The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1403

When Rongjing and yunqianyue come out of the car, the gate of the cloud palace suddenly sheds a piece of brilliance. Yunli and the seventh princess were astonished for a moment, not to mention the family members and servants at the gate of the cloud palace. Everyone looked at them as if they were still.

Yunqianyue thinks that for more than ten years, she is the same. Now she has changed suddenly, not to mention that others are not used to it, nor to herself. She gave a slight cough.

Cloud from the first to return to God, with a smile: "King son, sister!"

"Brother!" Rong Jing smiles and greets Rongjing.

Although big marriage, Rong Jing married cloud shallow moon, but in the end is his identity placed there. It's beyond the reach of cloud. He leaned slightly away from his salute. "Grandfather has been waiting for you for a long time."

"I can't recognize my sister's appearance." Seven princesses also return to God at this time, affectionately took cloud shallow moon's arm, took cloud from the words: "yes, grandfather is waiting for you in the morning, hurry in!"

Yunli said "please" to Rongjing, and they walked in front.

Cloud shallow moon and seven princess walk in the back, she smiles way: "I this appearance also is a me only. How can my sister-in-law not recognize it? "

The seventh princess looked at the scene in front of her and said in a low voice, "I finally understand why the first emperor had to keep you and marry into the royal family. Even Princess Luoyao is inferior to you. But there is no one in Beijing who has the demeanor of a queen. "

Cloud shallow moon thought move, at this time some understand that Rong Jing no longer object to her so dressed up the mind. Some things have to adapt, don't they? It's just a smile. It's just looking good. Actually, there's a lot of wadding inside. It can't really be done. "

"So do you Seven princesses chuckled.

Four people chatted in pairs, and within a moment they came to the courtyard of the old king of cloud.

In the house, the old lord Yun, Yu Qingqing, and the family members of Lord Yun's house, who can be called the elder of yunqianyue, are all there, and they are oppressed by a lot of people. Two people just entered the courtyard, cloud old Wang Ye's voice spread out, "smelly girl, are you happy?"

Cloud shallow moon a stagger, nearly fell. This bad old man!

The seventh Princess supported her with a big stomach and said with a smile: "look, my grandfather is anxious. I'm looking forward to your stomach moving every day. You answer him quickly. Do you have any? "

Cloud shallow month glared at seven princess one eye, angry way to the house: "you don't want me to go back to my own home now, shut up. You make me angry once you come back. "

"I'm married. Why are you still a monkey with sharp teeth. How do you train them Mr. cloud came to Rongjing.

Rongjing and Yunli are walking to the door. Jade bracelet picks up the curtain with a smile. He probes into the room and walks into the room with a gentle smile: "how dare I teach her? She taught me about it. There is a fierce wife at home

Cloud old Wang Ye hums, "disobedient, quit her."

Rong Jing shook his head, "no, it's hard to get married. It cost a lot of money. "

Cloud shallow moon face a black, lift foot to kick Rong Jing. Because it cost a lot of money? This rotten man!

Rongjing gently avoided, looked back at the cloud with a smile, warm voice coax way: "good, now can't let you kick, dirty can't see people. When I get back to our house, I'll kick whatever you want. "

Cloud shallow month ruthlessly dug him a look, ignore him, go to the place where jade green clear sits.

Rong Jing laughs and goes to the old king of cloud. He shouts solemnly, "grandfather!"

Mr. Yun responded with a loud voice and burst into laughter, "my old man resented not having such a grandson as you these years. Now I've got my wish. The old man Rong is a bad old man. He has a good grandson. What's the matter? At the end of the day, I'll have half of it. "

The family members, relatives and other branches of the cloud palace congratulated one after another, "congratulations on your grandson's son-in-law!"

Cloud old lord is more happy, from his arms took out a volume of books to Rong Jing, "this you take."

Rong Jing took it and put it into his arms. He said with a smile, "thank you, grandfather."

Yunqianyue glared at the old man. She thought that she had wiped out all his good things these years, but she didn't expect there were hidden treasures.

Rong Jing came to Yu Qingqing and called out respectfully, "mother concubine!"

Yu Qingqing was very happy, a pair of Phoenix eyes were almost narrowed into a seam, and her face was smiling like a jade lotus. She repeatedly said, "call your mother like this smelly girl."

"Mother Rong Jing called out with a smile.

Yu Qingqing quickly answered, happily took out a piece of parchment from his arms and handed it to Rongjing, "this is for you."

Rong Jing Mou light micro motion, looked at jade Qingqing one eye, reached out to take, Chuai into the bosom, thanks, "thank you mother!"

When yunqianyue saw the two characters of yunzu written on the parchment, she immediately approached Yu Qingqing's ear and said in a vicious low voice: "so you still have such a good thing. How can you be so eccentric? Well? "

Yu Qingqing reached out and patted Yun Qianyue's head and explained, "Xiaojing is better than you. This thing won't cause trouble. It's not like you. "Yunqianyue snorted. Up to now, she only knows a little about the magic of the cloud clan in her body. However, her mother is so good that she gives the secret collection of the cloud family's spiritual skill directly to Rongjing. Can she not be jealous? Her daughter has not been married to her son-in-law.

