The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1508

After Yihong left, the imperial garden was quiet for a moment.

Night qingran is playing with the wine cup, and his expression doesn't show joy and anger. The wine in the white jade cup vibrates gently due to the shaking of his wrist, and ripples in the cup are extremely regular and do not overflow.

Rong Jing slightly slants the head to gaze at the cloud shallow moon, in the eye is any person to see will be intoxicated with the gentleness among them. Cloud light moon also look back at the scene, a sweep of the early haze, smile bright.

Two people as if no one else, the air flow of the breath seems to have a dull gentle.

For a long time, ye qingran put down his glass and said with a smile, "King Shizi broke my arm in the twinkling of his finger. I planned to send troops to southern Xinjiang to give him great importance. Now that the people are gone, do you need to return me alone?"

Rong Jing turned his head, and the tenderness in his eyes turned to light. "Now that the imperial court has recruited 100000 soldiers, how can the emperor still be short of people?"

"One of the hundred thousand troops may not be able to defeat the young master of the Yi family." Night light dye road.

"The emperor also said that the young master of Iraq has devoted himself to the study of swordsmanship and has realized the Tao. Although he is a good sword, a good sword may not be of good use. Although he has good martial arts skills, he may not be of great use if he stays Rongjing reached out and picked up the wine pot on the table and said in a warm voice: "just like this wine pot, it looks exquisite and valuable, but it can only hold a glass of wine. If a good wine drinker comes to drink it, it can only moisten his throat, not as much as a wine jar with a few pennies. The young master of Iraq is like this exquisite and valuable wine pot. Its value lies in the pleasure of the eyes, not in the filling of wine. The emperor left him by his side. Once the emperor entrusted him with an important task, he could not do it. Isn't it a delay? Now that he's gone, the emperor should thank me. "

Night light dye smell speech laugh.

Hearing this smile, the ministers seemed to return to the smile when he dyed the little prince, and they couldn't guess what the emperor thought.

After the night light dye laughs, looking at Rong Jing, he says angrily: "good, you Rongjing, you cheated away the people I intend to put into important use in an instant. Now, a lot of high sounding reasons have been put forward."

Rong Jing seemed helpless and sighed, "since ancient times, loyal and virtuous ministers have always attracted the emperor's displeasure. The king shared his worries with the emperor, but the emperor blamed him. It is said that accompanying the emperor is like accompanying the tiger. In the future, as a great country, who dares to speak to the emperor? "

Night light dye cold hum, "do you think everyone is your scene?"

Rong Jing stretched out his hand to help his forehead, showing a tired look. "Jing's body has never been well maintained. This time I came to the Palace this time to discuss the sword with the Lord Yi was tired again. He was hurt by his sword spirit, and now he can't support it. Jing went back to his house first. " Words fall, he pulls cloud shallow moon to get up.

Night light dye squint eyes, "Tang Tang Jing Shi Zi, has not been cured for several days?"

"It's too serious for the emperor to know. The emperor and the Lords will continue. I will leave first. " Rong Jing no longer looks at the night light dye, pulls the cloud shallow moon to leave the mat, walks outward.

"If I don't allow King Shizi to leave?" Night light dye cool tunnel.

"The emperor is the emperor of Ming Dynasty, who has been considerate of his servants since ancient times." Rongjing keeps on walking.

"What a wise king, what a courtier." Night qingran laughs and laughs. Qingsheng says, "master LAN, master Ling Shao and master Hua Shao should have been recuperating in the mansion, but today I came to the banquet for your sake. Now you wait for three people to send King Shizi and princess jingshizi back to the mansion! It's also good to get familiar with the location of the Rong palace. He is close to King Shizi. After all, King Shizi is half of my heavenly saints. In the future, you will become ministers of the same Dynasty and ask for more advice from him. "

"Yes LAN Yi, Hua Shu and Ling Yan stand up.

Cloud light moon narrowed her eyes.

With a faint smile, he did not object to it. He took the cloud and went out of the imperial garden. The three men followed behind.

As soon as the protagonist of today's banquet is gone, all the officials are worried and don't understand what the emperor thinks.

"Ask Princess Yun why she hasn't come yet?" Night light dye does not seem to feel to have what influence to walk five people, slant head instructs to internal servant.

The Chamberlain went down in a hurry.

"Master LAN, master Ling Shao, and Lord Hua Shao will become officials in the same Dynasty with all the ministers. They will get along well with each other, even today. Later, Princess Yun will come and go to Nanliang to meet the king. Nanliang is no less than a thousand miles away from here. Princess Yun will surely work hard on her way. Next, I and Zhongqing will see Princess Yun off! I'm sure I'll be back today. " Night light dye eye light swept everyone's cautious face one eye, smile way.

On hearing this, the officials suddenly realized that the emperor had two purposes for the banquet today. One was to keep blue Yi and others clean, and the other was to invite Princess Yun to the palace for a banquet and let her go to Nanliang to meet the king. We should be together in a hurry.

After a while, the Chamberlain came back and told him, "the emperor, Princess Yun has already entered the palace. Now she is meeting King Shizi and princess jingshizi. They are talking together and should come soon."

Night light dye nods.

People wonder whether Princess Yun should accept to go to Nanliang. However, the first emperor wanted to send him to prison. Later, the first emperor left. Later, Princess Yun died early. The king was depressed for a long time. Every time someone mentioned Princess Yun in these years, he was dejected. Now, Princess Yun did not die Sheng, the king of cloud and her husband and wife, she has no reason to abandon her husband, let her suffer in Nanliang, can not get rid of it.All the officials were guessing that yuqingqing went into the imperial garden.

From afar, her appearance still looks like a woman in her twenties and thirties. It seems that Qingcheng's appearance has not changed for many years, which makes Prince de and Prince Xiao of her generation in a trance. It seems that these years only they are old, and she is still the same.

The princess of Deqin and the princess of filial piety felt that the woman walking slowly was particularly dazzling. In those years, Princess Yun surprised many men in Beijing, including the late emperor, Prince De, Prince filial piety, and even the late king Rong. Which one was not the amazing talent of that year. When she went out to the capital, she gathered the eyes of many princes in Beijing. Unfortunately, she suddenly disappeared. A few months later, she suddenly appeared in front of them as Princess Yun. The king of cloud has always been weak and incompetent. Among the talented and famous princes in Beijing, he can't even rank the tail. But such a woman became his wife. At that time, it was not only the emperor's anger that broke the hearts of many men in Beijing. Rong Wang, who was so calm and self-made, became drunk overnight. Later, he married a poor woman like the ancestors of Rong's family. They were also famous talented women at that time. They were not bad in appearance, but in front of her, they were always ashamed of themselves.

"Dye boy became emperor, I'm not used to it!" Jade Qingqing walked to the front, such as the elder to see the younger generation, the night light dye smile, "I still use salute?"

"It's rare to invite aunt Qing into the palace. She doesn't have to salute in front of me." Night light dye Yang lip a smile, "come on, give Qing aunt to see a seat." , the fastest update of the webnovel!