The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1504

At this time, Yunli heard the voice of the Empress Dowager's arrival, and looked over there. What mood on his face changed for a moment, then he tightly pursed his lips. The hand seemed to unconsciously grip the armrest of the chair.

Cloud shallow moon eyebrow is Cu tight, slant head low voice asks Rong Jing, "seven princess how to follow in Empress Dowager side again?"

"Enter the palace as ordered." Rong Jing took a look at Yunli and whispered: "before the emperor's death, the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty disappeared. The seventh Princess didn't have to pay homage to several courtesies. But now the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty comes back and sits in the palace. She is carrying a filial son. It's different. "

Cloud light moon face slightly heavy, "mother not mother, female not female, but also pressure a filial piety word is not ridiculous?"

Rongjing gently held her hand and said in a warm voice, "her identity is there. After all, it's not you. She can't do the things you do, and she doesn't have your skills. What can we do? Don't worry about it. Everyone has their own fate, and so does husband and wife. "

This is to persuade her not to worry about the cloud. Yunqianyue looks at Yunli again. She doesn't want Yunli to look at her. Her sight is right. Yunqianyue is stunned for a moment, discarding her thoughts and smiling at him. Yunli's eyes are warm, and she also smiles. Some emotions on her face suddenly disperse, as if they have never appeared.

Yun Qianyue sighs in her heart that Yunli is not the cloud left before. The heaven saint's dye vat has not worn out his appearance. Maybe only in front of her can you see some shadows of the past, but it is very shallow.

In a short time, the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty came near, and all the ministers immediately got up to see the ceremony, "Empress Dowager Jin'an!"

"An old lady of AI's family didn't want to come to sweep the fun of all of you, but the emperor sent someone to invite her. She said that today all the people in the government have brought their wives, so that I can come and have fun. I don't need to be too polite. The mourning family is also the person who should be in a scene. " The Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty smiles and waves her hand to the people.

"When the Empress Dowager is still young, where will she become an old lady? If you say so, my wife and the ladies will feel old Princess De Qin said with a smile.

"Yes! The emperor is filial, and the Empress Dowager is getting younger and younger. " The princess of filial piety immediately agreed.

Both of them said that, and there were many women in the imperial court who offered compliments.

Naturally, the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty liked to listen to good words, and her smile on her face was bright and beautiful.

A moment later, the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty sat down and looked around at the people sitting there. Her eyes fell on Rong Jing and Yun Qianyue. She said with a smile, "the king's son and his concubine Jing Shizi look good today. It's much better than that day when the AI family arrived at the Rong palace. Think you're in good health? "

"The Empress Dowager cares! All right, seven or eight. " Rong Jing responded with a smile.

"Now the emperor is preparing to enlist in southern Xinjiang at the request of his ministers. The turmoil in the southwest distracts the emperor. When King Shizi is well, he can share his worries for the emperor." The Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty said with a smile.

"The emperor is full of vigor and vitality, and the courtiers are united as one. It is not in any way affected by the scenery." Yung King Road.

"Well, the king's words are not right. If the heavenly Saint lacks you, he will lose half of the country. If the emperor does not have you, he will be without a helping hand." The Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty shook her head. "When the first emperor was alive, he respected you in every way. Now the emperor ascends the throne, especially for your long grace. King Shizi's assassination of the emperor is so big that the emperor can ignore your face. This is not a special case for everyone. "

"The Empress Dowager flatters me Rong Jing smiles faintly.

"Have you been married for nearly two months? Are you happy now The Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty set her eyes on the belly of yunqianyue.

People from the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty and Rong Jingxu talk, originally all listen quietly, at this time all look at the stomach of Xiangyun Qianyue.

Cloud shallow month in the heart is angry, just about to break out, Rong Jing holds her hand tightly, the tone is quite meaningful way: "we just got married, we haven't got along enough fun, we can ask for it later."

This means that you are newly married and don't want to have a child to disturb you. Everyone understood.

The Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty understood it naturally and said with a sudden smile: "the feelings between King Shizi and his concubine are really enviable." Then he said, "I remember when the emperor was alive, the imperial concubine of jingshizi had been suffering from heavy losses for a period of time, and the imperial doctor diagnosed that it was not easy to have children..."

"The emperor can be saved when he is dying, not to mention that her body was just a laughing loss fatigue at that time?" Rong Jing smiles.

The Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty said with a kind smile, "it is too!" After that, she turned to the seven princesses beside her, and she was very kind as a mother and said, "Qi'er was not in good health at the beginning, but she is not happy now. In a few months, she will be born. My family is going to be a grandmother

The seventh Princess bowed her head and did not speak.

