The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1507

Yihong suddenly stood up and said coldly to the moon: "I heard that Princess jingshizi is superb in swordsmanship. I want to ask for some advice today."

"This is it. I just forgot to say that the young master of Iraq is very skillful in swordsmanship and quite savvy. " Night light dye a smile, look at Xiangyun shallow moon, "this banquet has been watching for a long time, then the song and dance will be boring. Has the princess jingshizi accepted the request of the Lord Yi Shao to help us dance swords?"

Yunqianyue's eyes narrowed and Yihong didn't speak.

Yi Hong leaves the seat, goes to night light dye in front of a salute, extends his hands.

Night qingran smiles and hands yunxiaoyue the broken snow to his hand. He holds the broken snow and goes to yunqianyue. He respectfully hands the broken snow to her, "please show me the face of Princess jingshizi!"

All the ministers looked at him and felt that this young master was very special. He was not like a man who had entered the officialdom, but was like a person in the river and lake.

"Just now the seventh princess also said that she would marry her husband. The young Lord asked the wife of another family to discuss the sword. He should have asked her husband. " Cloud shallow moon looks at the sword that hands in front of, light way.

After hearing this, Yihong stood up and turned to Rongjing and respectfully saluted, "King Shizi Haihan, I heard that Princess jingshizi once talked with Princess Luoyao of Donghai Kingdom on swords in the street. I admire her very much. Please show me the honor of King Shizi and ask her to give her advice. "

"Rong Jing smiles," my wife was injured not long ago. Compared with Yi Shao Zhu, has you heard of it

"I don't have to use my internal power to discuss sword moves with Princess jingshizi." Yihong road.

Rong Jing laughed. "At first, he and princess Luoyao discussed swords. Both of them were women with equal physical strength. Now, when he discusses swords with Yi Shao Zhu, men are naturally superior to women in strength. It seems that the winning and losing rounds of this sword are not accurate." Yung King Road.

Yi Hong was stunned and seemed to be baffled.

"Since I want to ask for advice on sword moves, why don't I discuss swords with him?" Rong Jing laughed mildly, "you and I are both men. We don't need internal power. We only talk about sword moves. We can talk about winning or losing."

Yi Hong is stunned again. Obviously, he didn't expect Rongjing to discuss swords with him.

The officials were also stunned. Naturally, they didn't expect Jing Shizi to take the sword to him easily.

"Everyone knows that King Shizi is gifted. Is it a bully to behave like this?" Night light dye smell speech pick eyebrows.

"The husband and wife are of one mind, and the young master of Iraq asks his wife to discuss the sword and do it for his husband. It is natural for him to take the place of his wife. Is this bullying? It's not polite to say that the young master of Iraq invited other people's wives to discuss swords. My wife has no friendship with him. Why should he accept his argument? " But if you look at the sun and the night, you can't see the sun and the night? Or does the emperor need to set up the empress? There is no interpreter around the emperor. It's really worrying to go on like this. "

Cloud shallow moon smell speech almost smile born, Rongjing to night light dye said that Si min is not working, in her ears is brain crazy. On the curse of curving mouth poison, and swearing does not spit dirty words, she thinks that no one is Rong Jing's opponent. For a moment, the corners of the mouth curled up.

Night light dye face a sink, "although said so, but king Shizi's reputation, can not help winning."

"Fame is nothing but vanity. Regardless of martial arts, it's only about swordsmanship. They can't take advantage of the little Lord of Iraq. Since the emperor does not allow it, then naturally the minister will not allow the less courteous request of the Lord Yi. " Rong Jing's words fall, light way: "Yi Shao Lord, please come back!"

Yi Hong suddenly exclaimed, "I am willing to discuss swords with King Shizi."

Night light dye smell speech no longer speak.

"Oh? Is young Lord Yi sure he wants to discuss sword with me The beautiful eyebrows are elegant and leisurely.

"Yes Yi Hong affirmed: "if I can get the instruction from King Shizi, I can't get it. But I didn't dare to intrude on the king's son, so I invited her. "

"So it is!" Rong Jing laughed and stood up slowly. He took the broken snow in Yihong's hand and said in a warm voice, "OK, today, King will discuss the sword with Yi Shao Lord, so use this broken snow from my wife."

"Jingshizi, please!" Holding the sword, Yihong stepped back three steps and drew a sword move, which was the highest ceremony of a warrior.

Rong Jing turned his head toward the cloud and said in a soft voice, "watch the array for me."

"Good!" Cloud shallow moon smiles and nods.

Rongjing walked slowly away from the table, stood opposite Yihong and said with a smile, "please, little Lord Yi."

Although they live in the capital city and know that Rongjing's martial arts are distracted, there is little chance to see him. Now that I have this opportunity, I'm afraid to miss a little bit. The two hold the ceremony respectively, then also no longer said, all hands together.

Although he didn't use internal force, his sword edge was still extremely sharp. He stabbed at Rongjing's front door with a chill. So that all of you can feel his sword spirit.

Rongjing's sword is often handed out, half of which is sharp and cold, and even the wind is not lifted, and the breath is not heard. People can see the speed of the naked eye, we can see that compared with the quick move of Yi Shao Lord, he is extremely slow.

