The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1516

Yunqianyue left Beijing and followed her.

"What are you doing with me? Do you want to drive me in Yu Qingqing looks back at her.

"Didn't you say you want a kite in the car? It's a kite, of course. " Cloud light moon road.

Yu Qingqing nods. They come to the car. Yun Qianyue reaches out to lift the curtain of the car. It turns out that there is not only a kite but also a person on the car. Yunshaoyuan did not camouflage with half silk. She sat in the car steadily and leisurely. At this moment, she finally knew who nanlingrui looked like, like this person. She looked back and looked forward. The carriage of the Empress Dowager Ming was in front, only a few steps away from the car behind. She turned her head, rolled her eyes at him and whispered, "the old woman in front may be the former Dark Phoenix. You protect my mother. "

"Your mother alone to deal with her, how can I use it?" Yunshaoyuan didn't like it. He took out a piece of paper from his arms and handed it to Yun Qianyue. "Little girl, this is the signature that master Lingyin asked his adoptive father to bring to you. When the adoptive father came, he forgot to give it to you. Master Lingyin said that you are the one who signed it. You didn't want it when you were in Lingtai Temple last year. Now it's time to accept it. "

Cloud shallow moon frowned, reached out to take the bamboo stick, saw the blank above, no word, she looked at cloud Shaoyuan doubtfully.

"Monks and Taoists are always nagging. Your father and I don't like it. I can't help you. You can't solve it yourself." Cloud Shaoyuan words down, a pull jade Qingqing on the car, the kite in the car to the cloud shallow moon, down the curtain.

The coachman got up at once.

Five hundred guards escorted the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty and Yu Qingqing to Nanliang.

Yunqianyue holds a kite, holds the signature, and carefully looks at it twice. It is a white sign. She turns to Rongjing and asks, "can you work it out?"

Rongjing looked at the signature, thinking, "it is said that the last one was filled with master Lingyin's blood. Since you are the one who signed it, you should use your blood to solve it."

"That is to say, I have to smear my blood on this sign so that it can show the signature?" Asked the moon.

"It should be." Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow moon "chided" a, "I don't want to mix with the blood of stinky monk..." Her voice did not fall, a sudden pain in the middle finger, she whispered, see Rongjing has cut her finger, took her hand to wipe the blood on the signature, she was angry, "what do you do? I said no

Rong Jing ignores her and looks at the blood on her fingertips spreading on the signature.

Yun Qianyue's face was not good, so she could only follow her. After a while, she saw a word "endure" on her signature. Rong Jing pondered over the word for a moment, then turned the signature. On the back, he saw the word "destiny". His eyes narrowed slightly, and the look in his eyes was very deep.

Cloud shallow moon eyebrows twist, think "destiny" behind is "forbearance", or "forbearance" is "destiny"? This is her signature? What does "forbearance" mean? What does "destiny" mean? She couldn't figure it out. Feeling bored, she looked up to see Rongjing. Seeing him staring at the word "destiny", she asked, "what do you mean?"

Rong Jing smelled speech and looked at her one eye, "No."

"I don't believe it!" Cloud shallow month hums a, withdraw hand, annoyed way: "dead monk, God nagging, I say do not look, you want to see." After that, she waved his signature to ashes.

The ash flowed out along Rongjing's fingers and fell on the ground. It was blown away by a gust of spring wind.

Cloud shallow moon in the heart is not happy, holding a kite way: "clearly good mood, are you destroyed."

Rong Jing smiles, and her complexion recovers as usual, "this signature has been read, and there will be if you don't read it. It's better to watch. " He said softly, "today's spring breeze is so good that we can't live up to the kites our parents prepared for us. We'd better fly kites in Nanshan."

"No!" Cloud shallow moon to go to carriage, still angry that he cut her hand.

Rongjing gently held her hand, hugged her slender waist from behind, and put her head on her shoulder. Her voice was gentle like water, "you are destined to be my woman."

"What about tolerance?" The moon still asks with anger.

"Endure for a while, peace for a while." Rong Jing said gently: "it shows that we will be peaceful and peaceful all the time, and will be beautiful to the old."

"You can undo it." Cloud shallow month can't help but be happy, with her arm to break his body, not good gas way: "go, who has time to be angry with you? If you don't fly a kite in such a weather, it's really a shame to live up to the warm spring sunshine. "

Rong Jing nodded with a smile, and they went to Nanshan.

As Yu Qingqing said, there are a lot of young men flying kites in Nanshan. The men's soft robes and the women's silks and gauze are flying all over the sky. The laughter is unceasing, lets the human see to be in a good mood.

Yun Qianyue looks down at the kite in his hand and takes out the kite from the car. It is obviously made by his father. It is a picture of the joy of flying kites in spring. In Rongjing's hand, she is still the picture of her mother's Jade Maiden. She looks at the two kites and says to Rongjing with a smile: "jingshizi, with the picture of Jade Maiden in hand, dare you fly it to heaven?"Rong Jing gently smile, "try?"

"Try it, try it, see who we put it high." Yun Xiaoyue hum, choose a position, shake off the kite, pull the silk thread, the kite is flying and dancing, she pulled the kite to run.

Rongjing Youmo follows yunqianyue in a certain way, and the kite of the Jade Maiden picture also flies up to the sky, side by side with the cloud and the moon.

"Look, that's jingshizi!"

"Ah, it's jingshizi and jingshizi's concubine!"

"They came here, too."

"Those two kites are so special! One side is Oh, where do you sell kites like that

"Should it be painted by Princess jingshizi?"

"Who else dares to draw that picture and let him hold it..."


Many people began to talk about their kites. Everyone's eyes fell on Rong Jing's eye-catching picture of the Jade Maiden. However, none of them laughed at Rongjing. They felt that only yunqianyue could draw the picture of Jade Maiden and let Rongjing fly the kite.

Cloud shallow month listen to the voice of the discussion, speechless, and hear Rongjing chuckle, she mercilessly dig him a look. , the fastest update of the webnovel!