The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1512

The king of filial piety thought for a long time, but he didn't come up with a reason. He only said, "when I go back to the emperor, I don't know anything else except these things. As the minister's wife said, the common people came from the same vein and were far away from each other for a long time. I know little about Jiang lie. "

Night light dye board under the face, to night Tianyi way: "this matter gives you to check. We must find out why Jiang lie stopped cangting. "

"Yes Ye Tianyi nodded.

Ye qingran turns back and orders inkstone, "you go out of the city now, stop the little princess, and let her not go to Nanliang. Take my son of Heaven Sword and rush to Jiangling City, and order to open the city gate. If you don't open it, you will kill Jiang lie, the City Lord of Jiangling."

"Yes Ink stone smell speech, quickly out of the royal garden.

The faces of the officials were worried, and everyone wondered whether the banditry in the southwest would affect the court. In the early days, they were still clamoring to invade Southern Xinjiang, but now they are about to send troops to battle. However, Cang Shao Lord has been stopped in hengshuidu and has not yet met the rebels there. It is really worrying.

"That's all for today." Night light dye also has no intention of banquet again, the words fall, went out of the imperial garden, to the imperial study.

All the ministers sent the emperor off in a hurry. Everyone thought that the banquet today was really full of twists and turns.

Prince de looked at the filial piety prince, filial piety King sighed, two people follow night light dye to the imperial study.

The rest broke up.

Princess De Qin and other female dependents naturally do not stay, all go out. Leng Shao Zhuo stepped forward and lifted up the white faced Princess of filial piety and said in a soft voice, "Niang, I'll send you back to the house."

The prince of filial piety held Leng Shao Zhuo's hand tightly and looked at what he wanted to say, but he didn't speak.

Leng Shao Zhuo gave her a soothing look and said to the six princesses who were still sitting there: "six princesses, go back to the palace. Although it's warm, you shouldn't wear so little. Take good care of your body. When the peach blossom in Lingtai temple is in bloom, I'll have a free day to accompany you to enjoy the peach blossom, and you should go out of the palace to relax."

"Good!" The six princesses nodded and whispered. She got up and left. After two steps, she suddenly turned back to Yun Li and said, "yunshizi, you and I will go to the Empress Dowager's palace to pick up seven sisters! Since she wants to go back to the house, you should protect her. Otherwise, if you don't pick it up today, the empress mother will not let her go back. "

Yunli frowned and stood still.

"Sister seven has always been very kind to you. She would not let me say a heavy word from you before. Now yunshizi, do you dislike seven sisters? Think she's a liability? Don't forget, she has your flesh and blood in her stomach. " Six Princess Road.

Yun Li nodded and followed the six princesses.

Leng Shao Zhuo saw that they left and supported the princess of filial piety to go outside the palace. When they got into the carriage, when there was no one else, the princess said in a low voice: "if your father knew that I had sent a letter to your little uncle and asked him to stop cangting, he would certainly not spare me."

"Don't worry, my father won't know that it was you who sent letters to my brother-in-law to stop him. All these years, he has not allowed you to contact Jiang's common people. You really did not contact him. He certainly didn't think it was you." Leng Shao Zhuo lowered his voice.

Xiaoqin Princess closed her eyes, "zhuo'er, you know what you are doing. My mother only helps you this time. Mother help you, in addition to you are my son, there is another reason, is Jiang's secret training, your father has never known. Jiang's family has a secret training, regardless of men and women, born is the Jiang family, death is the soul of the Jiang family. All his life, he took protecting Jiang's ancestral property as his duty. Every generation of descendants, whether it is legitimate or common, should be brothers and sisters. Help each other. Brothers are the support of sisters, and sisters are the support of brothers. Therefore, even if she died, she would not forget that she was a member of the Jiang family, nor would she forget that the emperor had been pretending to love Rubin to destroy Jiang, the one who was demoted to the southwest, and her father and brother who died in Northern Xinjiang ten years ago. "

"I know what I'm doing, mother. Don't worry." Leng Shao Zhuo nods.

"How can others snore and sleep on the side of Yeshi's bed? At that time, the top ten aristocratic families evaded the desire of the first emperor to eradicate them. However, the new four famous families did not know that they wanted to carry forward their families. But what? Is it not the attention of the royal family, with the heart of prevention and eradication? From generation to generation, when the emperor was the first, the two great families of that year were left with the Chiang family and the Qian family. The first emperor demoted the Jiang family and sent them out to the southwest, diverting their family property. The most taboo of such a family was separation. Just as one chopstick is easy to break, so is two chopsticks. The rest of the Chiang family's direct line of father and brother died, the Chiang family left orphans and widows, can not become atmosphere, so, the first queen did not care about, the goal began to turn to money. However, there was someone behind the Qianmen gate, and the emperor was helpless. Until last year, because King Shizi and miss Qianyue were deeply involved in the underground Buddhist Hall of Lingtai temple, the crown prince zhuorenqing came to the Qianmen sect leader. After that, the twelve Golden Buddha statues disappeared, and the emperor took advantage of this to detain the money gate leader. Later, King Shizi went around and released the leader of the Qianmen family. Soon afterwards, the Qianmen moved to another place overnight. The emperor ordered the hidden guard to check. Later, the emperor died, but he did not find out the whereabouts of the money gate. The Regent later caught Qian Yan, but the man killed himself, and the money gate was never found. My mother knows that the person who protects the money gate must be the king's son of the Rong palace. " The filial princess said slowly, "only king Shizi can have the ability to protect his servants when the emperor wants to eradicate people."Leng Shao Zhuo nods.

"Among the four royal families whose ancestors built the dynasty, Deqin palace will never be eradicated, and it is loyal to the royal family from generation to generation. However, the filial palace has its own way of survival. Everything is thinking of the emperor and thinking of the emperor. The descendants are mediocre, but they are loyal to the emperor, so that several generations of emperors can rest assured, and there is no intention to eradicate them. Because the Empresses of the past dynasties had too much root system, so it was natural to eliminate the hegemony of foreign relatives. The Rong palace was too popular among the people and even higher than the imperial power, so it was not allowed to stay. Compared with the four famous families, the emperor was even more taboo about the Rong Wang Fu and the Yun Wang Fu. However, the two mansion supported each other and stood firm. Except for the death of King Rong and Marquis Wen in Northern Xinjiang ten years ago, the emperor could not even pluck his hair. Therefore, he first picked out the four famous families that had no deep roots The filial Princess sighed, "your father, in order to show his loyalty to the emperor, strictly forbids me to contact the southwest common people. But he did not know that since his mother was Jiang's daughter, Jiang had a secret code and would follow it all her life. After Jiang was born, every child will have a secret guard and an industry. Jiang's family business has already been distributed to everyone, not one chopstick, but countless chopsticks. He broke one, and there were roots. At ordinary times, these chopsticks will be scattered, but there is really something, who needs help, these chopsticks will be together from all directions, one side fire, eight sides to save. Therefore, my mother has avoided the sight of your father and has always been in contact with southwest China , the fastest update of the webnovel!