The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1503

Yunqianyue takes back her body and looks at her with a smile. She feels funny because of this little episode. She reaches out and drags Rongjing's arm, and her head lies in his arms. Her voice says briskly: "in ancient times, pan an threw fruit in a car, but now Rongjing has a flower on her own."

"Rong Jing laughed," just received a flower, in the end is a lot worse. "

Yun Xiaoyue glared at him, "that's because I was in your car. If I wasn't there, those girls' sachets would have been thrown at you."

"Before, when I was alone, I never received this kind of courtesy. What you said was the king of Nanliang, and brother Xiaorui was." Rong Jing said with a smile.

Cloud shallow moon quipped, "he that is false romantic, not calculate. You didn't get any courtesy before, but everyone didn't dare to offend the lofty King Shizi. Now, Jing Shizi even opened the curtain of the car in public and laughed. It will be a big difference after that. "

Rongjing patted her on the head, disapproved and said, "I was laughing?"

Cloud shallow moon hum a, mumble a way: "you didn't see those girls in the flower building? Day by day, leaning on the fence, tea fluttering, bright smile, you just like that, almost Well... "

Before she finished her words, Rongjing bowed her head and gave a punitive kiss.

Cloud shallow moon was kiss panting, unable to breathe, stretched out his hand to push him, but was clamped by him and couldn't move.

After a long time, Rongjing let go of her until she was weak and weak. Her voice was hoarse and deep, "well, you are a cloud shallow moon. You compare me to the man who is laughing on the fence. I haven't tired you these days. It's very kind to you, isn't it? "

Cloud shallow month chest micro drum, Mei eye such as silk ground to look at him, panting, rightful way: "I am jealous, not allowed?"

Rong Jing's eyes flashed. He lowered his head. His lips were sticking to her lips, which had been kissing. He said, "I can't spare you tonight."

Yun Qianyue's face was already red, but she didn't want to lose. She raised her white neck and said, "who is afraid of whom? It's not certain who can't spare at night. "

"Hard spoken, I'll ask you for mercy at night." Rongjing low tunnel.

Yunqianyue remembers the lesson of the last time, and her heart trembles. She closes her mouth and doesn't speak any more. However, she secretly pays attention to how she can pull back a game at night and ask him to beg for mercy.

Rong Jing's eyes are deep and deep at the cloud, and the moon's eye drops slip around. Naturally, she knows what she wants and doesn't break it.

After a while, the carriage came to the palace and stopped slowly.

Yunqianyue got up and sat up, took a mirror and looked at it, because she thought about things that should not be suitable for children all the way. At this time, her face was like peach blossom, just like being moistened by the spring water. She looked back at the scene and saw that his face was like the spring breeze, which was better than her, but it was not much worse. She said angrily, "if you and I look like you, you may think about what you and I look like Is it? "

How can we look at her with a gentle smile

Cloud shallow moon rubs face forcefully, "I have thin skin."

Rong Jing chuckled, "I will give you some thick face skin."

Cloud shallow month reaches out to beat him, "do not know shame, you still mean to say, get out of the car!"

Rongjing let go of him, stretched out his hand to lift the curtain, slowly leaned out of the car, and turned back and stretched out his hand to the cloud. Yunqianyue put his hand on his hand and jumped out of the car.

A gust of spring wind, slightly cool, blowing away some of the heat on her face.

A number of carriages have stopped at the gate of the palace. Many officials of the imperial court, with their family members, have just got out of the car. Seeing Rongjing and Yun Qianyue coming, they come to greet each other.

Rong Jing returned the ceremony with a smile. Yun Qianyue was standing beside him. Never before, she felt that it was so natural to stand beside him. When she was not married, people would look at him and Rongjing in a meaningful way. After all, they were unmarried at that time and stayed together regardless of etiquette, which not only made some old scholars disapprove of it, but also made some scholars disapprove of it Liu officials also feel that it is immoral, but because of Rong Jing and her identity, they dare not say it clearly. Now it is different. When they see the two holding hands, everyone's face is not only respectful and cautious, but also envious.

After a brief exchange of greetings, they went into the palace together.

Today's banquet was placed in the imperial garden. A group of people went straight to the royal garden.

After a short time, I came to the imperial garden. I saw that a banquet had already been arranged in the largest pavilion on the waterside pavilion of the royal garden. Many officials and family members who had come first had already taken their seats. Don't see the shadow of night light dye, only see night Tianyi sitting there.

In addition to night Tianyi, there are prince De, Prince Xiao, Rong Feng, Leng Shao Zhuo, Shen Zhao, etc.

When they saw Rongjing coming, they all got up in succession, except ye Tianyi and Prince De. Another greetings, Rong Jing took the cloud shallow moon into the seat. Naturally, the seat had been prepared for a long time. His seat was opposite yetianyi and was located at the head of the emperor's seat.

"Jing Shizi should take good care of his imperial concubine's sword today." The prince of Germany still remembers and hates the incident that the moon stabbed the night light dye.

"Uncle De Wang is relieved that her sword will not be sold as long as she is not provoked. If others provoke her, there is no way, and Jing can't stop her. " Rong Jing smiles faintly.Prince de snorted, looked at the cloud and said, "the princess is more and more skilled, even the emperor dare to kill. When the cloud palace was a daughter, he didn't know how to teach etiquette and numbers. Now that he married into the Rong palace, he still didn't understand it? They are both royal families of a hundred years old. Don't insult the family tradition. "

All the ministers had gathered together to speak in twos and threes. At this time, they all felt that the atmosphere was a little stiff, and they all stopped talking.

Cloud shallow month picked pick eyebrow, "de prince wants to settle old accounts with me today? When the emperor ascended the throne on that day, why didn't you calculate that I saved him from injury? He killed the night God, I find him to settle accounts, yes, but Rongjing spent nine cattle and two tigers to save him. It's offset by two or two. What are you doing now? Or do you want to remind me that I was not cruel enough that day. Should I draw my sword more accurately and faster? "

Prince De's face changed and he choked.

"Uncle De Wang, let go of the past! If the emperor doesn't want to be hurt, very few people can hurt him. " Ye Tianyi took a look at the peach blossom face of Yun Qianyue and said, "today is a good day for the blue master and the three young masters. Don't hurt the atmosphere. I don't think it's the emperor's wish."

German Pro Wang just wanted to refute the words, immediately took back, face ugly ground no longer open mouth.

Yunqianyue doesn't agree. She turns her eyes around, but she doesn't see LAN Yi and the three major aristocratic families. She thinks that ye qingran has just invited people into the palace. Now she is summoned in the imperial study. What are the talks? It is nothing more than benefits and conditions, as well as the recovery and reuse of the four.

"The Empress Dowager arrives!" There was a shrill cry from afar.

Yunqianyue looked along the sound, and saw the Empress Dowager in purple section gilded palace robe, with cloud temples on her head and nine Golden Phoenix in her hairpin. She was surrounded by a crowd, accompanied by Princess six and Princess seven. The sixth princess is more gorgeous and elegant than the previous princesses, and she is much thinner. The seventh Princess doesn't wear palace shoes. She goes to Rong Wang's mansion with the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty on the day of his death. She frowns and looks at Yunli. , the fastest update of the webnovel!