The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1502

The blue family, the Yi family, the Hua family and the Ling family received the imperial edict of the new emperor, which caused a sensation in the peach blossom forest.

Lanyi, Yihong, Huashu and Lingyan immediately set out for Beijing after receiving the imperial edict. In the ten mile peach blossom forest that they set out with, there were also outstanding young people of four families who served as their family members and retinues.

Ten li peach blossom forest is thousands of miles away from Tiansheng capital. Three days after the edict arrived, the four men rode fast into Beijing.

The new emperor night light dye gets the news, orders an Wang Ye Tianyi to go out of the city to meet the emperor, and gives the four families the highest respect.

On the day of their arrival in Beijing, the streets and alleys of the capital were filled with onlookers. For the first time, they witnessed the elegant demeanor and heroism of the children of the ten great hermit families and praised them in succession.

Four people into the palace, night light dye in the Royal Garden, for the four people to wash the dust. This is the first banquet held after ye qingran's accession to the throne. In order to celebrate the entry of the four people into the dynasty, all officials above the third grade in the imperial court are specially called to bring their families to attend. And send a close bodyguard to Rongwang's house to invite Rongjing and yunqianyue.

When the news came to Zizhuyuan, Rongjing and yunqianyue were discussing swords.

Both of them did not use their internal power, but used pure broken sword moves. They were as thin as ice and snow, and glittering with cold light. They were dazzled by Qingchang, Linglian and Yixue.

Rong Xi's voice sounded three times outside the purple bamboo forest, and Rongjing and yunqianyue slowly closed their swords.

Rong Jing also sword into sale, take out Juan afraid to give cloud shallow moon wipe sweat, warm voice external inquiry, "what's the matter?"

"Today, the leader of the blue family and other four people came to Beijing. The emperor held a banquet in the palace to help them get rid of the dust. The officials above the third grade in the imperial court bring their family members to attend. They specially send someone to invite you and the princess. " Rong Xi finally waited for a reply and said softly.

"Do you want to enter the palace?"

Yun Qianyue looked down for a moment, then nodded his head and said, "how can I see the characters who come out of Kunwu hall except Lanyi

Rong Jing nodded and said to the outside, "I'll tell you later that I'll go to the palace with my son's concubine."

"Yes Rong Xi got a reply and ran to the gate.

Rong Jing and Yun Qianyue have been nurturing for several days. Yun Qianyue broke into Rong Wang's Mansion because of the light dye that day and night. In order to save the tree peony, he injured his spirit skill. After taking the healing pill given by Yun Shaoyuan, he has just recovered his weak internal power. However, Rongjing has not used his internal power since lying in bed, so he has recovered a total of 7788.

They went back to the room, took a bath and changed clothes and went out of the purple bamboo yard.

Walking to the green lake outside the purple bamboo forest, there are voices and laughter in a courtyard in the southwest direction, one male and one female. Cloud shallow moon slightly a Zheng, heard that the woman is Rong Lingyan, the man is Qin Jing, the younger son of the former Prime Minister of Qin, Qin Yuning's younger brother. She came to the mansion for a few months. She still remembered that the old emperor died and saw him on the day when she came back from the imperial mausoleum. She never saw him again. In recent years, she seldom saw him in Beijing. She vaguely remembered that she was a handsome young man about 15 or 6 years old. She looked at Rongjing.

Rong Jing said with a gentle smile, "Qin Jing came to the Rongwang mansion that day after the prime minister left Beijing, and he has been living in the Rongwang mansion. Besides reading books, he talks with his five sisters about poetry and painting. His painting skills are amazing, no less than you."

Cloud light moon blinked and said in a low voice: "what did you want him to stay in the mansion? Now that Prime Minister Qin is dead, Qin Yuning is a prostitute in the moulu mountain camp, but he is in our house. His father and sister died because of us. Does he know? "

"Yes." Rong Jing laughed, "I have told him."

Cloud shallow moon looks at him, "what is his attitude?"

"He said that life and death have a life and death. It's not surprising that their choice has such an end." Rongjing said: "he said that he had tried his best to persuade him, but they didn't listen to him. Now, one death is not as good as death. There are reasons and results. He has no more guilt and burden."

Cloud shallow moon raises eyebrow, "pour is a thorough person."

Rong Jing said, "it's very rare for Yexiao to have such a son. If it were not for the fifth sister, he might have become a monk in Lingtai temple now. "

Yunqianyue thought of the teenager who blushed and stuttered when she saw her that day, and sighed, "it seems that he and his five sisters have a good relationship. Do you really want to marry him and let them marry?"

"There's no hurry." Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow month thinks that at present really has no mind to do happy things for who, then also no longer speak. Every man has his own nature. If Qin Jing is as open-minded and wise as Rongjing said, and is not disturbed by Prime Minister Qin and Qin Yuning, it will not be bad in the future.

They came to the gate of Rong Wang's mansion when they talked. Qingquan had already prepared the car and waited there.

Xiange was injured so much that she was almost dying. She could be regarded as a life recovered from the ghost gate. Now, like Hualuo and canglan, she can't get out of bed even though she wakes up. Rongjing's bodyguard was replaced by Qingquan.

Qingquan is much more stable than last year, but because of his natural temperament, he can't learn the cold face of string songs. See two people come, immediately open the curtain with a smile.

Rong Jing took a look at him and shook his head with a smile.Cloud shallow moon looks at him to sell the good appearance, also some funny.

The curtain fell, and the carriage left the palace.

The streets of Beijing are very busy these days. Today, when the four people come to Beijing, it is even more lively. The streets were flooded with people. Rong Jing's carriage is his symbol, so after his carriage appeared, the crowd spontaneously and respectfully let the way.

Some brave people called to the carriage, "King Shizi, are you well?"

One person started, and the people responded and inquired with concern.

Rong Jing stretched out his hand to open the curtain, stretched out half of his body, and said with a smile to the crowd, "it's almost good."

The people obviously didn't expect Rongjing to come out to answer. They suddenly burst into a pot with a bang, and their smiling faces were extremely happy.

Rong Jing dropped the curtain, and a smile hung in the corner of his mouth.

Cloud shallow month envious ground looks at Rong Jing, "I am also injured, how did no one ask me to be good?"

As soon as her voice fell, another person suddenly said in a loud voice: "is the injury of the king's son Princess better?"

Cloud shallow moon one Zheng.

"Rong Jing chuckled," who is this person to explain so, hear your heart voice? "

Yunqianyue also laughed after being stunned. He took Rongjing for a look, lifted the curtain, raised his smiling face, and said in a clear voice to the crowd: "I'm natural All right She dropped the curtain.

The crowd burst into cheering, and the girl selling flowers involuntarily threw flowers on the carriage.

Many people are dazzled by the two smiling faces of Rongjing and yunqianyue, and stare at the carriage going away for a time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!