The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1450

Night light dye purses a lip, solitary doubt ground asks, "I did not see king elder brother today, can be he?"

"It's hard to say!" An imperial teacher said, "King Shizi is talented and has excellent martial arts. He once separated a monk from a monk in Lingtai Temple of Qingquan mountain, which is quite different. But if he was alone, though powerful, he would not be able to deal with both of me. If he is, there should be someone else to help. "

"Who is so capable of helping brother Jing? At that time, sister Yun was in front of the coffin. She could not and could not. The people who made friends with sister Yun were there. In addition, empress ye and her husband left, and the emperor Xiyan also left the capital. Is it Nanlingrui? But if it were him, I couldn't feel his breath The night is light and warm.

Night light dye does not have the speech, listens quietly.

"Is it the second prince of Donghai? I haven't seen him these days The night is light and warm.

"Is the second prince of Donghai really so powerful?" The two emperors looked at the night and asked.

"He's different from the rumor. He's not a romantic prince. I can't see his depth after spending a few days with him. If he helps brother Jing, it's possible." Night light warm way: "after all, he is the East China Sea Prince personally on behalf of his father's younger brother."

"It can't be Yuzixi! He joined hands with Rongjing, but he couldn't help the two emperors. " Night light dye this time road.

"Who is that? Is it the prince of Donghai On the day of their wedding, I went to the top of Yulong mountain, but I didn't see the person clearly, so I fell into a coma. Later, I woke up in Deqin palace. You said that the person who made the move should be the jade Prince of Donghai. Unfortunately, I did not find the whereabouts of the jade prince when I looked around. If he were to help brother Jing, then they could work together to compete with the emperor? "

"Well!" Night light dye nods, "but it's not him, he has returned to the East China Sea! It's impossible to stay in heaven for a long time. "

"That's strange. Who the hell is that man? " Night light warm eyebrows tight, will all people think of a time, can not think of who.

"What is aunt Qing doing in the cloud palace these days?" Night light dye suddenly way.

Night light warm a Leng, looking at night light dye, "brother said that the person who helped brother Jing is Qing aunt? Princess Yun She thought for a moment and said, "Princess Yun has been accompanying Mr. Yun in the mansion to help him recuperate. After I came to the capital, I only invited the second prince of Donghai to race the horse. She followed her. She came back and said that she was no younger than a young man. Don't call her next time. She might as well stay with him in the mansion and never leave the mansion."

"It's unusual that Aunt Qing came back from her death more than ten years ago." Night light dye road.

The night was light and warm, and her face changed

"Very likely! At that time, the emperor's uncle tried his best to find out her whereabouts. " Night light dye road.

"It is said that Princess Yun married huawang of Donghai in Donghai. Isn't this a maid and husband? Now she comes back to the heaven to serve the old king Yun, but is the East China Sea King OK? Uncle Yun Wang is now detained by Nanling Rui in Nanliang. Now I don't know whether he has heard the news that Princess Yun has come back alive? " Night light warm road.

Night light dye does not speak, seems to fall into thinking again.

The night light warm also does not disturb her, and two imperial teachers sit quietly in the palace.

After a while, night light dye way: "once there was a man named Yunwu in the cloud palace, who said about the twins of the cloud palace." Words fall, he suddenly a smile, "the wind from nowhere may not have no reason."

The night is light and warm.

Night light dye seems tired, do not want to say again, to night light warm wave hand, "two emperor division injured, you send them to Zhenwu hall to settle. In the future, the two imperial masters just need to close their doors and heal their wounds, and the rest will not be in a hurry for a moment and a half. "

The night was light and warm, nodded, got up and stood up. The two imperial masters also got up, and the three went out of the emperor's bedroom hall.

After the three left, only one night light dye was left in the emperor's bedroom. He closed his eyes, raised his arm, and touched his heart with some difficulty. His face was dark and hard to distinguish.

At ten o'clock in the afternoon, ye Tianyi buried the king of Ping, and went back to the palace after the gift of yetianyi, and gave ye qingran a pulse. After that, they had another talk about today's affairs.

Two people are talking, light and warm night, after settling the two imperial masters did not return to the house, and broke into the emperor's bedroom hall.

After coming in, they stopped talking and looked at her.

Ye qingran asked, "are the two imperial masters settled down?"

Ye Qingnuan nodded, took a look at Ye Tianyi, took a deep breath, and said to night qingran: "brother, I want to go to the imperial mausoleum, open the imperial mausoleum, and explore the coffin bestowed by night.". If you don't believe it, you can't find any clues. I want to see what kind of mystery sister Yun has set up. "

Ye Tianyi frowned.

Night light dye immediately said: "no!"