After some recognition, I changed my mouth. The relatives of the clans of the cloud palace went through a scene and all of them retired. There are only six people left in the house, including the old prince Yun, Yu Qingqing, Yunli, seven princesses, Rongjing and yunqianyue.

Cloud shallow month left look, and look, can't help but ask jade Qingqing, "Niang, where is the son book?"

"I came to see me yesterday, and I didn't know where to go." Yuqingqing road.

Cloud shallow moon frown, suddenly have an idea, "did he go to save Luo Yu?"

Yu Qingqing nodded, "I'm not sure. Maybe it is. That little girl I don't save, Xi'er doesn't help. She has been close to Zishu since she was a child. Zishu can't help her. "

Yunqianyue thinks that they are all brothers and sisters, but there is also a distant one. She still remembers seeing Zishu for the first time when she was in Valley County. He is very kind to Luo Yu and obviously loves this sister most.

A few people talked for a while, and it was noon when Mr. Yun ordered a meal.

Half eaten, the jade bracelet says outside, "King Shizi, the chief manager of the palace is here. Please enter the palace immediately."

"The food is not ready for people to eat." Yun Qianyue put down his chopsticks and asked, "what did he say?"

Jade bracelet shakes his head, "Wen Gonggong didn't say it!"

"If you go and ask him anything, say it's me. If it is important to ask, let him enter the palace today. If it is not important, he will not enter. " Cloud shallow month came angry, "today is my big day back home, she urged four please, when I soft persimmon easy bully?"

The jade bracelet answered in a hurry.

Rong Jing picked up chopsticks to Yun Xiaoyue and said with a smile, "I haven't seen you lose your temper for a long time, and I'm not used to it."

Cloud shallow moon glared at him, did not speak.

Not long after, jade bracelet came back and stood outside the door to report, "Miss Hui's words, Duke Wen said, it's about the six princesses."

"What's the big deal about her business? Don't go!" Cloud shallow moon angry tunnel.

The jade bracelet whispered: "this matter involves King Shizi. The six princesses came out of the palace on the day of King Shizi's marriage with Miss jingshizi. She drank a wedding banquet in the palace of Prince Rong, but she never came back. After two days of concealment, the people in the palace were flustered and found the Regent and the little prince ran. The Regent and the little prince ran ordered someone to check it. It didn't matter. They found the eldest son of the second master's family, Rong Yi, and the eldest son of the third master's house, Rong Zhe. They gave the six princesses in turn It's ruined. "

Cloud shallow moon a Leng, look to Rong Jing.

Rongjing slowly put down his chopsticks, his face did not have any expression.

Seven princess tengdi stood up, looked out, and asked the jade bracelet in disbelief, "what do you say? You Is that true? "

Jade bracelet whispered back, "it's true, father-in-law can't take this matter to deceive slaves. It is said that the six princesses are still in the biezhuang of Rongyi, the eldest son of the second master's family of the Rong Wang mansion! The biezhuang village is just outside the city, and now it is surrounded by the people of little prince dye. All the stolen goods were found. "

The seventh princess fell to the ground.

Cloud from hastily stretched out his hand to hold seven princesses, comforted way: "you first don't worry, originally six Princess like that, sooner or later will have an accident, you are anxious also useless, careful stomach child."

The seventh Princess closed her eyes and leaned against the cloud in her arms. She did not speak.

Yun Qianyue thinks of Rong Wang Fu's eldest son Rong Yi and the third master's eldest son Rong Zhe. Both of them are lecherous. When she started the Phoenix robbery to lose her memory, Rongjing made her go to Rong Wang's mansion to learn to read for the first time. When she came out, the two men stopped her on the wooden bridge outside the Zizhu forest and had no intention of her. But later, because of Rongjing, the two people avoided her and did not dare to provoke her again. Now it's really bold to do such things. Although the sixth princess is not popular, but it is also golden. What's more, it's still a branch of golden branches and jade leaves that made Xiaoqin Prince's residence. I don't know whether it's the people who put the blame on this matter, or whether the two of them are really blinded by lard. They feel that playing with a princess doesn't matter. They've lost their minds and made such things. She looks at Rongjing.

Rongjing got up and stood up and asked outside, "where are the Regent and dye Prince now?"

"I'm said to be waiting for you in the palace!" Jade bracelet road outside.

Rong Jing looked at the moon and the cloud. There was no mood change in his eyes. Wen Sheng asked, "are you waiting for me to come back to pick you up or go with me?"

Yun Xiaoyue immediately took his hand and said, "I'll go with you!"

"Good!" Rong Jing no longer said more, pulling her out of the door. , the fastest update of the webnovel!