The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1449

Cloud shallow moon nods, so you can rest assured!

"The letter should arrive at Nanliang in three days at the earliest. Your father has arranged it properly, and it will take three days for your uncle to return to Beijing. After six days, your father will leave and come to the capital as soon as possible. Ten days later. " Yu Qingqing analyzed: "but the letter to the East China Sea is slower. If you use the big carving of Zishu to convey the message, it will take five days to reach the East China Sea. The fastest way for the father and master Lingyin to deliver the message is three days. It will take half a month for the adoptive father and master Pushan to set out and come as fast as possible. In this way, they will be here at least 20 days later. "

"If Zishu's carving can carry people?" Asked the moon.

Yu Qingqing said with a smile, "Zishu, that big carving can be precious!" She said, "if you can carry people, it will take ten days to leave from the East China Sea. After all, it's a long way to go out of the sea. "

"A few days in advance, at least half a month." Cloud light moon road.

"Well, if you shorten the time in this way, it can be counted as half a month." Yu Qingqing nods.

"At that time, your injury should be healed, and mine was almost healed." Cloud light moon to Rongjing road.

Rong Jing nodded his head and said in a warm voice, "I'm not in a hurry. Let's count the 20 days."

Think about it, too, and nod.

"Today, although Xiaojing and I are both injured, they are protected by the soul fixing pearl and the evil removing pearl. Those two old things will only be more injured than Xiaojing, not lighter than him. It will take more than ten days to get rid of the injury. " Yuqingqing road.

"Let's follow the plan after 20 days to see how we can kill them." Cloud light moon road.

Yu Qingqing nodded and yawned: "I was woken up by Xiao Jing early in the morning. Now I'm so sleepy, I'll go back first. Don't worry, you two. It's important to take care of the wound first. "

"Well!" Cloud shallow month rose to stand up, send jade Qingqing out, "you tell grandfather, I'm ok, I'll go back to the house to see him in a few days."

"That day, the old man was so angry that he said you were a bastard. He saved people and saved his wounds. He was so angry that he said he didn't have a granddaughter like you. You ah, go back to also look for scolding, still temporarily recuperate! You can go back to listen to the scolding when you are hurt Yu Qingqing waved her hand and left the room with a word.

Cloud shallow month scolded a, "bad old man!"

Rong Jing chuckled and waved to the moon. Her voice was gentle, "come here!"

Cloud shallow moon closed the door and walked back to the bed.

Rong Jing gently pulled her to bed, lowered his head and kissed her, and asked in a low voice, "we haven't had sex for a few days?"

Cloud shallow moon face red, "you are still injured!"

"It's just inside, it doesn't affect doing something." Rongjing looked at her with burning eyes.

"My arm is still hurt!" Yunqianyue's face was feverish under his burning eyes.

"I didn't make trouble to you these two days just because you were hurt." Rong Jing said in a low voice, "how about I avoid your wound carefully?"

"It's day." The moon looked at the sky.

Rongjing waved down the curtain in front of the bed, and the room was suddenly dark. He whispered: "nothing happened in the daytime. I know you and I are in the room. No one dares to break in."

Cloud shallow moon was refuted to have no words, gently nodded.

Rong Jing leaned down, such as jade's hand pulled the ribbon from her waist, and the curtain fell down to cover a spring scene.

Sweat dripping, cloud trapped rain rest, cloud shallow moon tired, sleep in the past.

However, she did not feel sleepy. She gently took a touch of green silk and put it around her fingertips. Her picturesque eyebrows and eyes were thoughtful.

Night little princess with two imperial masters in and out of Rong Wang Fu, that day caused the shock of the people in the capital. The Yeshi emperor has always been a mythical existence. The common people never thought it was true. Now the two imperial masters appear, which is quite a sensation, and the common people rush to tell each other.

For a time, the heavenly capital became lively because of the emperor's appearance.

Some people think that the appearance of the emperor's teacher is a good thing to protect heaven's saints. Some people think that the appearance of the emperor's teacher is not a good thing. It is said that the emperor's master only appears when the country is in danger. Isn't it that Ye Shi may be exhausted?

All kinds of opinions are in constant dispute.

An Wang night Tianyi with civil and military officials to send Pingwang coffin into the imperial mausoleum, everything goes well.

After the funeral guard of honor went out of the imperial mausoleum, there was a brilliant end to the birth and death of the child given by night. In the postscript, the historian once said, "the night gift of Pingwang bears the turning point of two generations of emperors. His life and his death can not be lost in the long river of history."

Night light warm from the Rong Wang Fu out, with two imperial teachers into the palace, went straight to the emperor's bedroom.

In the palace of emperor's bedroom, night light dye lies on the Dragon bed, listening to the memorial.

Inkstone in the hall outside the report, "night small princess with two emperor division back."

Night light dye smell speech said a word, "please!"

The night is light and warm with two imperial masters into the emperor's bedroom hall. As soon as she entered, she waved back the attendants in the emperor's bedroom. She ordered people to close the door of the palace, and passed on close relatives to guard at the door. After doing everything she had done, she reported in detail the matter of going to the Lord Rong's mansion to open a coffin and examine himself.Night light dye listens, did not speak.

The night light warm looks at the night light dye, looked at the half sound, only sees the elder brother in addition to the blood loss on the face too much, the injury is too heavy, still pale weak, does not see a trace of emotion, she waited for a moment, could not help but shout, "brother?"

Night light dye light way: "expected."

"Sister Yun already knew that we went to make the arrangement? Or is it that night gift is the way to die The night was light and warm, but he still didn't believe in the tunnel: "I believe my feeling, absolutely not wrong. The breath of that child is obviously not given by night. When he was born, I specially used the umbilical cord blood to remember his breath." Then she looked at the two emperors and said, "I don't understand why the two masters can't verify it."

Night light dye as if thinking.

"Today, there are some high-ranking people in the Rong Wang's mansion to help the king's concubine secretly. Otherwise, we will not be hurt." The two emperors said in a deep voice.

"What kind of master? Two masters, why didn't you say that at that time? We'll find out who's behind the scenes. " The night is light and warm, surprised to see the two imperial masters.

"Girl, you are still too young! I don't understand what's going on in the middle. Those of us who can't do anything about it can't do it easily. " An imperial teacher.

"Who is it? Can't you both feel it? " The night is light and warm, also feel a bit impetuous, calm down.

The two emperors shook their heads. "We can't find out who it is, but that man was in the purple bamboo forest at that time. And there are gods and evil things to complement each other, interfering with the breath of the two of us. The man in the dark is very powerful and clever. It conceals the flavor of noumenon, which makes people have nothing to check. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!