Rongjing didn't answer, just with a smile on her face.

"Yunshizi, you are busy in Chaozhong and you are not allowed to take care of Qi'er, and the AI family has nothing to do in the back palace. Let Qi'er stay in the palace after today! The AI family can also take care of her. You can see that she is much thinner than when the AI family visited King Shizi in the Rong Palace last time. How can it go on like this? " The Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty turned to Yunli.

Cloud from the head also does not raise ground to nod, "good!"

The seven princesses had lowered her head and raised her head abruptly. Looking at Xiang Yun Li, her eyes were full of disbelief.Obviously, the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty didn't expect Yunli's promise so happily. She was stunned for a moment and said happily, "I thought you and Qi'er were in a good relationship. I blame my old lady for not being able to do anything. Now that you have agreed, the burden on my family suddenly becomes heavy."

"No, I stayed well in the cloud palace. What am I doing in the palace? There is no place to harass the emperor and his mother. " Seven princess shakes her head, looks at cloud to leave pursed lip way: "although he is busy, but a lot of people in the mansion wait on, empress mother is at ease."

The Empress Dowager frowned! A lot of people in the cloud palace who are waiting for you are as intimate as your mother? How can we say that the son of the cloud can't always be around. The servants in the mansion are always servants. How can I serve you properly

"Is there a mother in the house? My mother's wife talks with me every day, and she also knows how to cure. I'm very good. " Seven princess road.

"Oh, I remember. You mean Princess Yun." The Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty suddenly took a look at Yun Qianyue and said: "yesterday, I talked to the emperor about the cloud king who went to Nanliang last year and was left in Nanliang. At that time, when the king left, Princess Yun did not come back to Tiansheng. Now Princess Yun has lived in the mansion for more than two months. The emperor has written to Nanliang, but Nanliang still has no movement. Obviously, she has made up her mind not to let go. But the cloud king is my heavenly Saint humerus important minister, how can always stay in Nanliang? Therefore, the emperor intends to let Princess Yun go to Nanliang to pick up the king. "

Seven princess a Leng, immediately look at the cloud shallow moon.

The clouds are shallow and the moon is still. After a few words, the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty said several things. First, she implied that her body was not easy to get pregnant, and then she wanted to leave the seventh princess in the palace. Finally, she said that her mother would go to Nanliang to meet her father. This is really interesting. What on earth does she want to do? Or what does night light dye want to do?

"Princess Yun's ability is not only known to us, but also known to all the people in the world. At that time, Princess Yun also did several big things to stir the world. She is also the younger martial sister of Nanliang national teacher. With this affection, she will be able to take back the king of cloud. " The Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty said again.

Seven princess did not answer, cloud shallow moon did not answer, Rongjing did not answer, no one answered, only she said.

"My old lady is wordy. The emperor should have said this." When the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty laughed, she did not feel that nobody should answer or be embarrassed. "The emperor has sent someone to invite Princess Yun to join the banquet today. I'll see what Princess Yun means later. I think since Princess Yun has come back to Tiansheng, although she hasn't seen her for more than ten years, she should still remember her old love with King Yun. How can she not bear his suffering in Nanliang and will go there. Otherwise, he will not give up the king of Donghai and come to Tiansheng. "

Cloud shallow moon face is silent listen, ponder over the plot behind a few words of the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty.

"The emperor is here!" At this time, there was a sharp voice in the distance.

All the ministers stood up in a hurry.

Yunqianyue heard the sound and saw that night light dye was surrounded by a group of people. It was obvious that the sword stabbed by yunqianyue was good enough to walk on the ground. His posture and bearing is no longer what he used to be. The bright yellow robe sets off his bearing and dignity of 95.

Behind him were four men, a young man and three young women. All of them are beautiful, and one of them is Lan Yi, who is known to all. She is gorgeous in water blue, like the bright blue in the sky, which is very eye-catching among the four. The other two women are wearing a lake green and a yellow one. Their faces are delicate and their posture is noble. The only man's appearance is not special, but can only be regarded as superior. However, his cold temperament is like a sword that can be sold at any time Like to come, but let people feel from the bottom of the heart overflow dead cold gas.

Cloud light moon's eyes pass blue Yi, fixed on the three people, thinking that the people who come out of Kunwu hall are really extraordinary. Kungfu is no less than Lanyi. I'm afraid the man is still above Lanyi.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!" In a burst of high voice, night light dye walked to near. , the fastest update of the webnovel!