The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1509

A Chamberlain immediately moved his seat and dyed his head at night.

Yu Qingqing went to sit down with a smile. As soon as she sat down, she picked up the wine pot on the table and smelled it. She just lost her modesty and said in surprise: "ah, this is yulaixiang. I haven't drunk it for years

"It's yulaixiang, which has been in the cellar for more than ten years. It's rare for Aunt Qing to know it's yulaixiang when she smells the wine." Night light dye laughs: "there is only one jar in the wine storehouse. Since aunt Qing left, uncle Yun has never brewed this jade fragrance again."

Yu Qingqing took the wine pot and said: "at that time, he knew that I liked Magnolia and wine. Because of my health, I couldn't drink too strong wine. Unfortunately, there was no wine that was not strong or spicy. He used it for a whole year. He learned from the people who made the wine. He also experimented in the room and made me this yulaixiang."

"Uncle Yun Wang is really interested in aunt Qing." Ye qingran sighed: "at that time, everyone thought that Aunt Qing had married the wrong person, and she became the cloud princess in a muddle headed way. However, later, everyone could only admire the cloud King's beloved wife, and she loved everything. Aunt Qing is the happiest woman in the world. "

Yu Qingqing seemed to think of the past and smile warmly, "yes, he is really good to me. Not only did I try my best to brew yulaixiang. Everything I like, she got into the cloud palace. In particular, I joked that I wanted to eat sour plum. At that time, there was no sour plum in the capital at that time, but only in the southwest. He took advantage of his power and asked the military department to hurry up to get me a pot of sour plum. The emperor scolded him severely. Later, he was fined a year's salary and dropped him from the military department to the criminal department. Shortly after entering the Ministry of punishment, he accompanied me to the Lingtai temple to offer incense, and an official of the Ministry of punishment accompanied his wife to offer incense. After looking at me twice more, he ordered people to beat him to pieces. The emperor was angry again and dismissed him as an official. However, he was more proud and said that he could accompany me day and day. So he went hunting with me in winter and flowers in summer. The first emperor was angry and said that he was a descendant of the cloud palace and did not want to make progress. He was sent to Xishan military aircraft camp for training. Just one day after he arrived there, he had a fight with someone. The reason was that the man made fun of him and said that he didn't bring your beauty to the camp. He beat several teeth out of the man, who was the emperor's favorite brother like a concubine. At that time, the man was an assistant general in the army. He had some foundation in the army and was his superior. The man was very angry and ordered people to carry out the army stick against him. He took the horse and ran out of the military aircraft camp. The man thought he was afraid of crime and fled. He was just about to find the emperor to complain. However, he tangled up with a group of rich officials in Beijing, took the man to the military aircraft camp, and killed the man. The general plane camp broke up for half a day 。 The emperor was furious and wanted to kill him, but he said that insulting his wife was insulting him. The emperor spoiled a concubine, ignored the queen, spoiled the concubine and destroyed his wife, which made the man arrogant and domineering. He didn't look at him as a national uncle. This was the result of the Emperor's connivance. He was a man and a big husband. He wanted to protect his wife. There was nothing wrong with him After killing his wife, the emperor had no choice but to let him go. He was transferred back from the military aircraft camp to the Ministry of rites. I asked him to learn etiquette well. Later, I was in poor health. I went earlier. I didn't expect that he would stay in the Ministry of rites for more than ten years without any change. "

All the ministers listened quietly, and the courtiers of the older generation were in a trance and seemed to remember the events of that year. The cloud king at that time, it seems that he has never seen it since Princess Yun died. Ming Ming Ruwei seems to be the most incompetent of all the princes in Beijing. However, when he was tough, the emperor was helpless. At that time, the king Rong looked deceiving, but no one dared to touch his weakness. His weakness was Princess Yun.

The new generation of courtiers can't believe it. At that time, the man who sounded so arrogant and dandy that he spoiled his wife to such an extent that even the former Emperor couldn't help him was the cloud king who was so weak that he even sneezed?

For a moment, the hall was extraordinarily quiet.

Yu Qingqing seems to be immersed in the memories of the past and can't extricate herself, with a happy smile on her lips.

"Yes, although I was still young, I remember things. Yun Wang's uncle dotes on his wife, and makes the court and the field have to follow her. If anyone dares to be disrespectful to his aunt Qing, he'll make him suffer. Even uncle Huang is helpless. " Ye qingran sighed, and his voice changed, "it's a pity that uncle Yun Wang didn't see him again after aunt Qing left. After aunt Qing left, uncle Yun was like a walking corpse. Uncle Huang once made great efforts to change him back to his former uncle Yun. It's a pity that he couldn't do it for a year or two. Later, he was frustrated. In these years, uncle Yun Wang is a good courtier. Unfortunately, he lacks vitality. "

Yu Qingqing seemed to come back to her senses and poured a pot of wine for herself. She put it to her mouth, but she couldn't bear to drink it. "I've been in the East China Sea these years, and I always feel that I've lost something in my heart. Later, I recovered my memory, and I realized that I had been dreaming for more than ten years."

She was still a beautiful girl, but everyone saw the vicissitudes in her eyes that could not be recalled, and could not help feeling sad for her, as if they could deeply understand her pain.

"Aunt Qing doesn't have to suffer. Fortunately, uncle Yun and you are alive now." Night light dye comforts a way: "if cloud Wang Shu is to know you are still alive, and very good, he will certainly live again, happy."

Hearing this, Yu Qingqing suddenly laughed and nodded, "yes, fortunately we are still alive. Unfortunately, I didn't wake up at the right time. When I came back, he went to Nanliang

"Nanlingrui ascended the throne and Nanliang was self-supporting. Uncle Yun was in charge of the Ministry of rites. He was also a prince. It was most appropriate to send a special envoy to Nanliang to congratulate him. It's hateful that Nanliang was so desperate that he detained uncle Yun Wang in the name of being a guest and refused to let him return. " Night light dye deep voice."I'll pick him up." Yuqingqing road.

Night light dye eyes light flash, looking at Yu Qingqing, said: "I sent someone to ask aunt Qing to come today, but I feel that Nanliang has traveled thousands of miles. It's really hard for her to run around, and she can't bear to run around. However, no one can take back uncle Yun except aunt Qing. Uncle Yun Wang is an important official of my heavenly saints. How can he be detained in Nanliang all the time? Last time when Uncle Huang was 55 years old, the national master of Nanliang said that Aunt Qing was his younger martial sister. I think that since aunt Qing is the elder martial brother and sister with the national master of Nanliang, if aunt Qing went to Nanliang to meet Uncle Wang Yun, Nanliang would let uncle Yun return in the face of the national master. "

Yu Qingqing nodded and said with a smile, "I haven't seen elder martial brother for many years! It's time to get together with my senior brother. "

"Since the ideas of aunt Qing and I coincide, when does aunt Qing leave?" Night light dye inquires.

"Originally, if you didn't invite me into the palace today, I would also like to come into the palace today. Please resign from Nanliang to meet him. I came back these days, the old prince is not in good health, I only helped him recuperate in the mansion for two months, now he is in good health, I am also relieved. I want to go and pick him up Yu Qingqing said, "let's start today."

Night light dye a Zheng, "green aunt need not be so anxious." , the fastest update of the webnovel!