The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1510

"He has suffered so long in Nanliang. What can he do if he is not in a hurry?" Yu Qingqing shook her head, "I arrived one day earlier, and she could come back one day earlier."

Ye qingran nodded and looked at Yu Qingqing and asked, "excuse me, my nephew. It is said that Aunt Qing has married the king of Hua in the East China Sea. If aunt Qing takes uncle Yun Wang back, then Hua Wang in the East China Sea How to deal with it? "

Most of the officials knew that there was a king of China in the East China Sea. The old king of the East China Sea had only one princess. She married the king. Although she did not know the name of the princess, Yu Qingqing was the princess of the East China Sea, so that princess was her. Now she married a daughter and two, and both of them are still alive. What should she do? I want to know.

Yu Qingqing said with a smile: "the king and I are only married, but there is no real couple. We have been childless all these years, which can be explained

"No, I heard there are four princesses in the East China Sea." Night light dye pick eyebrow, "among them, there is a woman of Hua Wang?"

"That's ziluo, the daughter of the emperor's brother. She liked me since she was a child and was brought up in my name." Yu Qingqing said with a smile: "she sneaked out of the East China Sea, and now she is still playing in Tiansheng. The second prince came to pick her up, but she has not been found. "

"So it is!" Night light dye a smile, "that is easy to do. Uncle Yun and aunt Qing are so dedicated that I don't have to feel bad about the king of Hua in the East China Sea. " After that, he said, "since the second prince and aunt Qing came to Tiansheng, I ordered people to look for Princess ziluo in secret. A few days ago, I finally found her. It turned out that she had gone to wuhuigu, a ten mile peach blossom forest, to play. I have ordered someone to take her back. Calculate the time. It should be here today. "

"Oh? That feeling is good, this little girl scalp is tight, after seeing her, I will teach her a good lesson. When Zixi came, she couldn't find her. She went to the peach blossom forest. " Yu Qingqing was a little annoyed and said to night light dye, "it's not easy to find her. That little girl is so crafty and cruel that she is spoiled by the king of China. You have to worry about it."

"What did aunt Qing say? I am duty bound to lose the princess of Donghai in Tiansheng Night light dye smile, partial head stands behind him inkstone command, "go to ask, see purple Luo princess to enter Beijing?"

"Yes Inkstone immediately went down.

"Uncle Yun Wang, after all, is a group of envoys to congratulate Nanliang. He can't come back quietly. What's more, I'm not sure that Aunt Qing will go alone. If something happens on the way, how can I account to the king and Prince of Donghai? So after thinking about it, I think I should send someone to escort you. " Ye qingran asks Yu Qingqing, "my sister Qingnuan, that little girl has always liked Nanliang king. When he was the crown prince, he lived with her in nuancheng for three months, and then became infatuated with her for five or six years. When Uncle Yun left, she wanted to go with her. Maybe the Regent. Now that the two imperial masters have left, she is deeply distressed. She stays in the house day by day. Her father and mother are worried about her one daughter. They are afraid that she will be too sad and hurt her body, so they want her to go out to relax. I think the spring is warm now. Let her go with aunt Qing! She is a disciple of the emperor, and her martial arts are not bad. I will send more people to protect you. "

"Well, it's a relief on the way." Yu Qingqing nodded with a smile, "I also like to warm that little girl."

"Like princess ziluo, she is a worried Lord." Night light dye sighs a tone, the young emperor seems to feel helpless, "along the way, green aunt to persuade her a lot. I heard that the king of Nanliang liked Princess Luoyao in the East China Sea. She could only go sad and break her mind to come back. You'll have to take care of it all the way. "

"I know about my little daughter." Yu Qingqing nodded with a smile, "the Emperor just needs to rest assured and let her follow me."

"With aunt Qing there, I'm naturally at ease." With a smile, he picked up his glass and said to Yu Qingqing, "I wish aunt Qing a good journey to Nanliang, where she can pick up the king of cloud. I also want to drink the jade made by Uncle Yun again. "

Yu Qingqing nodded with a smile, touched the night light dye and dried a glass of wine.

Two people put down the wine cup, then inkstone came back, his face was not very good, "emperor, Princess ziluo left halfway."

"Well?" Night light dye squint eyes, "how to leave?"

"She lost her escort and left alone." Inkstone road.

Night light dye frown, "do you know where she went?"

Inkstone shook his head, "I don't know."

Ye qingran waved her hand, and inkstone stood behind him again. He apologized to Yu Qingqing and said, "Princess ziluo left on the way. I didn't want to come to Beijing. I wanted her to go to Nanliang with aunt Qing. Now..."

"The little girl, I guess, was afraid that I would hit her and just ran away. The emperor will not pay attention to it Yu Qingqing waved her hand, stopped the words of night light dye, got up and stood up, "I'm leaving now, let the little princess of night meet me at the gate of the city!"

"Good!" The night light dyed his chin.

Yu Qingqing turns out of the imperial garden and walks briskly. It seems that she can't wait to go to Nanliang to pick up the cloud king.

The ministers watched her leave with different thoughts. From that day and night, the little princess took two imperial masters to Prince Rong's house to give the Pingwang yetian a postmortem examination. It was only then that she realized that she was the disciple of the two imperial masters. She suddenly understood that the identity of Yexiao Princess must not be as simple as that of an ordinary princess in the prince's mansion. Because those who can be emperor's disciples are certainly not ordinary women. They must have profound martial arts and skills. Now the emperor ordered the little princess to accompany Princess Yun to Nanliang. Naturally, it was not just for her to relax."It's a water mat today!" Night light dye looks at a few empty tables and chairs, smile, "walked this, came that, now is stable! Go on

The crowd nodded in response, and the atmosphere was as lively as possible.

After a while, an urgent cry came from outside, "newspaper! Eight hundred miles urgent! "

Night light dye narrowed his eyes, put down his glass and said in a deep voice, "Xuan!"

Someone yelled in a hurry. In a moment, a leaping footstep ran into the imperial garden. A soldier in armor knelt down on the ground and submitted a letter, "the emperor, the eight hundred Li that the Lord cangting presented is urgent."

There is a servant to quickly take over, check, no danger, handed to night light dye.

Night light dye reaches out to tear open the envelope, opens to have a look, immediately Teng ground to stand up, complexion is livid, the whole body cold air rises abruptly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!