The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1515

"It's true!" Yu Qingqing was very proud of her smile. She looked at the kite in yunqianyue's hand and asked playfully, "how about it? Isn't it good? "

"It's beautiful." Cloud light moon road.

"I made it for you and Xiaojing." Yu Qingqing is even more complacent, "I still have one side in my car. I'll give it to you later. It's such a good day now. Yesterday, a lot of kids went to Nanshan to fly kites. You've been sick for so long in the house, and you've also gone to play. "

Cloud shallow moon smell speech also feel not to fly a kite to live up to such a spring day, turn back to ask Rong Jing, "go or not?"

"It's rare for my mother to have a heart, so I'll go." Rong Jing nodded with a smile.

"King Shizi doesn't go to court now, and his concubine has free time. It's a good day to play." The Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty said with a smile. It seems that yesterday cloud shallow moon stabbed her with a sword to avenge her injury does not exist at all.

Yun Qianyue takes a look at the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty. She was just a little far away. Before she sat with Yu Qingqing, she didn't even notice. Now, looking at them, Yu Qingqing and the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty should be almost the same age. But now they are sitting together, they are more like a mother and daughter than she and Yu Qingqing. She can't help laughing.

"What does Princess jingshizi laugh at?" The Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty asked with a kind smile.

Cloud shallow moon light cough a, serious way: "I always thought that Niang Niang maintains well, 40 years old age, still is like flower appearance." After saying this, she saw that the Empress Dowager's face was more gentle and showed a trace of pride. She turned her voice and sighed: "now you and my mother are sitting together. I just know that no matter how good the maintenance is, it's useless. If I am no longer here, people will think that you and my mother are mother and daughter! You are twenty years older than my mother. "

The Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty was stiff.

"Yes? Let's see. " Cloud shallow moon back to ask Rong Jing.

Rong Jing seemed to take a serious look at the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty and Yu Qingqing. After comparison, Wen Sheng sincerely said, "well, it is. My mother is younger, and I feel like a sister with you. With the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty, it's really like a mother and daughter. "

The Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty changed her complexion.

"Stinky girl, what nonsense! Compare your mother to someone else's daughter and let the Empress Dowager stand on the cheap. Even if your mother is younger, you can't be so nonsense. No courtesy. " Yu Qingqing angrily knocked on the cloud and the moon, but she didn't use much force. Her eyebrows and eyes were full of smile. She couldn't see that she was suffering from any loss. She said with a kind smile to the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty: "don't blame the Empress Dowager. This is the virtue of this little girl, and she can't hide her words. You know, she's always been a skin monkey. There's no rule in marriage. "

The Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty reluctantly smiles, but the impact in her heart can't change back to her earlier friendly face, and her tone is also a little stiff, "how can the AI family mind? When Jing Shizi imperial concubine was a daughter in the boudoir, she was a headache. The Emperor didn't know how much brain he had hurt for her. Besides, she was right to say that the AI family had been trapped in the palace these years. Naturally, she was not as young as Princess Yun. If Princess Yun and Prince Yun have been together for more than ten years, they may be younger. Ah, Princess Yun, I'm afraid it's unexpected that the cloud king in those days I'm old, too

This is from Yu Qingqing who couldn't find any sign of old age, and was unwilling to find it from the king of cloud.

Cloud shallow moon thinks that is you do not know my father is not cloud king, he is young, so, she naturally is not angry.

But Yu Qingqing was not angry, and he also followed the Empress Dowager of Ming Dynasty with a sigh, "ah, I don't know what he looks like. But no matter what he becomes, old or ugly, it's still him. Nothing is better than living. I'm very satisfied to meet him now

"Princess Yun is very kind to him." The Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty couldn't help looking ugly. "The king of cloud has been depressed all these years since you left. None of the women in the palace of King Yun can make him feel relieved. It is said that Princess Feng side and two concubines, the third aunt and the fifth aunt, are fighting each other day and day. Ah, the lady who didn't come out of the cabinet in those years suffered a lot of grievances, but the concubine on the side of the Phoenix ended up in a bad way. Lord Yun was sad for a long time

This is to say that although depressed, but the love of women also declined to like.

Jade Qingqing a smile, "fortunately there is a phoenix side imperial concubine and three aunt, five aunt give him solution heart wide. Otherwise, I don't know how he will survive these years. " The words fall, she sighed, "these three people or I and his big marriage after the Emperor gave him, these years also hard for them."

When the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty saw that Princess Yun was not annoyed at all, and yunqianyue was not disgusted. She could not find any thorn to make them feel uncomfortable. She stood up and said, "Princess Yun and princess jingshizi are going to leave for a while and have a talk? I'll go to the carriage and wait for Princess Yun. "

"Go to the Empress Dowager! I'll give you a word with this damned girl, and we'll set out. " Yu Qingqing nods with a smile.

The Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty got up and went to her carriage. After a while, she got on the carriage and the curtain fell to block her angry expression.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly asked, "is there a dressing mirror in the Empress Dowager's car?"

Yu Qingqing grinned and angry at her. "This road will take ten days and a half months. How can the Empress Dowager's car not be equipped with a mirror?"

Cloud shallow moon "Oh" one, no longer say anything else, it seems to be a chance to think of, unintentionally asked so.Yu Qingqing naturally knows her purpose, thinking about the Empress Dowager in the car, and now she is afraid that she will be angry. Women love beauty, especially those in the palace. From now on, the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty is afraid to even look at her in the mirror. She did not want to see her all the way, but had to see her again. She was very happy with her face and said in a low voice, "you smelly girl, she is always the mother of seven princesses."

Yun Xiaoyue frowned and asked in a low voice, "what do you think of your sister-in-law who have been living in the cloud palace these days?"

Yu Qingqing stopped smiling. "She's a good girl. She's very good to her son, but she's very poor. She can't sleep well at night. I've prescribed some tranquilizing drugs for her, so I can't help her." She said in a lower voice: "she seems to hate the Empress Dowager."

Cloud shallow moon thought move, she to empress dowager extremely hate? What do you mean?

"All right! My mother is going to leave. I'll go to Nanliang with your father this time. Maybe I won't come back. What's your father and I involved in playing games? You and Xiao Jing play slowly, dye boy's mind is deep, but Xiao Jing's mind is not shallow. " Yu Qingqing patted Yun Qianyue on the shoulder and said to Rongjing, "Xiao Jing, these days, this smelly girl is not pregnant. Your efforts are not enough. "

"It's enough effort, but we're all in poor health." Rong Jing Wen Sheng Dao.

Jade Qingqing sighed, "you take good care of the body, now no good, with the present is also a small trouble." Then she patted Rongjing on the shoulder and went to the carriage. , the fastest update of the webnovel!