The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1511

For a moment, the whole royal garden seems to be shrouded in the cold winter days, with a sharp wind.

The officials all look at night qingran. He stands. Naturally, they dare not sit on their seats. They have already stood up. Everyone thinks that the urgent content of 800 Li is not good. Otherwise, with the emperor's calm and unpredictable temperament, he will not have such a blue look. Everyone breathes and dares not to speak.

Night light dye holds the letter paper for a moment, and suddenly throws the letter paper to the ground with a "pa" sound, and says angrily: "the southwest is thousands of Li, but in a few days, it has destroyed 500 Li. Five thousand soldiers and horses in cangting were stopped at Hengshui ferry. Who will tell me what kind of good officials the court keeps? They even openly intercept the anti bandit army! "

The officials were surprised. Did anyone dare to intercept the king's army against bandits? Or court officials?

"Cangting reported that the city master of Jiangling refused to open the city and let him pass. What's more, he took a detour and ordered people to cut off the iron bridge and intercept 5000 troops and horses at Hengshui ferry." Night light dye anger way: "who knows Jiangling City Lord is?"

The officials were even more shocked when they heard the speech. Qi Qi thought that the Lord of Jiangling city was really bold, but he could not remember for a moment where Jiangling city was located and who was the Lord? The southwest is vast, swampy and barren, with countless cities and towns. Some officials in the imperial court have never stepped out of Tiansheng capital. They have already been corrupted by the prosperity. How can we know who is the master of Jiangling?

"No one knows?" Night light dyed, eyebrows erect.

Prince de thought about it carefully, but he couldn't remember who the Lord of Jiangling was? He looked at the prince filial.

Prince Xiao's face was extremely ugly. When he saw Prince De, he looked at him, and the night light dye was just like him. Gradually, all the officials looked to him. He was in charge of the household department, and others didn't know. He should have known all this. He bit his teeth and went out to the line and said, "emperor Bing, the name of the city leader of Jiangling city is Jiang lie. He He's mine My brother-in-law. "

As soon as he said this, all the ministers looked at the prince in surprise. Then they remembered that his princess, whose surname was Jiang, looked at the filial princess.

The dutiful princess's face turned white, and it seemed that she couldn't believe it.

"Well?" Night light dye narrow eyes. It seemed to suppress his anger and said in a deep voice, "tell him all his life."

The king of filial piety answered "yes" and said, "the emperor should know that Jiang's family in the south of the Yangtze River, Lu's family in Xiqing, Qianmen in Dongping, and Han's family in the north are the four new famous families that have emerged since the ten aristocratic families were hidden from the world a hundred years ago. Each of the four famous schools is famous for its unique skills. Jiang's Brocade in Jiangnan, Lu's silver shop in Xiqing, concealed weapon in Qianmen in Dongping, and Han's exploration in the north. At the time of founding the dynasty, the four famous schools developed too fast, which affected the national transportation and business channels. The ancestors were not happy with it. However, if these four schools were checked, the initially stable court platform would be disturbed. Therefore, the ancestor adopted the appeasement policy. In fact, it is also the surveillance of the four famous families, with the son as the pledge. Later, when the first ancestor was in the dynasty, the four famous families were on their own. After the death of the first ancestor, the emperor Taizu was still pacifying the four famous families and married the princesses respectively. It is also very peaceful. During the reign of Emperor Taizong, the Lu family of Xiqing assisted the crown prince to seize the throne. He stood in the wrong direction and was uprooted by nine ethnic groups. A few years later, a woman from the Han family ranked first among the four imperial concubines. However, she wanted to ascend to the sky one step at a time. So she secretly killed the queen and was killed to break the plot. She committed suicide. She was granted the Han family in the north and was implicated. After copying her family, she was sent to the cold and humid land north of Northern Xinjiang. When Gaozong ascended the throne, that is to say, when the first emperor was the emperor, only the Chiang family in the south of the Yangtze River and the Qianmen gate in Dongping were left. He was always stable and did not do anything out of the ordinary. On the contrary, he was liked by the first emperor, and he was granted the title of nobility and was located in Shangqing. Later, in his later years, the emperor married his daughter to Wei Chen, who is now the imperial concubine of the minister. After the former emperor ascended the throne, the former emperor made a talent show, leaving a concubine's concubine's concubine in the palace. The former Emperor loved him very much. However, when the former Emperor demoted the king Yun to Xishan military aircraft camp for training, he fought with his brother-in-law and killed him.... "

On hearing the speech, the ministers suddenly remembered that Princess Yun had said this thing earlier. She only said a brother like a concubine and the emperor's brother-in-law. Unexpectedly, they didn't think that Rubin was born in Jiang's family and was the concubine's concubine's concubine's concubine.

"Go on!" Night light dye sits in the body, deep voice mouth.

"Later, the former Emperor had no choice but to detain Rubin in the admonition of his ministers that the emperor spoiled his concubine and destroyed his wife. He said that such concubines caused trouble to the emperor, which implicated Jiang's family. The Empress Dowager killed Ru bin, and the emperor banished Jiang's family to the Southwest, which is now Jiangling city. But the former Emperor felt guilty about his wife, so he made Jiang lie, the son of Jiang's family who had come out of the family, as the governor and guarded Jiangling city. " Prince Xiao took a break from his nervousness and said, "Chiang Kai Shek hasn't committed any crimes these years. He is grateful to the late emperor longen and has been guarding Jiangling city. He should not Stop cangting from suppressing bandits. "

"Is it that he had a grudge against the emperor's death as a concubine and banished the Jiang family to the southwest? To help Li Qi bandits? Stop the Lord Cang Shao and put an end to the chaos A minister was puzzled.

Prince Xiao had nothing to say, because he did not know.

"Do you know why Night light dye looks at the filial princess.

The imperial concubine shook her head in a hurry. "I don't know. I haven't been in touch with that vein all these years. The emperor should know that. Later, after the common people were demoted to the southwest, Jiang's lineage sent troops with King Rong and Marquis Wen to pacify the northern Xinjiang ten years ago. My father and brother also died in the northern Xinjiang. Now, there are only orphans and widows left in the capital. The southwest is thousands of miles away, so naturally, it is disconnected. ""There are three natural barriers in the southwest, one is the hengshuidu of Jiangling City, the second is Yunling mountain, and the third is the bog forest of southwest city. Now the southwest city has been captured, ten days ago Lingquan County governor Du Cohen was killed, Lingquan county was occupied. A few days later, the rebels took Guhe, Fenshui and Linwu. In 20 days, nearly 500 li of territory was lost in the southwest. And Cang Pavilion walked 20 days, even was intercepted in Jiangling city hengshuidu. How wonderful Night is light and angry.

The officials held their breath. Everyone thought that the rebel army was too powerful. No one could have imagined that Li Qi, a bandit with iron making background, used his troops like a God. Could it be that all parts of the southwest did not resist at all and let him go on a rampage?

In fact, it is two thousand li to the southwest. It is too far away from the capital.

"If you think about it again, what else can you do besides what happened in those years, and why did Jiang lie stop cangting?" Night light dye calms down and looks at filial piety.

The king of filial piety nodded and pondered.

All the officials were waiting for him. Although the lineage of the filial princess had long been out of touch with that of the common people, they were connected by blood. In the end, Jiang lie was the brother-in-law of the concubine. All the courtiers of the older generation knew about this. When the former Emperor was able to save the lives of the common people, he was demoted to Jiangling. In addition to looking at the face of Rubin, half of them were looking at the face of the filial princess. , the fastest update of the webnovel!