The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1520

The highest military authority of the general is that all soldiers and horses of bingnanliang are dispatched by yunqianyue.

This is no different from a big thunderbolt on the head of man Dynasty's civil and military affairs. Especially Prince De, hearing this, his brain was buzzing, his body reeled for a moment, and he almost fell to the ground. Prince filial piety and his older courtiers were no better than Prince De. They were shocked and trembled.

Qi Qi was also surprised by the younger generation of Qing Liu officials. However, it was in these days that he learned some of the emperor's temperament. Since the new emperor ascended the throne, he has been bold in employing people and unpredictable in his mind. There must be some truth and purpose behind his actions. Therefore, their state is a shock color change, much better than the older generation of courtiers can not accept.

Prince de first knelt on the ground and exclaimed, "please take back your life!"

The courtiers of the older generation, such as Prince Xiao, also fell to their knees and asked with Prince De.

In the twinkling of an eye, the civil and military officials of the Manchu dynasty fell to their knees.

"The imperial concubine of jingshizi has amazing talents in her abdomen and her heart is full of frustrations. With Jing Shizi as the military adviser, the blue family leader as the assistant of the overseer. Lord Ling and Lord Hua are Deputy generals. The ministers feel that this arrangement is not appropriate? " Night light dye eyes fall on the head of the crowd kneeling on the hall.

Prince de bowed his head and said in pain: "the emperor, King Shizi's concubine is a woman. She's OK to follow him on the expedition. How can she become a general? Take one hundred thousand from the central and Korean troops and go to the Qingshan city on the South Liang border. There are one hundred thousand troops and two hundred thousand troops in the castle peak city. How can a woman be in charge of such a great power? If there is a slight error, it will be a disaster to the people and the army. "

"Yes, emperor, Princess jingshizi is talented, but she has never entered the imperial court. She can't understand the situation in the imperial court, the situation in the world and the military regulations. How can she be a general? If King Shizi is a general of the army, his ministers have no choice but to be imperial concubine of King Shizi. How can this be done? If this matter is spread out, it will certainly make a stir in the world. Jing Shizi's reputation is not very good, which will cause shock to the government and the public, and upset the people. The emperor thinks twice. " The filial piety prince also immediately said.

"Since ancient times, there have been virtuous ministers in the Ming Dynasty. As an admonisher for 20 years, the old minister has always spoken out to the emperor when he was still alive. The imperial concubine of Jing Shizi went out with the army fairly well. Although the army was not allowed to take female family members, it could set a precedent for Jing Shizi. But how can Princess jingshizi be a general? turn from a guest into a host? The old minister's courage is not to belittle the imperial concubine Jing Shizi. In fact, the imperial concubine Jing Shizi used to be arrogant, boastful, loose in conduct, rude and uninhibited. If this edict is passed on, the people will be shocked and the morale of the army will be unstable. It is a great taboo for the army to be unstable and difficult to deal with the enemy. The old minister remonstrated with death and asked the emperor to take back his life. " The imperial historian was sincere in his words.

The people echoed and felt very reasonable.

Ye qingran sits on the head seat and listens quietly. When the people kneeling down don't speak, he slowly looks at Rongjing. "Does jingshizi think that I'm not right? Do you think imperial concubine Jing Shizi can't be a general? "

With a faint smile, "my wife's ability can naturally be carried."

"Jing Shizi said that he could bear it. Aren't you sure?" Night light dyed eyebrows.

The ministers were silent for a moment.

Prince de said in a deep voice: "the imperial concubine of King Shizi has her talent, and she can bear it, but she is a woman after all..."

"After all, Aiqing still felt that women could not shoulder the heavy responsibility. Ye Qian, the queen of Southern Xinjiang, is very arrogant. What do you think of her arrogance than that of the imperial concubine Jing Shizi? " Night light dye also deep voice to ask.

Hearing the speech, the ministers immediately compared Ye Qian and Yun Qianyue. One after another, ye Qian is not arrogant. After all, ye Qian's actions are within a reasonable range, and Jing Shizi's concubine is too fickle. I don't know when she will suddenly make a surprise move.

"Emperor, although empress Ye is not as arrogant as Jing Shizi's concubine, she is deeply cultivated by the royal family of Southern Xinjiang. Since she was a child, she is probably not deeply involved in the art of war. Such things are not trivial matters. If they are defeated badly, then it will be a heavy blow to me. " The imperial historian exclaimed.

"In addition to King Jing's son, king an is the best one to understand King Shizi. Can king an think that the imperial concubine of King Shizi can shoulder the heavy responsibility Ye qingran asks Ye Tianyi.

Ye Tianyi glanced at Rongjing and all the people kneeling on the ground and nodded, "I think it's very good for Princess jingshizi to be commander in chief. With the help of King Shizi, imperial concubine jingshizi will take the post, and her husband and wife will work together to conquer Nanliang." He said, "if you don't believe in the ability of imperial concubine jingshizi, you can make her set up a military order. If you don't take down Nanliang, you will never return to Beijing. "

Hearing this, Prince de immediately said, "if Princess jingshizi is willing to issue a military order, the ministers will agree with the imperial concubine of King Shizi to be commander-in-chief."

"Oh?" Night light dye raised eyebrows, "King Ann suggested King Shizi imperial concubine set up a military order? Will Jingnan take the oath

"Yes, I suggest." Ye Tianyi nodded.

Ye qingran looks at Rongjing and asks with a smile, "the ministers don't believe in Jing Shizi's ability. They want her to make a military order. What does jingshizi think? "

Rong Jing said faintly: "king an and all the adults seem to have forgotten that my wife was not an official in the dynasty, nor did he serve as an official. It is unreasonable to be appointed by the emperor. She has always been willful and reckless, so she can't accept the will. Let alone a military order. In recent years, southern Xinjiang has become more and more powerful. Last year, there was no flood, and the people were rich. If you don't take down Nanliang and swear not to return to Beijing, does an Wang think highly of her? Or do you want to take this opportunity to kill her? ""Whether she has this ability, Jing Shizi knows, I know, and the emperor knows. As for whether or not to put her to death, with my previous heart for her, King Shizi would really think that I would like her to die? " Ye Tianyi said faintly: "it's just the matter. Since imperial concubine Jing Shizi has been promoted, she has entered the dynasty. When General Chen left, he swore that he would not return until he broke the southwest. Princess jingshizi served as a general of the army and made military orders. What's more, if you have Jing Shizi as a military adviser, can you really defeat the soldiers who set out for Nanliang? "

"Rongjing is also a human being. Although he knows the art of war and strategy, he has never really sent a soldier. It's not surprising if you lose. " Rong Jing said faintly: "such things, there is no reward for meritorious deeds. My wife is just a little girl. I can't see any great achievements. Since the emperor has such a mind and orders her wife to go out to fight as a general, I can take the place of her. However, if an army order is made, the emperor will forgive him and refuse to do so. "

"King Shizi is wrong. The imperial concubine of King Shizi has done meritorious deeds, and I will give you a great reward. " Night light dye road.

"She is now the imperial concubine of jingshizi. What else can the emperor reward her? She doesn't look up to fame and wealth, gold and silver, just want to teach her husband, this wish only I can help her achieve. What else does the emperor think she wants? " Rong Jing raises her eyebrows. , the fastest update of the webnovel!