The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1400

When he came to the gate of the meditation room, Rongjing reached out and pushed the door open, then he took yunqianyue and walked in.

In the meditation room, abbot Ciyun was reading sutras with his eyes closed, his face solemn and his mouth chanting words.

The scene did not disturb, and he waited quietly.

What does yunqianyue want to get here? What did she have here?

After waiting for a moment, abbot Ciyun opened his eyes, stood up, and wrote a Buddhist verse to them, "Amitabha, King Shizi and jingshizi's concubine have finally become good friends. Congratulations!"

"Thank you, master." With a faint smile, he returned a gift.

"Did king Shizi come to get such a thing?" Abbot Ciyun looked at Rongjing and asked.

"Not bad!" Rongjing nodded.

Abbot Ciyun's old eyes flashed a trace of vicissitudes and sighed: "it's been a hundred years. I think it's passed on to my generation. Maybe I can't wait for someone to take it. I'll continue to pass it on. I didn't expect..."

Rongjing did not speak.

"Jingshizi, do you really decide?" Abbot Ciyun stares into Rongjing's eyes.

"It's decided!" Rong Jing's eyes are still shallow.

Abbot Ciyun nodded, "can you bring the keepsake?"

Rong Jing turned his head to the cloud and said in a soft voice, "take out the walnut that my grandfather gave you!"

Yunqianyue was stunned. She didn't expect that the walnut given to her by the old prince was a keepsake. She reached into her arms and took it out. After a look, it was still a common walnut. It was no different. Pass it to Rongjing.

Rongjing put out his hand and gently pinched the walnut. The intact walnut was broken into two pieces, and a bright yellow silk cloth was popped out inside. He handed the silk cloth to master Ciyun.

Yunqianyue saw two words "Murong" written on the silk cloth, and her heart was clear. Lingtai temple is a thousand year old temple. Naturally, it has gone through the Murong clan of the former dynasty for hundreds of years. When the Murong family was in charge of the mountains and rivers, the world enjoyed great happiness and the heart of Buddha was highly praised. Not only Lingtai temple, but also the temple had a high status. Later, the Murong family was in chaos, and the Ye family captured the river and mountain. At that time, the twelve eminent monks broke armour and went to rescue yezhuolan, the ancestor of the Ye family, and became meritorious officials of the Yeshi River and mountain. Although Ye's ancestors did not suppress them, they did not like Buddhism. Other temples gradually declined, but Lingtai temple, as a meritorious official, remained. Therefore, Lingtai temple to retain one thing, it can be preserved intact. No one doubts.

Master Ciyun took the silk cloth, took a look, and nodded, "yes, this is the keepsake." After that, he turned around and took out a small iron box from the Buddha's hand and handed it to Rongjing.

Rongjing took the iron box and said "thank you" to the abbot Ciyun. He took yunqianyue and left.

When they came to the door, abbot Ciyun made a sound of Buddha's name, worshipped Rongjing and comforted him: "King Shizi, we should pay more attention to the thoughts of the common people."

Rong Jing laughed, "master, don't worry, I promised to give her a beautiful river and mountain. A promise of a gentleman is worth a thousand dollars. I promise her more than a thousand gold. "

Abbot Ciyun's face became loose. "King Shizi, Princess jingshizi, go! I don't want to see you off! "

Rongjing pulls the cloud and the moon out of Lingtai temple.

When they went out of the mountain gate, the bell of Lingtai Temple rang twelve times.

Yun Qianyue curiously looked at the box in Rongjing's hand and asked, "what is this? It seems very important

Rongjing came to the peach blossom tree with cloud and light moon, stopped and reached out to open the iron box for her to see.

Cloud shallow month sees the thing that put in iron box, Leng for a moment, "Murong's jade seal?"

Rong Jing looked at the jade seal and nodded lightly.

Cloud shallow moon no longer speak, also follow Rong Jing to look at that square jade seal. Murong's jade seal has been preserved for a hundred years, and it has finally come to light again. This is not a simple one hundred years, but a myth of the deep love between the emperor and the empress of the former dynasty. Behind the myth, the prince disappeared, the world was in chaos, the flames of war were raging, and a river of blood flowed. The miserable life of King Rong and empress Zhenjing, loyal to the Murong family, had been hiding and hiding for a hundred years.

Behind this small jade seal is a century old event.

Today, the sky and the people will see all the history unfolded again.

For a time, this place is quiet, the jade seal radiates the light of vicissitudes, which is precipitated by the years, but it still does not hide its brilliance.

For a long time, Rongjing closed the jade seal, stretched out his hand to hold yunqianyue and held him in his arms. His voice was hoarse, "yunqianyue, I want to shoulder heavy responsibilities, and you should join me. Don't feel tired one day and leave me running by myself

Cloud shallow moon sneers, "am I such a person?"

Rong Jing thought seriously and said, "it's hard to say."

Cloud shallow moon beat him fiercely, "I am sure I will run, you wait and see!"

Rong Jing laughed, "let's run together."

