The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1402

Rongjing didn't rush people. He turned around and went to the censer. Ruyu's hand gently added something to the censer. He said slowly, "I think you must be tired today. You should have a lot of rest."

Before he finished speaking, those people sitting in the room rushed out of the room in an instant and lost the victory.

Cloud shallow moon looked at the bead curtain shaking, crackling sound, suddenly big music. These people are afraid of Rongjing half a moment drunk.

The room quieted down.

Cloud shallow month walked to the door, close the door, see Rongjing from the incense burner to turn around, smiling at her.

"What a black heart! I won so many things in a flash. " Cloud light moon swung his sleeve and crackled.

Rong Jing blinked, "the Rong Wangfu has no money. I want to support you. Naturally, I will not miss any chance to send money to others."

Cloud light moon squinted at him, yawned, and walked to the big bed. She didn't believe that there was no money in Lord Rong's mansion. When she was halfway there, she suddenly fell light and was held up by Rongjing. She looked at Rongjing. Rongjing winked at her and said in a soft voice, "it's late to serve tea. My grandfather is very happy. There's no reason to go back early and make grandfather Yun unhappy. One night later, too

Cloud shallow moon immediately said: "no way!"

"You say no, don't count." Rongjing words down, put her on the bed, bent down to kiss.

Yunxiaoyue protested and was swallowed up.

Mandarin duck tent warm, spring Yingran, a room charming.

Get up late the next day, that's for sure!

Cloud light moon wakes up, the sun has gone up, Rongjing is sleeping beside her. She didn't want to be cheated again. She reached out and pushed him, "go back to the door today. Don't go too far. Get up!"

Yesterday, how can you open your eyes with a sigh

Listening to his tone, there is still some bitterness. Cloud shallow month glared at him one eye, "allow childe, you have a little success, OK? Every day in this gentle country, don't lose your heroism. "

"Heroism?" Rong Jing raised her eyebrows and asked seriously, "do I have this kind of thing?"

Cloud shallow month is silent for a moment, "No."

"Then it's over. What are you afraid of if you don't have something?" Rong Jing did not know blush and put his arms around the waist of the cloud shallow moon, "today's spring is excellent, and then sleep for a while."

Cloud shallow month reaches out to take away his hand, "want to sleep you sleep." She got up and sat up. I didn't think Rongjing was so sticky to the bed before. Now I can be regarded as having learned his skill of letting childe stick to the bed, which is incomparable to ordinary people.

Rongjing reached out and rubbed his forehead. Wenxiang nephrite was not there, so he didn't have to sleep, so he followed.

When you come back today, you need to dress up.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue come in to help Yun Xiaoyue clean up. As soon as they start, they are stopped by Rongjing, waving their hands to let them retreat. Two people do not know, so, see Rong Jing Pro automatic hand, just understand, smile and exit the door.

Cloud shallow month remembers yesterday he is not too satisfied, do not know how to give her today to toss, then let him.

Zhu Chai Yunbin, jade beads, ribbon, colorful brocade.

A clean-up, not inferior to yesterday's, but more than a few points.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Yun Qianyue picked her eyebrows and said to Rongjing, "don't you just want to hide me? How did it work? "

"Well, after some reflection, it is the peony that can't be hidden all the time. No matter how greedy others are, it's my family's Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow moon angry at him.

"From now on, I will knit my eyebrows for you every day." Rongjing embraces her and kisses her.

Cloud shallow moon hook hook mouth corner, nod. She likes to be pampered by him.

Two people out of the house, earlier than yesterday's time, from the Rong Wang Fu to Yun Wang Fu.

The people living in the yard don't know whether they are still asleep or where they are. There's no one there.

Cloud shallow moon also ignore, follow Rong Jing out of purple bamboo yard.

At the gate of Prince Rong's mansion, the car has already been prepared. In the car was loaded with wedding gifts for the bride to bring back to the door. Although the cloud palace does not lack this, the process always has to go.

They got on the car, and the carriage was about to leave. A carriage came from the palace and happened to block the road.

String song reined in the horse's rein and whispered to the car: "the son of a prince is the carriage of gongliwen's father-in-law."

Rongjing said, "well," that means I know.

Yunqianyue thinks that night Tianyi and night light dye must not let them relax. It's normal for things to come.

"I'd like to see King Shizi!" Sure enough, when Brunei's carriage arrived, he immediately jumped out of the car and saluted Rongjing's carriage.

"What's the matter with Duke Wen?" Rong Jing asked in a warm voice.

"The Regent asked Prince Jing to enter the palace immediately." Brunei road.

"I'm going to go back to the cloud palace with my concubine today." Rong Jing said faintly: "if there is something in the palace, the Regent will deal with it. It's the same whether I'm here or not. "

Brunei even said, "the Regent said that this matter is very important, you have to go to King Shizi."

Rong Jing picked her eyebrows and said, "please wait for the Regent! I will send the princess back to the cloud palaceBrunei boldly said, "the Regent asked Prince Jing to enter the palace immediately. Jingshizi, or you..." Rong Jing did not answer, but he gave a gentle smile.

Brunei immediately stopped talking and even said, "the slave will go back and tell the Regent that you will enter the palace later." The words fell, he no longer said more, and quickly got on the carriage when he came and drove to the palace. Without Rong Jing's command, string song waved a whip, and the carriage left the Rong palace and went to the cloud palace.

In the car, cloud shallow moon looked at Rong Jing two eyes, saw his jade Yan some shallow shadow, she frowned, did not speak.

Today's Day is warmer than yesterday, and the streets are crowded with people. The wedding of Rongjing and yunqianyue is obviously not over. There are still 351 gangs on the street. They are talking about the wedding, which is the world's surprise. Some talk about how delicious the water banquet is. Some talk about the Regent and ranxiaowang who didn't attend the wedding. However, two days later, they surrounded Rongwang's mansion with people. Later, the imperial forest army retreated There is no movement in Lord Rong's mansion. For a time, this big marriage is the biggest talk among the people after dinner.

Horses and carriages go through the streets, and the noise of people is not noisy. On the contrary, it makes people feel that this is true.

Cloud shallow moon languidly lies on the Rong Jing leg, "from today on, can't be idle! It's not two days

Rong Jing laughed and said, "don't you always say you've got half a day's leisure? There is always a free time in the day. "

The moon is not sure.

When the carriage arrived at the cloud palace, the hour was already in, and it was an hour away from noon.

At the gate of the cloud palace, Yunli and the seventh princess have already got the news, and they are waiting there to welcome the new couple back. , the fastest update of the webnovel!