One push, one advance, one retreat and one dodge. In a moment, two moves have been passed.

In the third move, they only feel a flower in front of them. The broken snow of Rongjing has reached Yihong's eyebrows. And Yi Hong's third move is obviously just handed out, even Rong Jing's sleeves are not touched.Although the civil and military officials present here did not understand how to win, they were so excited that they burst into cheers.

Yihong's face was pale for a moment. He loosened his sword and fell to the ground with a bang. He said in a cold voice the fact that he had lost. "Jing Shizi's swordsmanship is superb, but I'm no better than a clown. I lost. "

Rong Jing withdraws the sword at will, and smiles faintly, "my wife and Jing discuss the sword without internal force, and can talk about it for half a day. How can I be convinced that he lost? "

"I believe it." Yihong hangs his head.

Rongjing bent over to pick up the sword on the ground, and said in a leisurely tone: "one of the swords is not to study in a closed door and then you can understand the Tao. It is the art of channeling all things. One eye is the most important thing. Cleverness in the mind and eye in the cleverness. You can see six roads clearly and listen to all directions. The real swordsmanship is the skill without sword. " After that, he handed the sword to Yihong and said with a smile, "does little Lord Yi understand? What you lose is not the sword, but the heart of the sword. No matter how good the swordsmanship is, without the heart and soul of the sword, it is not swordsmanship. "

Yihong's face was blue and white. He did not speak for a long time, nor did he receive the sword.

Rongjing looks at him quietly. Although they are similar in age, and maybe Rongjing is younger than Yihong, his height is not comparable to that of Yihong at this moment. At this moment, all people really realized the sentence spread all over the world, "the color of snow and jade in the brocade clothes, look back and smile at the world." Then, a deeper understanding of what "cloud high sun".

The beauty of the scenery is not the appearance, but the respect and grace.

A moment later, Yihong suddenly seems to have figured out something. His eyes are miserable and bright, and Rongjing smiles at him. He suddenly kneels down on one knee. "Thank you for your advice. Yihong will remember it forever."

Rong Jing nodded with a smile, but he did not avoid it. He naturally received a gift from Yi Hong, "Yi Shao Lord, please rise."

Yihong stood up and took the sword in Rongjing's hand. Suddenly he turned to yeqingran and said in a cold voice, "the emperor, it's useless to lose to King Shizi in the next three moves. I'm going to ask the emperor to leave. "

All the ministers were in a state of uproar and looked at Yi Hong in surprise.

Although some of them don't know swordsmanship, some only know little swordsmanship, and some know swordsmanship, but they are not proficient, everyone can feel that the young leader of the Yi family is the best among the four today, including the leader of the blue family. After three moves in Rongjing's hands, he is the capable one. In the past ten years, the new champion of science was sent to Rongwang's house and the king's son lunwu, It's said that he can't compete with Jing Shizi every time.

Night light dye squint eyes, "Yi Shao Lord please leave?"

"Yes Yihong is concise and comprehensive.

Ye qingran smiles, but does not detain him. He laughs at leisure and says, "the young master of Yishao has devoted himself to the study of swordsmanship. Now he has been instructed by the king's son. It seems that he has realized the Tao. Every man has his own will. Naturally, I can't stop him. " Then he said, "OK, leave!"

Hearing this, Yihong turned around and left.

The ministers said in secret that it was a pity that such talents could not be used by the court.

Prince De's heart is dark hate, did not expect that the most powerful of the four people was so convinced by Rongjing to leave. Night light dye tune to four people in an instant less a powerful arm. Three women are left behind. His ugly face became even worse.

"Wait!" Cloud shallow moon suddenly called Yi Hong.

Yi Hong's step stops, looks back to the cloud shallow moon, seems not to understand why she calls him.

People are also puzzled to look at cloud shallow moon.

"Rongjing, would you like to give this broken snow to the little Lord of Iraq?" Yun Xiaoyue raised his face and asked the seated Rongjing, and said the reason, "in the future, the wife he is looking for will certainly be a sword lover. It can be regarded as a meeting gift given to his wife by me."

Night light dye smell speech suddenly smile, "little girl good magnanimous! This is what uncle Huang gave you when he was alive

"Young Master Yi came to Tiansheng from ten li peach blossom forest. How could he make a trip in vain? The first emperor loved talents and knew under the spring. I think he would not mind." The cloud is shallow and the moon is magnificent.

"But if you give me the broken snow, my ice soul will have no company." Rong Jing looks at her with a smile.

"Give me another one." Cloud shallow moon also looked at him, "I want you to fight by yourself."

"Good!" Rong Jing nodded with a smile, and her eyes gently responded. She threw the snow in her hand to Yihong. She said in a warm voice, "since my wife has a heart, don't dislike him. Take it

Yi Hong took the broken snow and said respectfully, "thank you very much, Princess jingshizi."

Cloud shallow moon smiles and nods, Yi Hong looks at her deeply, turn to leave. When you come, you can sell like a sword; when you leave, you will be restrained. The scene changed a person. In the world, only he can do it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!