Cloud shallow month funny, push him away, "go, grandfather is still waiting for us to go back to the house to accompany him to eat!" After that, she mumbled, "no wonder you always told me to be careful not to damage it. It turns out that you broke it. I'm going to ask him for a baby, and I can't get rid of me with such a thing. "

Let the scenic spot nod, "you are right!"Two people down the mountain, jade snow flying dragon see two people come back, intimate ground runs forward, two people mount a horse, he neigh, four hooves raised, to the road back to the city.

They left from the back of the mountain. A group of black clothes riders came to the front gate. As soon as the little monk opened the gate, Wu Yi Qi rushed into Lingtai temple. Soon after, the bell rang again in Lingtai temple.

Back to the capital, Yuxue flying dragon carrying two people directly back to the Rong palace.

At the gate of Rongwang mansion, Yuxue Feilong stops, Rongjing and yunqianyue turn over and dismount.

Two people just want to go to the house, green shadow from the dark, close to the scene, whispered a word.

Rong Jing's face was slightly heavy for a while, and nodded lightly, "I know!"

The green shadow retreated.

Even if yunqianyue didn't understand the lip language and was so close to Rongjing, she still heard the sentence: "the black clothes of the little prince ran into Lingtai temple, and Abbot Ciyun passed away." The words, the face is also slightly heavy, thin lips pursed up. She and Rongjing have just left, night light dye black clothes riding then went to Lingtai temple, he is to know what? But where did the wind come from? Is that little monk the night light dye? Or did he guess the news from the walnut? She looked at Rong Jing, "did you not arrange to save abbot Ciyun?"

"Lingtai temple has been prosperous for a hundred years since the past dynasty. Thanks to the gift of Ye family, abbot Ciyun voluntarily passed away and took the whole night's family as its home."

Cloud shallow moon no longer talks. If Rong Jing wanted to protect him, abbot Ciyun could protect him, but he volunteered to die, so there was no way. As soon as he died, night light dye didn't know how to get down and let black clothes ride? Will all people in Lingtai temple be buried with them? Thinking of this, he asked.

Rong Jing shook his head, "he won't! Thousands of monks in Lingtai temple are not allowed to kill at this time. "

Cloud shallow moon thought if allowed, night light dye will? She shook her head intuitively. Night light dye should not.

They went to the house and came to the courtyard of old prince Rong. As soon as they got to the door, they could smell the smell of food coming out of the house.

Entering the room, Mr. Rong is sitting at the table waiting for them. See two people come back, raised eyelids, looked at two people one eye, "little girl's face is not very good, was frightened?"

"If you ate my four cups of tea alone, you gave me a walnut, not counting." Cloud shallow moon sits in the past and reaches out to the old lord Rong. She didn't believe he had no baby.

"You little girl! I knew I wouldn't do that. " Let the old prince take out a yellow book from his arms and throw it to Yun Qianyue, "this time my boss has taken it out for you, little girl. If you are not satisfied..."

Cloud shallow month took a look at the yellow book, immediately put the book into his arms, and quickly said with a smile: "satisfied, satisfied, thank you, grandfather!"

Let old Wang Ye knock her a smile, "calculate you know goods!"

Cloud shallow month complacent smile, the thing of ancestor Rong Wang, where have bad? She liked the formation and strategy of marching and arraying. This is better than all the babies. Can she say she's not satisfied? Naturally, they are extremely satisfied.

"Look at your face, ran boy chased to Lingtai temple? Is the cloud over? " Rong Laowang looks at Rongjing.

Rong Jing glanced at Rong Laowang ye and said, "um.".

"That kid is a smart guy. He can tell something from the walnuts I gave the girl. But then again, if he wasn't a capable man, he couldn't have been driven out of the capital by the old German prince. In recent years, the capital of these boys, except you, is the most elusive Let the old prince say.

Rongjing doesn't talk, and the moon doesn't talk.

Let the old prince nagged for two more words, then did not say this matter again, and asked them to have dinner.

Although yunqianyue had no appetite, she also ate a lot. This world is not sad, whose passing and compassion, whose departure can stop, there must be a beginning as a lottery. Ciyun is not the first and certainly not the last.

After dinner, Rongjing and yunqianyue talked to Mr. Rong for a while and then went back to the purple bamboo yard.

Seeing that they were back, Qingchang hurried forward and whispered to Rongjing, "son of heaven, they are all awake. Now they are in the house."

Cloud shallow moon sees the curtain pulling in the house, she thinks that these people regard her and Rongjing's room as their own home, and don't know what to do together.

Let the scenic spot nod, pull the cloud shallow moon into the house.

Push open the door, a glance to see a few people in the house, in addition to Rong Feng no longer, those several people are in. Is playing together what, hot and noisy, two people come back, those people even did not glance at the corner of their eyes.

When Rongjing and yunqianyue approached, they saw a few people gambling, each with a pile of bets in front of him. Cloud shallow month speechless to look at these people, is really bold, will she and Rong Jing's room as a gambling house. , the fastest update of the webnovel!