The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1505

There were only two people standing at one place, different from others.

Rongjing stood up and slowly saluted. It was elegant and noble. Yun Xiaoyue sat on the chair without moving her buttocks. After looking at her from a distance earlier, she now takes back her sight and does not lift her eyelids.

Night light dye looked at Rong Jing and cloud shallow moon one eye, also do not blame, smile and wave hands, "all Qing flat body."

"Long live my thanks!" The ministers rose in succession.

Night qingran sits at the top of the table, and LAN Yi and other four people's seats are at the head of Rongjing and yetianyi's seats.

After they all took their seats, night light dye asked the Empress Dowager with a smile, "I heard that the Empress Dowager came here early?"

The Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty said with a kind smile, "yes, I heard from people that King Shizi and his concubine had entered the palace. Knowing that the emperor had summoned the original nobleman and couldn't get away from his body, she came here to greet him first. Both King Shizi and his concubine are looking good now. I'm glad to see it. "

Night light dye smell speech a smile, "Empress Dowager has a heart! There are some good medicines in Prince Rong's house. I have little fever. I have to go to the palace of honor for every medicine. King Shizi and his concubine are soaked with good medicine every day. Naturally, they get better soon. "

"Yes, it's my family's worries." The Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty nodded with a smile.

Rongjing and yunqianyue did not speak.

Night light dye such as gossip home general, to the cloud shallow moon asked, "King shizifei that tree peony is still living well?"

Yunqianyue thought that if she didn't want to come to see the three people coming out of Kunwu hall today and understand them, or figure out what they would do in the future, she would not come here. She gave him a cold look and did not speak.

"Ah, it seems that Princess jingshizi is still angry with me." Ye qingran chuckled, but he didn't care. He leaned back on his chair and said to Rongjing, "I went to Rong Wang's house to see the peony that night. Afterwards, I felt that peony was indeed the most delicate flower among all the flowers. I also wanted to enjoy it day by day. However, I could not run to the palace day by day. So I also planned to plant a garden of peonies in the palace. What good suggestions does King Shizi have for me A word? "

Rong Jing faint smile, "it seems that the palace can not raise peony."

"That was before. After I ascended the throne, I would be able to support myself." Night light dye road.

"King can only plant the peony of King Rong's mansion, not the peony of imperial palace. There is really no good suggestion." Yung King Road.

"Is it? Do you have a view of the imperial concubine Night light dye eyebrows, looking at the cloud shallow moon's eyebrows, the expression is extremely attentive, "I plan to plant the ronghua palace full of peonies. Jing Shizi's imperial concubine even raised a dying tree peony. Is there any magic trick? "

Cloud shallow moon looks at him indifferently, do not answer.

Night light dye light smile, "it seems that I really will Jing Shizi Princess offend cruel, no matter what I say, Jing Shizi imperial concubine also ignore." Words down, he looked at, "cloud princess has not arrived?"

"Princess Yun said she would arrive later." One of the Chamberlain answered in a hurry.

Night light dye nods, it seems to think of introducing blue Yi and others for the public, "this is Lan Yi, the leader of the blue family. I think all of you know it."

LAN Yi got up and stood up with a clear voice, "ladies and gentlemen, you are very polite."

"Welcome to the blue master!" The ministers thought that the emperor and Jing Shizi Fei were another battle of gunpowder. However, no matter what the emperor said, the imperial concubine would not pay attention to the smoke. They secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and all of them bowed their hands to LAN Yi.

"This is Yi Hong, the young master of the Yi family." Night light dye points to the person sitting beside LAN Yi.

"Ladies and gentlemen, be polite!" Yihong's voice was as cold as his sword.

"Young Master Yi, be polite!" They all returned the ceremony.

"This is Ling Yan, the young master of Ling family! This is Hua Shu, the young master of the Chinese family Ye qingran introduces the two women again.

The two men stood up like LAN Yi and Yi Hong, and they did not mince half of them.

People salute one after another. They praise that they are the leaders of the top ten families. This bearing is worthy of their position.

After some introduction, ye qingran raised his voice and said, "from now on, the four of them have lived in Beijing for a long time, and they have had a lot of time to deal with all the love ministers. Today, I'd like to take this banquet to familiarize ourselves with each other. "

Everyone knew that the emperor valued the four men, and they all nodded in agreement.

"Since Princess Yun hasn't come yet, something should have been delayed. Princess Yun is not an outsider. Let's have dinner first. " Night light dye a wave, command way.

The maids quickly distributed to the tables to add wine and vegetables, and dancers poured out to sing and dance in the center.

For a time, the pavilion in the imperial garden was full of wine and vegetables. From a distance, it was prosperous to see the elegant clothes and water sleeves.

Night light dye no longer find Rong Jing and cloud shallow moon trouble, but with today's protagonist. The Royalists made friends with four people, including LAN Yi, who were obviously able to have a few drinks.

Yunqianyue's injury is still not good, so she can't drink. She slowly drinks tea, bows her head and occasionally talks with Rongjing, but she always pays attention to LAN Yi and other four people's actions. Lanyi has made several contacts with her, and she was embarrassed and embarrassed when nanlingrui molested her. Later, she went to Rongwang's house to find out the obscurity of cangting The heart is cold, and now she is calm, she has been changing.The two women Hua Shu and Ling Yan had a good reason. When a young official toasted, they turned pale red. Obviously, they had not been tempered. Although their minds were deep, it was not difficult to guess. They were almost the same as the blue Yi she had seen.

What attracted her most was Yi Hong. No matter who he was facing, the young man had a cold face. The wine in front of him was no more than half a cup to Prince De, Prince filial piety, or officials. Such a person seems to be one-heart temperament, let her feel and canglan some like, but not all like, canglan at least has expression, and he is totally expressionless. Such a person should be very proficient in swordsmanship and should have a deep understanding of the sword.

As if aware of her gaze, Yihong looked up at the cloud and the moon.

Cloud shallow moon was not caught in the embarrassment, light and natural to take back the line of sight.

"Yi Shao Zhu seems to be interested in Jing Shizi Fei, too?" Night light dye pick pick eyebrow, put down wine cup, smile to ask a way.

"Yes, I'm interested in her." Yihong did not hide, but directly avoided the tunnel.

Qi Qi, a group of ministers, was surprised. The young master of the Yi family said that he was interested in Jing Shizi's imperial concubine in front of King Shizi. No one had ever been so direct about this except the first seven princes, the later regent, the present King an, and the present emperor. Qi Qi took a breath to see Rongjing.

Rong Jing's face was light, as always, without any anger.

"Oh?" Ye qingran looked at Yi Hong, and then looked at Yun Qianyue. She said with a smile: "when the Lord cangshao came to Beijing, he went to the shallow moon pavilion to see the imperial concubine jingshizi who was still in the boudoir. It's not surprising that Yi Shao Lord is interested in her. She is such a good person. Everyone likes it when she sees it." , the fastest update of the webnovel!