"Brother, why not?" Night Qingnuan looked at night qingran, "that night's gift must be not simple. You think about it, sister Yun was entrusted by the Empress Dowager. The Empress Dowager fought to death for this child. He was born well. Your glass of wine is not poisonous wine at all, but he died in two days. It's too strange, and I feel that the child's breath is not right, too strange, not the gift of night at all, but he has the same appearance as the night gift, which is too strange. The two imperial masters also said that the child was not right. However, he was stopped secretly. He could not find the crux and was injured. Now they certainly don't expect me to visit the imperial mausoleum again. ""That's not true!" Night light dye shakes his head, "this is the end of this time, do not check again!"

"Brother!" The night is light warm to cry out urgently, annoyed way: "do you still care about cloud elder sister's affection, but do you know that today's cloud elder sister is not soft to you?"

Ye qingran's face sank. "This game has been defeated. You and the emperor's master kowtow to yetian for three thanks. Don't you think the defeat is not thorough enough? Even if you visit the imperial mausoleum now, even if you find out something, it's useless. Today, many people in Rong Wang's mansion are obvious to all, and the fact has been achieved. Are you going to visit the imperial mausoleum and overthrow the emperor's words and beat your mouth? Do you want people to say that the emperor Yeshi is nothing but this? Words are useless? Want people to say that I don't let go of a dead child after he's settled down? If you lose this game, you lose! It's nothing. I've said not to rush for a moment and a half. "

Night light warm eyes red, "but this matter is not so? Sister Yun is really a schemer

"She's always calculating, but she doesn't have to!" Night light dye eased tone, smile, "don't be reconciled, lose in her hand, do not insult you. In recent years, she disguised herself under the eyes of Uncle Huang and cheated him for ten years. Compared with you, what is the defeat this time After that, he said in a warm voice: "go back to your house and see my father! He is ill with Qi and blood. I don't know if he is better

"It's all you! If it wasn't for you who didn't hide and didn't fight back and let sister Yun kill her, how could my father get angry? " Wipe the eye rim gently at night.

"You don't understand!" Night light dye sighed and waved to the night.

Ye Qingnuan no longer talked about it any more. After two steps, he seemed to think of something. He suddenly turned back and said to night qingran: "brother, I just got the news that in Tianling mountain, southwest of Tiansheng, some people raised a banner of righteousness to revolt and stand on their own as the king. They said that the number of heavenly saints had been exhausted, and the people of Bai family were in dire need of living, thus overthrowing the rule of Tian Sheng. Return the people to peace and prosperity. "

Night light dye pick eyebrows, look at night Tianyi.

Ye Tianyi shook her head. "I haven't heard from you."

"I just got the news. I forgot to say it for a while." Night light warm road.

"What flag? Who is the leader? " Night light dye asked.

"It's just a man named Li Qi, who was born in cloth and led a gang of refugees who were naked and had no food to eat." Night light warm way: "because warm city is also in the south, I have a foundation in warm city these years, so I get news faster than brother Yi and you."

"How many days?" Night light dye asked.

"Flying pigeons have been here for three days. It should be three days. " Night light warm road.

"If the pigeon delivers the letter for three days, it will take half a month for the local officials to order people to report quickly." The way of night nature.

"How many revolts?" Night light dye asks again.

"It is said that there are more than 500 people." "Night light warm way," is not a big thing, brother, I fly pigeon messenger order people to suppress? "

The nest of ants can collapse Ye Tianyi said: "five hundred people are small, but this is not small."

"Good! It's not small. " Night light dye nods, "tianlingshan is too far away, and the interval between getting news from the capital is too long, so we can't get the situation of Tianling mountain in time. It's no use sending people to suppress them. We must send someone to understand the situation and then adjust measures to local conditions. "

The night was light and warm. Originally, 500 people didn't like it. So when they received the news, they all thought about the second visit to the imperial mausoleum, which was almost overlooked. Now, after listening to their words, they also solemnly said, "I'll go there! I'm familiar with the south. "

"You can't!" Night light dye shakes his head, "you want to stay in Beijing."

"Who's going? Let Yi elder brother go? He wants to supervise the country Night light warm road.

"Tianyi can't do it either." Night light dye shakes head, ponders for a moment quietly, deep voice way: "Cang Pavilion can go!"

"Well! Cangting is a suitable candidate. " Ye Tianyi nodded, "there are many marshes in the south. People from the top ten aristocratic families, especially cangting, have carefully studied the marching arrangements and the measures to pacify the people. You can take a trip. "

The night is light and warm and no longer talks.

Night light dye to the outside order, "inkstone, pass my will, Xuan Cang Pavilion immediately into the palace!"

"Yes Outside inkstone answer, hurried out of the palace, fast horse to cangting house in. , the fastest update of the webnovel!