The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1401

Yunqianyue and Rongjing stood behind a few people and looked for a moment. They were very happy. Even Li Hui did not have a look in his eyes.

Cloud shallow month is angry, this what matter, she steps forward, stretch out a hand to shine on the table, angry way: "give me stop!"

These four words, she thought, should be powerful, powerful and powerful enough to shock them!

But she was wrong!

Those several people Qi Qidun for a while, it seems that this just saw two people come in, leaf Qian eyelid a turn, ask: "you two also want to play?"

"No play!" The moon shakes her head.

"Go without playing!" When ye Qian hears the speech, he waves away the cloud and the moon.

"That's it. Don't disturb us when we don't play." Wind ember and West Yan Yue a person stretched out a hand, also pick Open Cloud shallow moon, mouth Qi Qi way: "who bet?"

"Me Nan Lingrui pushes the bet forward.

A few people once again into the world to play.

Cloud shallow moon was pushed to the back, looking at a few people, speechless for a moment, slant head to see to Rong Jing.

Rong Jing's eyes light slightly gather, step forward, warm voice way: "she doesn't play, I didn't say I don't play."

The noise stopped suddenly.

Yunqianyue looks at Rongjing, and he also Play with me?

"Oh, it's fresh. Do you want to play with Xiaojing?" Nanlingrui "ah" to a smile, like looking at the monster general Rongjing.

Let the scenic spot nod, "you heard me right."

"Well, come here and let's try Jing Shizi's hand." Ye Qian is also happy to hear the speech and immediately greets.

The wind ember snorted a little, "have you used all your money to get married? Do you have any money to play with? "

"Has the wind family master never heard of the saying that a lean camel is bigger than a horse?" Rong Jing picked her eyebrows obliquely.

"Don't lose your daughter-in-law." Xiyanyue glanced at the cloud and the moon, and his mouth was poisonous.

"It's not too bad to welcome you to the new Cheng in the West." Rong Jing retorted.

Xiyanyue's face was black.

Cloud shallow moon immediately big joy, interposed the words: "yes, we will extend him to the West that new Cheng to welcome over, I want to see this cloth clothes Qing phase how delicate flesh, I see still pity."

"Sure enough, they are a pair of black hearts. They are not a family Xiyanyue glared at them.

"If you want to play, there's so much nonsense. It's about to start!" Nanlingrui urged.

"Bet, then." Rongjing stretched out his hand and put the jade pendant on the table. He pushed it forward gently, "it's it!"

South Ling Rui tut Tut, "you are also really willing!"

"That's a lot of money." The cloud evening cold that has not spoken all the time has a smile.

Ye Qian eyes a bright, "I will win it today."

"It depends on the night queen's ability." Let's smile.

Yuzixi suddenly stretched out his arms and put his bet back in his arms. He said, "I don't want to play any more."

All the people looked at him.

Yuzixi blinked, "you play, have fun, you must win the brother-in-law! I see my sister alone, talk to her. By the way, I'll help you. " Words fall, he retreated from the pile of people, a pull cloud shallow moon, "sister, you can wear really gorgeous, like a peony."

Yunqianyue thought that it was a little slippery, and when she saw the scene, she immediately withdrew. After that, she was afraid that the sky would collapse and it would not hit him. He could not bear the loss. Suddenly, he was funny, "the bride is naturally gorgeous. Which bride have you ever seen a vegetarian?"

"That's true." Yuzixi dragged the cloud light moon to the soft couch, "elder sister, are you tired of serving tea today? I'll pound your shoulders. "

Cloud shallow moon think someone to wait on her naturally willing, nodded, "good!"

The two men turned their eyes and sat on the soft couch, and Yuzixi really beat their shoulders to the cloud shallow moon.

Rong Jing looked at two people one eye, slowly take back the line of sight, pick eyebrows, "start?"

"Who said that this boy and I split him like I did. I didn't run away like this, and I didn't have a good chance." South Ling Rui disdains to glance at jade son Xi one eye, mumble a, "begin."

Several people began to play.

Yuzixi's ability to beat one's shoulders is excellent. Yunqianyue's body is very stiff these two days, praising him: "good, and this craft."

Yuzi Xi complacent way: "of course, I used this trick to coax my father since I was a child. Every time I coax him to be happy, what I want, when he is happy, he will be rewarded."

"Cloud shallow moon chuckles," originally is for the appreciation to practice

Yuzixi picked her eyebrows and refused to comment.

The two of them talked with each other, but at the same time, they also paid close attention to the movements of those people.

After about a cup of tea, the slow voice of Rongjing rang out again, "how many, are you still playing?"

The men were silent for a moment.

Cloud shallow moon raises an eye to look, several people in front of all have no bet, all bet all ran in front of Rong Jing, she wants to laugh. She had learned this man's gambling skills when she played Huasheng and Hualuo in the old man's yard. She thinks that gambling is invincible all over the world, and she is still not his opponent. It's strange that these people don't lose.Nanlingrui snorted, "no more playing!"

Ye Qian, Feng Jin, Xi Yanyue and others also issued a cold hum.

Yunqianyue immediately ran forward to lighten Rongjing's booty. Yuzixi also ran forward and said with a smile, "brother-in-law, I've helped my sister beat my back for a long time. Have a reward!"

"Yes!" Rong Jing took up a jade card and gave it to Yuzixi.

Yuzixi cried out, "Wow, I've made money. This jade card is a silver shop. I have no money to visit Hualou these days

The moon rolled her eyes.

Rong Jing kicked the past, "now go to your flower house! Don't let that get in the way of my eyes. "

Yuzixi realized that he took a warm look at them. He took the jade card and swayed in front of nanlingrui, and Shi ran left.

A few people gamble, the natural bet is not small. One by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, with a distinguished identity. It's not a storefront, it's a Yinzhuang, it's a restaurant, or a Songfang. The silver dress is obviously nanlingrui's.

Cloud shallow moon when did not see a few people a face depressed, joyfully the booty tightened his sleeve. Rongjing won, of course, it was her. After finishing her work, she turned back and said to several people with a smile: "thank you, brothers. All the gifts have been sent, but I don't think it's enough. I'll give them to us, so I'll respect them and accept them as I'm told. You can rest assured that you will make the best use of it. "

Nanling Rui glared at cloud shallow month one eye, "dead wench!"

"If you get a bargain, you can sell it!" Ye Qian was angry.

Yun Xiaoyue waved, "are you tired? Go to rest

Several people lost things, where is so easy to go, one by one did not hear her words, found a place to sit. , the fastest update of the webnovel!