The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1398

One is to cut off her robe and cut off her righteousness, and no longer have affection.

One is that it's better to be broken than ruined.

She had expected this result, but it still deviated from the expected result. Those who had thought that they would cut off their robes and cut off their righteousness, but now they are not.

Cloud shallow moon looked at two pieces of jade, her eyes were like a layer of black clouds, and her heart was empty for a moment.

Ye Tianyi

Night light dye

Rong Jing stretched out his hand over the tray in front of the cloud and the moon, and his warm voice was full of cold meaning, "Qingshang, put these two pieces of jade away from the imperial concubine."

"Yes Qingchang took the tray immediately.

Cloud shallow moon raises head to look at Rong Jing.

Rong Jing reached out and held her hand. The cool in her eyes faded away and filled in a warm color. "Do you still want to travel?"

"Go!" Cloud light moon immediately nods. Why don't you go? As long as she married Rongjing, the result was already doomed.

Rong Jing pulls her around and walks out.

"Stinky boy, are you going on a trip?" Let the old prince stop them.

Rong Jing did not return to the ground "um".

"Girl, don't damage the walnut. You go early and return early, and eat with me in the evening. " Let the old prince give a command and wave his hand.

The cloud shallow moon step a meal, let old lord already told twice don't break. What's wrong with the walnut is obvious.

"Good!" Rong Jing should a, pull cloud shallow moon out of the door.

The clan relatives in the house thought that there were ten thousand imperial guards outside the Rong palace. The Regent and the little prince ran in like that yesterday. Today must not be good. Since last night, they have been terrified. Unexpectedly, the Regent and ranxiaowangye have drunk a cup of tea and left with a jade pendant. Now they see Rongjing pulling yunqianyue away. They are all relieved. Naturally, the uncle and elder of the side branch dare not let Yun Qianyue offer tea. After all, they are the emperor's elder sister. Even if it is not the emperor's sister, they dare not drink the tea from the imperial concubine.

After Rongjing and yunqianyue left, they all came out of the hall as if they had completed a great event.

After a while, the hall was left with the gift of night in his arms.

The old prince pinched the face of the gift of the night, and said: "after staying for so many years, that thing can finally be seen again. The rest of my old man's wish is to have a great grandson. "

Night gift seems to be with him, babbling and babbling.

"You little thing, you are a blessed one." Rong Laoye ordered the little nose given by the night God, and said with a smile, "if it was not for the seed of the cloud palace in the blood, you could not stay for the night family. Look at the two boys who just left. One is more stubborn than the other. "

Yetianci is still babbling, and her little fat hand tries to pull his beard.

The old and the young played the game of snatching the beard.

Rong Jing led Yun Qianyue to the stable. Halfway through the road, the Imperial Army surrounded by Lord Rong's mansion retreated like a tide, and the breath of killing disappeared in an instant.

Yunqianyue thinks that ye Tianyi and yeqingran are not people who frighten people with momentum, and it is unnecessary to frighten Rongjing. Yesterday, when he came to Rong Wang's house with the Imperial Army, he should have planned to eradicate the palace. I don't know why he changed his mind later. No matter what, she still wants to live a few days with Rongjing peacefully. According to this situation, she can.

Two people came to the stable, someone has already led the jade snow flying dragon out.

The moon looks at the white BMW without a trace of mottled color, like a cloud with no time on a clear day. She praised, let go of Rongjing's hand, a few steps to the horse, reached out to touch the horse's head.

The jade snow flying dragon deviated his head, took a step back, avoided the cloud shallow moon's hand, a pair of horse eyes vigilantly looked at the cloud shallow moon.

Cloud shallow month a Leng, forward a step, and reach for him again. Yuxue Feilong stepped back again.

Cloud light moon again and again twice, jade snow flying dragon like back and avoid. She doubted and turned her head to see Rongjing, "can't the horse get close to it?"

Rong Jing came over with a smile and said in a warm voice, "this is a horse!"

Cloud shallow month rolled a white eye, "male horse I rode many, but did not see such."

"The male horse of Yuxue flying dragon is different from others. The horse body is dragon heart. Naturally proud, disdain women riding. " Yung King Road.

"Disdain women riding? I'm going to ride today. I'll see how proud you are Cloud shallow month hears speech one angry, under the board face, beckons to the jade snow flying dragon, deep voice heavy gas way: "come here! If you don't come, I'll kill you for the barbecue right now. I don't know if the meat of BMW is better than that of horse meat. "

She learned this move from Rongjing. Rongjing used to scare away the snow that night light dye gave her.

Jade snow flying dragon is naturally psychic BMW, smell speech immediately no longer retreat, looking at cloud shallow moon.

Cloud shallow moon stretched out her hand to wait for it.

Jade snow flying dragon and some aggrieved look to Rong Jing.

Rong Jing said with a smile, "she can't offend her. I've come to see her off and raise you these days. If you don't obey the orders and can't please her, you can't help using your horse meat to please her."Jade snow flying dragon smell speech immediately approach cloud shallow moon, with horse head flatter general ground rubbed her hand.

Cloud shallow month eyebrow tip picked pick, complacent smile, slant head to Rong Jing way: "where to travel?"

"For example, although it is still cold in spring today, there are hot springs in the back mountain of Lingtai temple, so it is warmer than the capital. The spring crabapple there should be opened. Let's go and enjoy the crabapple Rong Jing said with a smile.

"Ride together?" Cloud shallow moon think of spring Begonia in the cold winter early spring, about a taste.

"Nature." Rong Jing nodded.

Cloud light moon tip slightly, lightly fell on the horse's back. Reach out and hand to Rongjing.

Rongjing holds her hand, and in a flash of crimson, he is already sitting behind the moon. She reached out to take the reins in her hand. Yuxue Feilong was locked up for half a year, but he could not help it. As soon as they sat down firmly and did not wait for Rongjing to drive him away, he ran out.

The jade snow flying dragon is jade snow flying dragon after all, faster than the general horse city, is not to say false, two people first in the stable gate, in a twinkling of an eye saw to arrive the Rong Wang Fu.

The gate of King Rong's mansion was wide open. Rongxi was giving orders to several servants. Seeing the jade snow flying dragon coming, he had not time to avoid it. The whip carried the two people off from the top of the crowd, and in a flash, they were on the street and disappeared.

Rong Xi didn't even have time to jump in his heart. He looked at the white shadow at the end of the long street, and the two red shadows on it asked the servants around him, "did you just go out with your brother and sister-in-law?"

The servants were dizzy. They shook their heads when they could see clearly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!