The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1395

Rong Wang's mansion is surrounded by a thousand black clothes and ten thousand royal forest troops, and ye qingran wants to stay for tea under such circumstances. What do you mean? Cloud light moon looks to Rongjing.

Rong Jing stretched out her hand and pulled her to lie down again. She closed her eyes and her voice was gentle. "Keep sleeping. Don't pay attention to them."

Yunqianyue thinks that the spirit of killing floats in through the wall and even through the purple bamboo forest. Can she sleep?

"It's still early to serve tea to my grandfather." Rong Jingrou said in a voice, "are you sure you don't sleep? If you don't sleep, you may not be able to cope with it tomorrow. "

Cloud shallow moon "Er" a, but open eyes looking at the shed top, half silk sleepy idea also has no.

"If you really can't sleep, what shall we do?" Rong Jing's lips fell on her white neck, and her voice suddenly dropped.

Cloud shallow month quickly closed his eyes, "sleep, sleepy, who said I don't sleep."

"Really sleepy?" Rong Jing raises her eyebrows.

"Really sleepy."

"Can you sleep?"

"I can sleep." Cloud shallow moon thinks of this bastard, how dare she not sleep, if she does not sleep, tomorrow's tea will not become. Although she had a headache when she thought of yeqingran and yetianyi. They were waiting for tea, and she didn't want to see them, but the tea service was a big deal. She couldn't hide from them because of them.

"Sleep, then." Rong Jing slightly withdrew some body, hugged her and patted her gently.

Cloud shallow moon originally did not have sleepy idea, was disturbed by these words mind, suddenly had sleepy idea. She had to praise Rongjing for her accurate mind, and in the praise, she breathed steadily to sleep in the past.

Hearing the sound of breathing from the people in her arms, Rongjing opened her eyes and looked at her, but her eyes were not half sleepy.

It took him ten years to prepare. When he played Linglin chess with master Lingyin, he was in case he would use it one day. Even master Lingyin could not break the chess game. It should be OK to trap a person for a few days. In the Lingtai Temple Nanshan with her under that exquisite chess game, he faintly felt that it would be used soon. What if he had done all these things? He has always known that it is more difficult to want her than to want Jiangshan.

Maybe he doesn't have to work so hard. In recent years, if he overthrows Yeshi, opportunities abound. But she was different. She wanted her. The chance was only once for him. Once, he caught it. He would not let it go for a lifetime, even for a few decades. No matter who is going to take it, he must have three feet of green front. No one can do it!

Rong Jing is thinking, cloud shallow moon's hand suddenly covered his eyes, tone soft ground murmured, "let me sleep, you don't sleep. It's not fair. You sleep. "

Rong Jing's eyes burst into a smile, reached out and held her hand tightly, clasped her delicate fingers and ten fingers, closed her eyes, and her voice was gentle, "good!"

Cloud shallow moon mouth hook hook, completely at ease to sleep.

From the room came the even breath sound of two people intertwined together, steady and gentle.

In addition to the killing atmosphere of the imperial forest troops and the black clothes, there was no noise in the house.

Seeing that the royal guards surrounded the cloud palace, all the people were frightened, but there was no news from the purple bamboo forest, and the people were gradually relieved. The son of honor mansion is their backbone. The Regent and the little prince ran were unable to let the people in the purple bamboo forest come out. They knelt for half an hour in the cold wind at midnight. Seeing that there was no movement again, they all bravely got up and went back to the houses in the courtyards, but no one dared to sleep.

Night nature and night light dye in the front hall no longer sound.

The night passed in a trance.

At daybreak, yunqianyue wakes up without being called. She opens her eyes and sees that Rongjing is still asleep. She takes a look at the sky, takes back her sight and stares at Rongjing quietly.

Such a face, she saw from childhood, never tired of seeing.

After watching for a moment, my heart was full of happiness. I couldn't help bending down to kiss him.

Rongjing sleeps very light every time. Today, she is a little heavier. Her lips gently stick on his lips for a moment. He still sleeps unconsciously. She thinks this is very interesting, so she starts to pry his lips with the tip of her tongue and drops a close kiss.

Rong Jing's breath seemed suddenly heavy. Cloud light moon immediately wake up, like a cat stealing fishy, quickly back. As soon as she left, Rongjing opened her eyes and looked at her straightly. She had a smile in her eyes, and her voice was warm and pleasant. "I didn't know you had this preference..."

Seeing that he was not half drowsy, yunqianyue knew that he had already woken up. He pretended to sleep. His face turned red and asked, "what do I like?"

Rong Jing did not answer, suddenly turned over, she easily pressed under the body, bow head kiss.

Cloud shallow moon hastily stretched out his hand to retreat, "it's dawn!"

"It's not too bright." Rongjing kisses him, and his voice suddenly becomes hoarse, "it's enough to do one thing..."

Yunqianyue was just about to object, but Rongjing could not refute her. She deeply kisses her. With a gentle tug of Yu's hand, the ribbon around her waist is torn open, and the silk brocade Nightgown slides down, revealing the silky skin of gelled fat like brocade. He put his hand on it, caressed it gently and couldn't go back.Cloud shallow moon breath smothers, immediately disordered, not long, lingering gradually deep, she was provoked emotion, submerged in the tide of love.

Mandarin duck soft tent, curtain swaying, a room warm in spring.

Dazed, yunqianyue thought, today's fengcha, is it too late.

It's doomed that fengcha is late!

Some lingering, physically exhausted, even thinking of serving tea, but also no strength to get up. Cloud shallow moon complacently glares at Rongjing, but the eyes are full of water, full of pulse, like anger, like anger, no half awe, on the contrary, it is more exciting, I see pity. Rong Jing put out his hand to cover her eyes and said in a soft voice: "I don't want to serve tea today. Don't look at me like this."

Cloud shallow moon hum a, even breath is weak.

Rongjing reached out to pick up a wisp of green silk from her fingers, twisted it between her fingers, turned two circles, and then looked at her that wisp of green silk from her fingertips like flowers. His eyes were shining with a smile, and he said in a soft voice: "darling, it's still early in the afternoon. You sleep for a while, and I'll wake you up."

"I don't believe you." Cloud shallow moon spits out three words.

"Believe me! I really wake you up today. " Rong Jing gently coaxed, "you can't serve tea like this."

"I blame you." The cloud is shallow and the moon is not strong.

"Yes, it's all my fault. When you seduce me, I should be more determined. I shouldn't let the position fall out of control." Rong Jing said with a smile.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly no voice, in the heart angry, today's thing really first blame her, is she did not resist the temptation, will a big gray wolf as a little white rabbit. She held back for a moment, choked out a sentence, "next time you have enough determination, don't lose." , the fastest update of the webnovel!