The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1517

The southwest rebel army seized the city, and the smoke of gunpowder filled the air. The sky is full of kites and sunny in spring.

Rongjing and yunqianyue fly kites for half a day to return to Rongwang mansion. The carriage of night Tianyi is waiting at the door.

Rong Jing and Yun Qianyue get out of the carriage. Ye Tianyi had been looking at the plaque with three big characters on his back. Now he turns around and looks at them. He says, "jingshizi, Princess jingshizi is back flying kites?"

Cloud shallow moon looked at him, did not speak.

Rong Jing smiles, "to send the Empress Dowager and mother imperial concubine, by the way, enjoy the scenery in Nanshan for a while, live up to the rare city."

"The emperor was bedridden during his convalescence, and the emperor's bedchamber was filled with memorials every day. Compared with the emperor, King Shizi was very comfortable with his illness." Night Tianyi's tone is dim.

"The emperor is the emperor. In his position, he plans his politics. How can Rongjing compare with the emperor Rong Jing raised her eyebrows.

"Will King Shizi forget that he is the Prime Minister of a country if he continues to be ill like this?" Night Tianyi's eyes flash a trace of irony.

"Yun Shizi acted as the prime minister temporarily. Rongjing thought that he had done a good job. I could do without me. If you can resign and retire, you can't get it. " Yung King Road.

Ye Tianyi's eyes narrowed, "no matter how good cloud Shizi is, it can't replace Jing Shizi. Is it really necessary to have a son in the middle of the dynasty? Tiansheng, the tens of millions of common people, still burn incense and worship Buddha every day to pray for King Shizi's early recovery? If Jing Shizi talks like this, will it chill the hearts of the people? "

"The king of an has exaggerated it!" he said with a smile

"If there is any exaggeration, jingshizi knows." Night Tianyi's voice was slightly cold, "the emperor asked me to thoroughly investigate the reason why Cang pavilion was intercepted at Hengshui ferry in Jiangling city. Do you have any good suggestions or ideas? "

Rong Jing shakes his head, "an Wang's ability is very shallow, how to use Rong Jing to point fingers and feet?"

"Not necessarily. I haven't found out anything about it so far. I only know that since he arrived in Jiangling city of Linglian, Jiang lie has been on his own. He has not made friends with the prefects of the county or the Taiwan. He has no problem of wind evaluation. He is honest and upright and acts cautiously and rigidly. Jiangling city is one of the three good cities in the south of the Yangtze River, which was praised by the former Emperor. Therefore, he has been guarding the city of Jiangling, and the former Emperor has moved several times to dispatch people from all over the south of the Yangtze River, but he has never thought of dispatching him, because he is really at ease. " "Rong Jing smiles," it seems

"What is the reason for such a man to prevent the five thousand soldiers of the Lord Cang Shao from crossing the river?" Ye Tianyi looks directly into Rongjing's eyes, "may Jing Shizi guess?"

"Human heart is the most difficult thing to guess in the world." Rong Jing said faintly: "the investigation is not based on speculation. It's better for an Wang to read the files of Jiangnan well. Maybe he can find out some problems and see if he has any friendship with Li Qi. Otherwise, why block the Cang pavilion

"I looked through the file yesterday. Jiangling city is 800 li away from Tianling mountain. Li Qi, whose ancestral home was blacksmith, later became king of the mountain. After that, he became ambitious and wanted to dominate. He and Jiang lie have never met each other. They can't fight each other. " The way of night nature.

"That scene can't help either!" Rong Jing said in a warm voice: "Jing is recuperating. It's not suitable to work hard. Since the emperor has handed this case to king an, Wang An will examine it slowly. Even if the examination can not come out, it doesn't matter. After all, the night Xiaojun presided over the emperor's sword and went to Jiangling city. For Jiang lie, he killed him. "

"It's easy to kill a single official in Jiangling, but it's hard to kill a single official in Jiangling." Ye Tianyi looked at Rongjing. "Jiangnan is already in turmoil. If you connect it with Jiangling City, the whole southwest will burn up. Does jingshizi hope so?"

"An Wang is unreasonable!" Rong Jing's smile was a little cold. "An Wang has been aiming at everything today. His words are pearls. Do you think I can't do it secretly?"

"If this king thinks so, what will King Shizi say?" Ye Tianyi raises eyebrows.

"Since Wang an thinks so, let's show the evidence." Rong Jing doesn't seem to want to talk about it. He pulls up the cloud and goes to the house around the night.

Ye Tianyi did not stop him. Looking at them, he suddenly said in a very slow voice: "yesterday, we found out an interesting thing. A commoner girl of Jiang's family married to the general's office in southern Xinjiang ten years ago."

"It's interesting. Wang An can go on further investigation. Maybe he will gain a lot. " Rongjingtou did not return to the tunnel.

Night Tianyi no longer spoke, staring at their backs for a moment, turned back to the carriage, and told the coachman, "enter the palace."

The coachman waved his whip and the carriage went to the palace.

Rong Jing and Yun Qianyue walked through the vestibule and came to the backyard. Yun Xiaoyue suddenly said with a smile: "Ye Qian's black pot is back solid this time."

Rongjing is not sure.

Yunqianyue thinks that night Tianyi or night light dye is the hand behind Rongjing, but there is no evidence. This kind of taste makes her feel comfortable.

Over the next three days, the eight hundred mile emergency of the military department rolled into the capital like snow.

While the military department was busy recruiting new soldiers, it was also dealing with the urgent memorial of 800 Li. The emperor's face had never been clear since that day. All the civil and military officials were also in the shade. They did not dare to speak loudly in the hall, for fear that one might lose his life. Whether it is the Imperial Palace, or the emperor's bedroom hall, or the imperial study, or the Jinluan palace, are shrouded in extremely low air pressure.From that day, LAN Yi, Hua Shu and Ling Yan went to the capital and became officials. The next day, they went to the early Dynasty.

Three women standing in the ranks of ministers, so that the dynasty has always been the same color, such as the injection of spring green. It also reduced the chill to the low air pressure.

People of the older generation, such as Prince De, naturally did not like women going to the hall. They were deliberately embarrassed when they discussed the matter. However, Hua Sheng and other three days were really talented. They had deep insight and far sightedness. They had the ability not to be inferior to men. Prince de was convinced and was no longer embarrassed. Naturally, the rest of the courtiers would not make any difficulties. They would be obedient to the emperor's will.

Three days later, the news came back from the southwest that the night princess had run three horses to Jiangling city.

After arriving at Jiangling city in the night, he first joined cangting and then led 5000 troops to Jiangling city with cangting.

The gate of Jiangling city is still tightly closed.

Night Qingnuan, holding the emperor's sword, ordered Jiangling city master Jiang lie to open the city gate. After shouting for half an hour, the city gate did not open, and the soldiers on the gate did not move. Night Qingnuan was very angry and flew to the city wall with flying skills. At this time, an order was sent from the city wall, and the feather arrow shot down the warm night like rain. The night was light and warm, but he retreated. Cang Ting immediately ordered the soldiers to support their shields.

After a shower of sword rain, a man came out of the tower. It was Ye Qian, the empress of Southern Xinjiang.

Night light warm see ye Qian, finally understand why Jiangling city will intercept cangting 5000 troops and horses, do not respect the emperor's life. It turns out that Jiangling city has been secretly taken over by Ye Qian, and Jiangling city is controlled by Ye Qian. , the fastest update of the webnovel!