The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1399

Rong Xi asked the guards at the door. Naturally, the guards at the door were all the first-class guards selected by Rongjing. Their martial arts were good. One of them nodded, "go back to the chief manager. It's the prince and his concubine riding the jade snow flying dragon out."

"It's a good horse indeed!" Rong Xi gave a great praise. At last, a trace of his age-old face showed a trace of expression that belonged to his age. He regretted: "it's a pity that the elder brother of the aristocratic family found the jade snow flying dragon, and tied it in the stable, and no one was allowed to move. I can't ride it for the sake of my eyes. "

The bodyguards in the mansion all nodded.

When Rong Xi was praising a good horse, Yun Xiaoyue's face was also praised. He said to Rongjing, "it's really a good horse!"

"It has such a reputation, of course, is not illusory." Rong Jing embraces the waist of cloud and moon, blocking the wind in front of her with sleeves, so as not to let the cold wind blow to her.

"I'm not that coquettish yet!" Yunqianyue pushes aside Rongjing's hand. If it's warm today, it's not so cold. Even the wind is just cool, but it's not cold. She thinks that time flies quickly, and it's another year in a twinkling of an eye. This year, her biggest withdrawal was that on New Year's day, she became his man and married him.

Rong Jing still blocked in front of her, "it's nothing to do with being coquettish. I'm worried about the wind blowing on your face and uncomfortable to feel."

Cloud shallow moon rolled a white eye, this person! Ignoring him, he asked, "brother, have they woken up?"

"It should be about it!" Yung King Road.

"How do they get out of town? When you come, yetianyi and yeqingran are trapped by you, right? Now it's difficult for them to get out of the city. " Cloud light moon road.

"Who said they were leaving?" Rong Jing raises her eyebrows.

Cloud shallow month a Zheng, look back at Rong Jing, "they don't leave? Xiyan, Nanliang and Nanjiang are not needed? Stay in Beijing? What are they doing here? "

"It's not that I don't want to, but I've arranged everything. I'll live in the Rong palace for a short time." Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow moon squints eyes, "why?"

"It's all people who want to see the fun, and they can't get rid of them." Yung King Road.

Hearing the words, yunqianyue understood immediately. Rongjing paved the red brocade of thousands of Li and held a banquet of flowing water. He trapped the night Tianyi and night light dye with the array, and got married smoothly. It is because of all this is too smooth, the storm was blocked by him outside the dense net, now the dense net has been pierced, revealing the blue sky, where can the blue sky not change color? One by one, those people are not safe masters. Naturally, if you want to see the bustle, what else can you enjoy more than Tiansheng capital, which is close to the center of the storm?

However, these individuals all stay in the capital city, and they are all busy masters. I'm afraid that they will not only watch the fun, but also help them. For example, nanlingrui, yeqian, xiyanyue, Fengjin, Yuzixi, etc

Although these people want to see the excitement, she doesn't believe that Rongjing can't catch up with it. If he lets anyone go, he can't say it's easy, but there must be a way. Now that they are allowed to stay, I don't know what to do.

Cloud shallow moon slants a head, the son son is looking at the face of Rong Jing carefully, "come from the facts, what do you want to do?"

Seeing her appearance of interrogation, Rongjing said in a funny way: "since the wind and rain are coming, someone told me to wait, and it will be more lively."

Cloud shallow month know he refers to someone is night light dye, think of that piece of broken jade, heart heavy, no words.

Rong Jing also received a smile, eyes dyed with a chill, no longer speak.

Yuxue Feilong was bound for a long time. He was afraid that the crowd would slow down in the street, but as soon as he got out of the gate, he gave full play to his instinct and ran wild. Rongjing does not bind it, let it run happily.

Originally, the capital is at least an hour away from the Qingquan shilingtai temple, but the jade snow flying dragon is only half an hour away. At the foot of Qingquan mountain, there is no road, and the jade snow flying dragon stops.

Rong Jing holds the cloud and the moon floats to the ground.

Yunqianyue's sideburns were blown a little messy, and she was carefully arranged by the scene. After finishing, he took the cloud to the mountain.

Lingtai Temple Cloud light moon has come too many times, the road here has been familiar.

Two people on the mountain, cloud light moon as expected to see a spring Begonia bud, pistil, is the flowering period. She said with a smile to Rongjing, "it's hard for you to find out what's going on in this world. You'll know what's going on. The crabapple blossoms here are so quiet that you found them. "

"If you have a lady who likes to enjoy flowers at home, you should pay more attention to it." There is a point in the meaning of the scene.

Cloud shallow moon angry at him, eye waves flow between, there is a young woman's amorous feelings of newly married.

Rong Jing's mind slightly swung, and swept her slender waist in her arms. She couldn't help bending down and kissing.

Cloud shallow month stretched out his hand to pull a Begonia flower in front of her, Rongjing stopped and looked at her discontentedly. She gave him a blank look, "you brought me here, can't you really come to enjoy the crabapple flower? Tell me what's going on

Rong Jing reached out to help her forehead, but she sighed, "the cloud is shallow, the woman is too clever, not good!"

"Why don't I think it's too clever for women!" Yunqianyue looks at him."What is the use of a husband if a woman is too clever?" The eyes of the scene are a little dim.

Cloud shallow moon looks at his appearance to be funny, intentionally angry him, "use to warm the bed!"

Rong Jing's eyes flashed, which flashed out a trace of anger. He solemnly nodded his head, "yes

The cloud is shallow and the moon is silent.

"Let's go! Now that we've enjoyed the crabapple, let's get something. " Rongjing reached out and took him to Lingtai temple.

Yun Qianyue thought that it was something. He took two steps and asked, "will we be conspicuous and known when we come here like this?"

"It's nothing to know." Rongjing didn't care.

Yunqianyue thinks that Rongjing is becoming more and more arrogant. In fact, he is a fool with his appearance. He is gentle and gentle, which conceals his arrogant nature. In a word, her dandy and arrogant nature is less than three points of his. Unfortunately, the world does not know.

When they came to the Dharma hall, a little monk was waiting there. When they saw them coming, they immediately wrote a Buddhist verse, "Amitabha, King Shizi, Princess jingshizi, and Abbot Ciyun are waiting for two in the meditation room."

"Please lead the way." Let the scenic spot nod.

The little monk quickly led the way.

Rong Jing holds the cloud and the moon as usual, as if to come to play, and walk slowly with the little monk to go inside.

At the gate of Abbot Ciyun's Buddhist temple, the little monk stopped, turned aside and respectfully invited them in.

Yunqianyue takes a look inside. There are only a few towering ancient trees in the courtyard. The mountain temple is quiet. Today, no bell is ringing. The curtain fell down in the meditation room, and we could not see the situation inside. , the fastest update of the webnovel!