The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1451

The inkstone went to the cangting pavilion to announce the edict. At the same time, the rongwangfu also got the news that someone had raised the Yiqi banner to rebel in Tianling mountain, Southwest China.

After Rong Jing received the message from the ink Pavilion, yunqianyue also received the news from the Red Pavilion.

Rong Jing did not have any instructions, just said to the green shadow, "I know!"

Yunqianyue thinks that the southwest Tianling mountain is in the south of the Tiansheng border, adjacent to the southern Xinjiang, where most of them are swamps. The traffic is blocked. From Tiansheng to Tianling mountain, there are many dangers. All along, Tiangao emperor is far away from Tiansheng, bandits are rampant, and bandits are everywhere. People have natural disasters and man-made disasters, and they can't get the help of the imperial court, and the relief materials that the imperial court often assigns are also affected Because of the dangers of the journey, it is still fast to arrive in a few months and half a year. Some of them even can't get there at all. They are robbed by bandits, or they are directly enriched by corrupt officials. There was a flood last year, and the southwest swamp was afraid to be a vast ocean, and then there were several heavy snowfalls. The people were already suffering. It can be imagined that there were frozen bones on the road, and the people were in dire need of living, and there were dead bodies everywhere.

Today, most of the officials are incompetent. They are fond of seeking happiness and extravagance. Most of them are corrupt officials. They are already full of flaws. Now, even the appearance of prosperity is just a veil. In his later years, the old emperor devoted all his heart to the elimination of the house of Lord Rong and the mansion of Prince Yun. Naturally, the palace of Lord Rong and the mansion of Lord Yun were not willing to be removed by him, so they fought for imperial power secretly and openly. This battle did not end with the death of the old emperor. Instead, he left behind his followers after his death. He used night Tianyi as a cover up, night heaven as a springboard, and yeqingran as his successor. During this period, heaven seemed to fight against Ye family. Natural disasters continued, Bai family suffered, refugees lost their homes, and buried bones along the way, turning a prosperous God into a thousand sores A hundred holes of dead wood. Night qingran only ascended the throne for two days. Before everything was started, there were many changes. Now some people can't bear the burden any more. It's not surprising to take advantage of this opportunity to launch an uprising.

"How to deal with the little night?" Cloud shallow moon slants head to look at Rong Jing, ask softly.

"Let's send someone to Tianling mountain!" he said with a faint smile "Who will be sent?" Asked the moon.

"Night qingran is lying on the Dragon bed and can't get off. Night Tianyi wants to supervise the country, and the night is light and warm to protect the capital secretly. The king of Germany and the king of filial piety are old, and now Prince De is in bed. The king Xiaoqin's statement is not good, and going there will backfire. Leng Shao Zhuo has no martial arts skills. Even if he can go, his journey is very dangerous. Even if he is protected by an expert, he will not be able to get to the place in a month or two. Rong Feng looks after the barracks of military aircraft. The military department can't be deserted. Some noble people in the court are not clear. They don't dare to use them rashly. There is no one in the wing mansion except Yunli. Even if there is one, Yunli can't use it. Like Leng Shao Zhuo, Yunli can't be sent. Shen Zhao is my man, and there is only cangting Pavilion left. " Rong Jing said: "cangting is a member of the top ten aristocratic families, and he has a good command of literature and martial arts. He has carefully studied the marching arrangements and the measures to pacify the people. If you are good at martial arts, you can get there in ten days if you are light and light. It's the most suitable person. "

Cloud shallow moon nodded and asked softly, "what is Du Zizhan doing now?"

"We have already contacted the old Murong headquarters, and follow my instructions." Yung King Road.

"And when do you give instructions?" Asked the moon.

Rong Jing shakes his head and gently touches the head of the cloud shallow moon and says in a warm voice: "no hurry."

Yun Qianyue looks at Rongjing and doesn't understand how he planned. Since Du Zizhan came to Rongwang's mansion that day, he has already revealed his identity, took out the token, and took back the jade seal from Lingtai temple. After a few months, Du Zizhan is ready, and he returns it What are you waiting for?

Rong Jingming Baiyun Xiaoyue thought, Wen Sheng explained: "Murong family has been a hundred years of extinction. Even though the heavenly sage cheated the world and robbed the country, they did it in secret. The common people didn't know it. They only knew that they were in danger in troubled times, rescued people from fire and water, and established the imperial dynasty. In the past 100 years, Tiansheng still gave the people a life of living and working in peace and contentment, but now it has fallen. But even so, after a hundred years, the Murong clan has long been eliminated from the dust. Today, the Murong banner is just a bandit army under the flag of Fufang, not a righteous teacher. It's not a righteous teacher. It's not right. So, wait a minute. "

"Until when?" Asked the moon.

"When the heavenly saints can't support them completely, when the people in the world can't support them completely, when the world is as chaotic as it was a hundred years ago, when we can't wait." The face of Rongjing is slightly dark.

Cloud shallow moon frown, "care so much to do what? If you don't follow your words, you will not! What are we afraid of? "

Rongjing chuckled and looked at the cloud and the moon, and sighed slightly, "gold and iron horses, the rivers and mountains shake, and the imperial achievements are just a golden chair and a palace wall. It's not worth looking forward to! I want to give you a piece of beautiful mountains and rivers, but I don't want you to bear the name of bringing disaster to the country and the people. "

Yun Qianyue suddenly realizes that he is for her. Now people all over the world know that ye qingran's heart is for her, and she married Rongjing. If Rongjing flies the banner of Murong at this time and restores the country, Murong will be recognized or not, and she will become a land of thousands of arrows. If the iron horse, the flames of war and the smoke of gunpowder, and the Iron Horse Treading on every inch of land, there will be a lot of destruction everywhere. There is no doubt that at present, or in the future, she will bear the charges of beauty, disaster and disaster for the country and the people. After she wanted to understand, she looked at him and murmured, "it's true that there is no expectation, but we don't move, and others can't spare us! I don't want to be beaten passively again. My aunt is not born with a soft bone. Why do I always wait to be beaten and not fight back? I'm not afraid of the crime of bringing disaster to the country and the people. "Rong jingruyu's hand flicked his forehead and said with a smile, "don't worry, we don't have to be passive in the future. Others are passive. Tianling mountain is just the beginning. I will certainly not let you carry the accusation of bringing disaster to the country and the people. How can my woman be bullied by the world? I can only say whether she is good or not

Hearing the speech, yunqianyue felt like a trickle in her heart. She reached out and hugged Rongjing's waist. Her troubles swept away and she looked at him with a smile. "I never knew that if Rong Gongzi talks sweetly, it turns out that no one in the world is better than him."

Rongjing seized her hand and looked at her naughty manner with a funny smile: "be careful of the wound! The scar is not good, forget to ache? "

Cloud shallow moon is no longer in a hurry to move, at present, healing is a big thing.

A moment later, the green dress outside the door whispered, "son of God, someone from the palace went to the palace to announce the order, and the emperor announced that the little Lord Cang would enter the palace."

"Well!" Rong Jing answered. , the fastest update of the webnovel!