Cloud shallow month stretched out his hand, looked at him, "brother, maybe I was wrong, really shouldn't let you marry her."

Her fingertips were warm and seemed to have some strength. Yunli looked at Yun Qianyue and held his hand. After a moment, he raised his head, his face was dim, but his eyes were warm. "The situation at the beginning can't be refused. No matter who I am, as the son of the cloud palace, there will be a princess who will marry me. I know my sister has chosen the best for me. Besides, she has always been very good and has a good temper. She is more tenacious than ordinary women. I really like it. "

Cloud shallow moon looks at him, for a time suddenly don't know what to say.

"Compared with nanlingrui, my sister is the best to me." Cloud from a gentle smile, as if the warm sun crumbled like warmth, "the emperor asked you to be a general of the army, there must be some planning, afraid to know nanlingrui and cloud evening cold things, deliberately make you difficult, you should be more careful."

"I know." Yunqianyue nodded, let go of his hand and went on.

Cloud from also no longer speak, follow her step.

When they arrived at the gate of King Yun's mansion, Rongjing had already stood there waiting. Yunqianyue took a look at Rongjing and turned to Yunli and said, "brother, the green twigs and jade bracelets that my father used to wait on him said that he got typhoid fever in spring. Did you ask the doctor to see it?"

Cloud from a Zheng, shaking his head, "the things in the house are your sister-in-law in charge of, I do not know."

"After we leave, tomorrow my grandfather and Dr. Yao will come to live in the mansion. You can take the old medicine to show the green branch." Cloud light moon road.

Yunli nodded.

Cloud shallow moon feel no more to explain, to Rong Jing said a "go", then on the carriage.

Rong Jing and Yun Li said two more words and got on the carriage.

Qingquan waved his whip and the carriage left the gate of the cloud palace.

Cloud from looking at the carriage left, until the carriage left no shadow, he slowly turned back to the house.

On the carriage, yunqianyue didn't nest in Rongjing's arms for the first time, and leaned against the wall of the car tired and closed her eyes.

Rong Jing sat beside her and looked at her quietly. After a long time, he asked softly, "is it hard to see the seventh princess?"

Cloud shallow month opens an eye, slant head looks at him, soft voice way: "do you know? The child in her belly also kicked me in the ear, and now she is more than five months pregnant. More than four months to be born. I'm really worried that she won't survive. I didn't expect that in those years, when she used to live in the palace, I would go there several times a year, and I didn't find out. "

Rong Jing touched her hair and said in a warm voice, "it's no wonder you've been rooted since childhood."

"If I had known, I would not have let my brother marry her, even if I had fought to death." Yun Qianyue pursed her lips and said, "I can't imagine how my brother agreed with the Empress Dowager of Ming Dynasty to leave her at a banquet in the palace a few days ago. He gave up completely, even his flesh and bones in her stomach."

Rong Jing sighed, "everyone has his life. Some things are not what we can predict."

Cloud shallow moon also sighed, "yes, there are some things that we can not predict. If only it had been a prophet. " After that, she said darkly: "no wonder she couldn't sleep at night when she was pregnant at the beginning, and nightmares kept coming." She asked in a low voice, "when did you know that?"

"On the day when the Yuanyang lantern was taken back." Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow moon nodded and closed her eyes again.

Rongjing held her in his arms and said in a soft voice: "don't think about it. Yunli is not as weak as you think. Maybe in his heart, his sister is more important than his wife, even more important than everyone else. As long as you're good, he'll be happy

Cloud shallow month smile, "this elder brother is best to me."

Rong Jing stroked her face, gently sketched her eyebrows and eyes, and stopped talking.

The carriage returned to the Rong palace, and they got out of the carriage and went to the courtyard of old lord Rong.

The courtyard of old lord Rong was not cold and quiet. There were faint talks and laughter coming out. Yunqianyue recognizes the sound of Qin Jing and ronglingyan, and looks at Rongjing.

"After leaving from the sidelines, they were afraid of grandfather's loneliness, and often came to talk with him." Rongjing whispered.

Yunqianyue thinks that compared with them, she and Rongjing are unfilial. She, the granddaughter-in-law, doesn't come to the mansion every day. It's the daughter-in-law who is the most unlike the daughter-in-law in Tiansheng capital.See two people come, the people in the room immediately welcome out, Rong Lingyan politely allow Jing and cloud shallow moon to salute, "elder brother, son, wife, sister-in-law!"

"Jingshizi, jingshizi princess!" Qin Jing also hastened to see the ceremony, hanging his head, seems to be a little shy.

Rong Jing smiles, "don't be too polite. Go in Words fall, pull cloud shallow moon into the house.

They followed and re entered.

"Are you here?" Let the old prince sit on the chair, see two people come in, smile and wave to the cloud shallow moon, "little girl come here, grandfather give you the number pulse, see you have a child in the stomach?"

Cloud shallow moon face a red, today went to cloud Lord there, that bad old man only care about angry, no time to ask, now this again asked. She stepped over and handed him her hand.

Let the old prince give her a pulse and shake his head for a moment, "ah, although the body is weaker, it is not too useless. It has recovered well. How can you not be pregnant? Are you eating any contraception He looked at Rongjing.

Cloud shallow moon shakes head, red face reminds him way: "No. How long have we been married? "

"Rong Jing smiles," this should rely on fate, urgent also not to come. "

"I know you haven't been married for a long time, so I'm in a hurry." The old prince sighed, "if you are pregnant, you will not be schemed by that boy to be a general. When you go back to Nanliang, you should tighten your arms on the way to Nanliang. If you are pregnant, it will be a shield. You can use him as an excuse. "

Cloud shallow moon rolled a white eye, "grandfather, this is not how, you use it?"

Let the old prince laugh, "what's not used? I just want to hold my grandson quickly. This old bone can't live for a few days. You have to look at your grandson with your eyes open. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!