The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1521

"Maybe she wants to teach her husband and son today, but maybe it will change another day." Night light dye means deep tunnel.

"Others may change, she will not." Rong Jing's warm voice is beyond doubt. He no longer looks at the night light dye, and says to Prince de and other officials kneeling on the ground: "since the emperor's golden words have come out, the general is her. If you think she is incompetent and unable to perform her duties, you may as well test it. Tomorrow morning, if the emperor doesn't go, I won't go, and Wang an won't go, she will go alone. If she can point out 100000 soldiers and horses and be willing to follow, you can't have any objection. If she is unable to transfer troops, she will resign automatically. What do you think of this method? "

Prince de and other people heard the speech and thought about it.

Night light dye laughs, "Xishan military aircraft camp 300000 troops and horses, Yulongshan new barracks now recruit 150000 troops and horses. I feel that 50000 troops and horses will be allocated to Princess jingshizi from Xishan military aircraft camp, and 50000 troops and horses will be allocated to Yulongshan new camp. If she goes on her own, she can bring in soldiers. As Jing Shizi said, no one should have any objection. How about it? "

Prince de and Prince Xiao looked at each other, and then looked at the imperial historian. After they had seen it, they exchanged colors with a group of old ministers kneeling on the ground. The emperor advocated that, King Shizi agreed, and king an agreed. All three felt that it was feasible. I'm afraid the old group of them couldn't resist calling here. All of them understood the situation. In a moment, they all nodded, "if the imperial concubine of jingshizi can transfer out the troops and horses by himself, the ministers will have no objection."

Xishan military aircraft camp has been training day and night. It is the close guard of guarding the imperial city. It was once in the hands of Prince ranxiao and later handed over to king an, which is the emperor's personal guard army. Discipline is strict, and many of the noble children in Beijing went to the barracks for some training, and were granted official positions after they came out. So, it's the real Royal armor. It is difficult for ordinary people to tame, and they are also one in a hundred soldiers. None of them is old, weak, sick or disabled. Therefore, if you let a woman send them, and obey her orders, even if the person is cloud shallow moon, but it is not necessarily.

"Well, that's settled!" Night light dye deep voice command, "come on, bring the handsome seal."

An internal servant immediately took the handsome seal to night light dye.

Ye qingran took the seal in one hand and the amulet in the other. He stood up and walked down the jade steps to Rongjing. He said in a clear voice, "I don't think it's necessary to call the imperial concubine jingshizi into the palace. Since this is the will, jingshizi will take over the seal and Hufu instead of jingshizi."

Rong Jing nodded with a smile.

Night light dye hands the handsome seal and tiger Rune to Rongjing.

Rongjing reached for it, and the two invisible internal forces collided with each other in an instant. The officials didn't notice it. They didn't change their faces. In a moment, the delivery was completed.

Night qingran goes back to the golden palace, and her voice is majestic. "Tomorrow morning, Princess jingshizi will go to the two barracks to count troops. In the afternoon, I and all the civil and military officials went out to see jingshizi and jingshizi off on the expedition. " Words fall, wave hands, "San Chao!"

"Long live my emperor! hooray! Long live The ministers knelt down.

At the end of the early Dynasty, Rongjing came out of the palace with a handsome seal and a tiger talisman.

The officials went together, discussing the matter of tomorrow in twos and threes.

News in Beijing spread as fast as lightning. In less than half an hour, yunqianyue sent troops to Nanliang, a general of the army, and the whole capital was shocked.

The news did not arouse people's dissatisfaction as the older generation of courtiers, such as Prince de and Prince Xiao, and the imperial historian. On the contrary, they all felt that King Shizi and his wife's going to the war were a great joy. They love the scenery, love the house and the dog, and naturally love what he loves. In the eyes of the people, they underestimate the sky and the moon, and they don't like it.

The cloud shallow moon naturally got the news at the first time when the edict was issued. She frowned and thought about what night light dye meant for her to be a general? She never dared to belittle him as a capricious emperor who was randomly assigned to make fun of his people with the soldiers of the heavenly sage emperor. On the contrary, he was the successor of the Yeshi family who had been trained since he was a child. With the painstaking efforts of the old emperor and his teachers, he only cultivated him. Naturally, he did not bear the surname ye, nor the master of the new generation. Now, if we do this, we must have a plan.

When she was thinking about it, Rong Jing returned to the purple bamboo yard.

Cloud shallow moon is sitting on the swing, see her back, stop swinging swing, looking at him.

Rong Jing smiles at her gently and comes to her with handsome seal and Hufu, walking leisurely as before. After a while, he came to her and looked at her with a low head. He said with a smile in his warm voice: "General of the army and horse, higher than me, can you like it?"

Cloud shallow month swept the handsome seal and tiger Fu in his hand, frowned and said: "took the purport for me, do you like it?"

"Nanliang has a vast territory. Brother Xiaorui doesn't make a lot of adjustments. Let's seize it." Rong Jing said with a smile.

Cloud shallow moon blinks an eye, "you are not afraid that he suddenly changed, looking for us to fight hard?"

Rong Jing also blinked, "not very afraid."

"Holding the title of general of Tiansheng army and horse and seizing it is also Tiansheng. What's the benefit for us?" Cloud light moon micro hum, "night light dye doesn't want us to interfere in the southwest, now find us something to rush to Nanliang? How can he feel so sure that if he let us out, we will not unite with Nanliang to fight against him? ""Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it. The people's will has both advantages and disadvantages." Rong Jing sighed softly, "with my reputation, the heaven saints and the common people support it, but they have not yet supported me to the height of the Ye family. You say, is he at ease? "

Cloud shallow moon frown, squint at him one eye, "fame is tired. That's the kind of person you are. "

Rong Jing chuckles and gives her the handsome seal and Hufu, "it may not be without benefits. Tomorrow, go back to the cloud palace and tell my grandfather goodbye! "

Cloud shallow moon nodded, "it is some days did not return to cloud palace."

When they reached an agreement, they made people prepare the car and went out of the purple bamboo yard to the cloud palace.

Came to the cloud palace, cloud from is waiting at the door, see two people come, slowly step forward, low voice: "I knew you will come and grandfather farewell, specially waiting for you." Then he said in a lower voice: "King Shizi, what is the emperor's plan? I still don't quite understand. My sister and you go to Castle Peak city. Do you really want to meet Nanliang

"The emperor is playing a big game of chess. I will accompany him. After I left Beijing, my brother is still acting as Prime Minister for the time being. Just do your duty well. Don't worry about us. " Rong Jing said with a smile.

Cloud from the faint some understand, nodding.

The three went to the house.

After entering the yard, yunqianyue loosed Rongjing's hand, hugged Yunli's arm, and asked in a soft voice, "brother, where's your sister-in-law? How is her health these days? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!