The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1519

Rongjing seemed to think about it for a while, and said in a warm voice: "the emperor Reserved Grain and grass last year, and the southern Xinjiang got wind of it naturally. Ye Qian, who was born in the royal family of Southern Xinjiang since childhood, is very proficient in the affairs of political situation and strategy. It should have been expected that if the emperor had recovered the situation of self-reliance of the Three Kingdoms last year and was ready to send troops, Nanliang was the weakest and the first to bear the brunt, so he would have won his voice first. From the emperor's accession to the throne, I was ambushed and assassinated, and now Jiangling city has been subdued by her in secret. Under this series of stratagems, the emperor can't cope with it and prevent the army from expediting Southern Xinjiang. If this is the reason, it's not surprising. "

Night light dye sneers, "small country army horse, but 100000, then so rampant, today if she deceive me, this chair should he do." After that, he said to Rongjing: "in today's form, King Shizi thinks whether we can still send troops to southern Xinjiang."

"Two one makes five, and fifty-five is the decision of the emperor." Yung King Road.

"What do you think if I said that King Shizi ordered 100000 soldiers to invade Southern Xinjiang every day?" Night light dyed eyebrows.

Rongjing was silent for a moment.

Qi Qi, a group of ministers, was surprised that the emperor would send troops to southern Xinjiang tomorrow? Led by King Shizi?

"Well? Does King Shizi not want to send troops, or is he not willing to set an example to lead his troops to the war? " Night light dye see the scene does not speak, raised eyebrows to ask.

"Emperor, I don't worry about it. Will you lead the troops to the battle?" Rongjing is silent for a moment and asks in a warm voice.

"The former Emperor once said that King Shizi alone was worth one hundred thousand soldiers. King Shizi was a minister of my dynasty and loved by all the people. If King Shizi can't believe it, there will be no one who can be trusted. " The night is light and the voice is deep.

"The emperor valued it, shared his worries for the emperor, and solved the difficulties for the people, which is the wind evaluation that the Royal Palace has been observing for a hundred years. Rongjing should be devoted to it, and naturally dare not refuse. " Rong Jing sighed softly, "but my wife is not in good health all the time. I am very worried about her at home. If the emperor's permission, take her with her, Jing will die, not afraid of galloping. "

"Oh? King Shizi wants to take Princess jingshizi to the war? There is an order in the heavenly Saint army, and no woman is sent out. Is Jing Shizi going to test the law by example? Breaking the rules? " Night light dye eyebrows.

"In those days, besides the empress Zhenjing, there were also female generals in the army of the first emperor. Now the emperor has broken the old rules by promoting the leader of blue family, Ling Shao master and Hua Shao Lord into the court. It's not like breaking the old rules to take my wife with the army. " Rong Jing light way.

Night light dye is silent.

"Emperor, I think it is feasible to let Princess jingshizi go out with the army! The imperial concubine of Jing Shizi is alone in Beijing, so she can't help but worry about it and affect the military situation. " Prince de should stand up first and speak for Rongjing for the first time. He was really afraid that yunqianyue would break into the golden palace again, and he was even more afraid that night qingran would not end up with something to do with yunqianyue when Rongjing was not there. Today's scene, is never offended, can only appease.

Prince Xiao also said, "Prince De is right. What's more, King Shizi and his concubine are inseparable. If King Shizi goes out on a war and his concubine goes after him without permission and is spread out by the soldiers, which will affect the morale of the army, it would be better for the emperor to send his imperial edict to fight with him. "

As soon as they opened their mouths, they helped Rongjing to ask for orders. The rest of them were afraid that Yun Qianyue would break into the golden palace again. Even if she didn't break into the golden palace, she would be in the palace of King Rong day by day. It would be better for King Shizi to take her to the war and manage her, so as to make the capital peaceful and peace of mind. Everyone knows that even the emperor dares to kill him. After killing, he will be fine. The one who can manage Yun Xiaoyue is Rongjing. So they all went out and asked for instructions.

Apart from ye Tianyi and LAN Yi, the civil and military officials seldom agree.

Ye qingran sits on the table with a pale face and can't see what he thinks. After all the ministers are out of the line, he glances at Ye Tianyi and LAN Yi and asks them, "an Wang, LAN Shangqing, Ling and Hua, what are your four opinions?"

Ye Tianyi said faintly: "I feel that what the emperor said just now is just a casual question, and King Shizi is also a casual answer. There is no need to rush to talk about Princess jingshizi, an attendant. She can follow the army or not, so it doesn't matter." His voice was not deep, "Nanliang small country, adjacent to the southwest. For example, tonight, when the prince of Heaven Sword of Xiaojun arrived in Jiangling city to meet with the 5000 soldiers of Cang, ye Qian was in charge of Jiangling City, but she was a lonely city. After finding out the countermeasures, it was only a few days before they were captured. Later, General Chen and Feng Yang joined up with the night Princess and Lord Cang. When they recovered the rebellion of Li Qi in the southwest, they could dispatch the local troops and horses to enlist in southern Xinjiang. How can we kill chickens with a knife? How can we send Jing Shizi

Night light dye ha ha ha a smile, "an Wang says right! I'm just saying it. When Jing Shizi went to southern Xinjiang, he was overqualified. No way. "

All the officials were stunned, and they secretly wiped sweat in their hearts. The emperor and King Shizi fought each other. In a flash, they turned eighteen turns. They were wrong. Yes, how could the emperor let King Shizi go to the south of Xinjiang! The southwest is adjacent to the southern Xinjiang. People who go to the southwest can recover the southwest and at the same time, they can be used for conscription in southern Xinjiang. However, not to mention General Chen and Fengyang, but only cangting and Yexiao princess, they can not be ignored. They are the help to recover the southwest.Ye Tianyi's voice turned and continued: "I think that there is a problem in southern Xinjiang, and my lips are dead and my teeth are cold. Nanliang is adjacent to Nanjiang and has always sheltered Southern Xinjiang. Since Nanliang conquered Southern Xinjiang, Nanliang naturally would not sit idly by and send troops. In this case, it is better to seize its voice and send troops to Nanliang immediately. In Nanliang, there are Fenghuang pass and 300000 soldiers and horses of Gu Shaoqing. They are really powerful. Ordinary people can not be opponents. But it must be difficult for Jing Shizi. Therefore, the minister thought, King Shizi sent troops to Nanliang, is the best policy. "

Night light dye eyebrow tip a jump, "King Shizi think what an Wang said?"

"King an is right. King Jing still said that, no matter where he is going to send troops, he should also take his wife to fight. If the emperor's permission, please give an order at once. The king will prepare for the journey tomorrow. " Rong Jing light way.

"Good!" Night light dye reaches out to clap the armrest, the voice is majestic, "order a hundred thousand soldiers, immediately send troops to southern Xinjiang. The imperial concubine of Jing Shizi was appointed marshal of army and horse, King Shizi was the military division, and LAN Yi Shangqing was the supervisor of the army. Ling Yan and Hua Shu were Deputy generals. I'll see you off tomorrow

When this was said, the whole dynasty was startled. No one expected that Yun Qianyue, who was originally subordinate to the army's family members, was named a general of the army. , the fastest update of the webnovel!