The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1506

Cloud light moon hand cup of tea suddenly to night light dye splashed in the past.

Night light dye gently waved a block, tea sprinkled on the space between the two tables, pieces of silk did not touch his body, he said with a smile: "I did not say wrong, little girl, why do you say angry?"

This little girl, not only cloud light moon think of the past night light dye, all the ministers also think of the friendship between the little prince of dye and miss light moon. For a time, their looks are different, and they lament that the past can't bear to look back.

The thought in the cloud shallow moon's brain is only a moment, the broken snow in the waist flies out in an instant, straight to the night light dye flies.

Prince de tengdi stood up and angrily said, "the king's son and concubine can't be any more in one."

Yunqianyue ignored Prince De, just recovered a few points of internal power, urged her sword stab to night light dye, but she sat in front of the table, people, table, mat, all motionless.

Night light dye picked pick eyebrow, just want to reach out to receive, suddenly broken snow turns a bend, stab to the Empress Dowager of Ming Dynasty next to him.

The Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty was shocked and stood up to escape. The speed of the sword suddenly doubled. She couldn't avoid it and "chide" penetrated her robe.

Night light dye after hearing the sound, then stretched out his hand, holding the sword.

The Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty was crooked and looked at the sword with pale face.

Night qingran withdrew the sword, and a drop of bright red blood fell from the tip of the sword. He said with a smile, "little girl, it seems that your martial arts have not recovered. How could the sword that stabs me lean towards the Empress Dowager?"

The Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty was supported by two mother-in-law behind her. She clearly understood that Yun Qianyue didn't want to stab night light dye at all. She wanted to stab her on purpose to revenge her for what she said earlier. But she couldn't blame anything. She had to suffer. She looked at the blood dripping from the tip of the sword, thinking that the wound on her chest was an inch deep. If night light dye did not grasp the sword, she would be lying on the ground.

"No recovery! My hand is shaking Cloud light moon light tunnel.

"Fortunately, the Empress Dowager was only slightly injured. If she was seriously injured, she would have to trouble Jing Shizi." Night light dye road.

"It's not about saving people. Although the Empress Dowager is dignified, she still does not have the value of Rongjing's hands. After all, the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty was the concubine of the first emperor. The emperor has always been shrewd, but now he is confused? " Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

The concubine bit the Empress Dowager in one fell swoop, and her face turned white.

The ministers thought to themselves that there was only princess Jing Shizi who compared the emperor's concubine to a concubine. However, in addition to the queen, the rest of the emperor's women were concubines. She was right.

"The Empress Dowager is very sad to hear this." Night light dye a smile, partial head to empress dowager understatement way: "this little girl is in a temper with me, implicate empress dowager. Fortunately, the Empress Dowager was slightly injured, otherwise I should feel guilty. " He said: "it seems that the Empress Dowager has been frightened. The wound also needs dressing up, so she can go back to the Palace first! I order two royal doctors to follow you to see the wound. "

The Empress Dowager nodded with a white face.

"Send the Empress Dowager back to the palace! Doctor Wang and doctor Zheng, you two are the ministers of the humerus of the hospital. Go and see the Empress Dowager Night light dye to the following two doctors command.

"I obey my orders!" Two old doctors stood up.

The two mothers immediately helped the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty to go out. After two steps, the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty turned back and said, "emperor, let liu'er and Qi'er also follow the mourning family."

"Oh, I remember. The Empress Dowager misses the seventh Princess very much these days. She said that the prince of cloud is busy and the seventh princess is getting bigger and bigger in the month, and it is difficult to take care of her. In case of any damage, she has to stay in the palace to look after the seventh Princess and accompany her to relieve her boredom." Night light dye seems to just remember, to cloud leave way: "cloud son, do you think how?"

Cloud from did not speak, seven princess Teng stood up, "emperor, I accompany my mother to see the wound, after seeing the wound, I will come back. I am the daughter-in-law who married into the cloud palace. How can I give up my husband's family and stay in my mother's house every day? It doesn't make sense. "

"Although it's unreasonable, it's reasonable. After all, the Empress Dowager and you are mother and daughter. You are eager to miss your daughter." Night light dye road.

"As the saying goes, marry your husband and follow your husband. There is a grandfather in the cloud palace. I am not pregnant now. Although I can't see you well every day, I still have to do my duty as a granddaughter-in-law. Otherwise, I set a precedent to live in my mother's house for a long time. Later, the sisters in the palace followed suit. They did not show filial piety in their husband's family and went back to live in the palace for a long time. What should I do? Besides, the Royal daughter should have a royal daughter's Fengyi, which is an example for the maids in the world to marry their husbands. How can they become invalid because their husbands are tired and busy The seventh princess said in a clear voice: "I am a land of rites and ceremonies. Filial piety comes first. I started to have my surname Yun from the day I got married. Don't forget the Empress Dowager and the emperor."

The Empress Dowager shivered.

Night light dye ha ha ha laughs, "this is the royal family's good princess." Words fall, he said to Yun Li: "cloud son, seven princesses are the best of all the princesses. You married her, but you have been blessed for several years. Did you hear her? The Empress Dowager wants to stay with her for a few days to take care of her. She is so righteous that I can't read the feelings of the Empress Dowager. "

Cloud from looked at seven princesses, in the eyes some faint emotion flashed, calm way: "is the minister has the blessing."Night qingran waved to the seventh princess, "OK, you go to see the Empress Dowager! When the Empress Dowager is well, you will come back and return to the house with the son of cloud. "

The seventh Princess nodded and went to the Empress Dowager.

"The Empress Dowager's injury is not serious, the six princesses don't have to go. You accompany the Empress Dowager in the palace every day. Now let the seventh princess accompany you for a while! I remember that you haven't got along with him for a long time. You had an engagement, but now you sit down beside him and talk to him more Ye qingran said to the sixth princess, "I planned to marry you personally after I ascended the throne. However, I was hurt. The emperor's teacher soared to the throne, but I didn't have time to spare. After a hundred days, I'll accomplish good things with you."

The sixth princess was going to leave. Hearing the words, she stopped and looked at Leng Shao Zhuo.

Cold Shao Zhuo smell speech also to the six princess, see her pursed lips looking at him, seems to be hesitating, he light smile, to her recruitment, "come here. The emperor is right. We haven't spoken for a long time

The sixth Princess walked slowly past. After that incident, she was obviously calm and calm. She did not talk much any more. The whole person was quiet and almost ignored her existence. There is no longer the arrogant princess.

The Chamberlain moved a chair beside Leng Shao Zhuo, and the six princesses sat down.

The Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty and the seventh princess were surrounded by people and left.

Night qingran was playing with the sword in his hand and said after a moment: "by the way, where did you just say? Oh, come to think of it, it means that Yi Shao Lord is interested in Princess jingshizi. " After that, he asked Yihong with a smile, "Yi Shao Zhu might as well talk about this interest, which aspect is it?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!