The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1396

Rongjing chuckled and obeyed her, "OK! I'll be more patient next time

Cloud shallow moon nodded, is basically satisfied, not satisfied also can't help, she murmured, "I sleep a little bit, you must wake me up, you dare not wake me up, I'm not finished with you."

"Good!" Rongjing nodded.

Cloud shallow moon really can't bear fatigue, sleep in the past.

Rong Jing looks at her, and Yu Yan smiles deeply. How can he not love her like this?

Outside, the sky is bright, and the hourglass points from Mao to Chen, and then from Chen to Si Shi.

Qingchang's voice sounded softly outside, "son of a generation, the old prince sent someone to ask, does the princess of the aristocracy serve tea today?"

"Feng! Let them wait. " Rongjing ordered.

"Yes Qingchang retreated and left the purple bamboo yard.

Rong Jing is playing with a wisp of green silk of the cloud light moon, looking at her sleeping face, waiting for the hourglass to drain quietly, waiting for the sunlight to come in from the window and sprinkle all over the room.

When the hourglass pointed to Si Shizheng, the voice of Qingshang rang out again, reminding him, "it's already time, son of God! If you don't take your son's concubine to serve tea today, then he and the Regent wait for midnight and half a day, and don't mind flattening the house of Lord Rong. "

Rong Jing "um" a, do not give up looking at cloud shallow moon sleeping face, gently sigh, bow head kiss her.

Yunqianyue wakes up with a rousing spirit, and her first reaction is to get angry, "Rongjing, you are too careful to indulge..."

Rong Jing laughed and patted her face, "wake up! I can't bear to wake you up. This is the only way

Yunqianyue immediately opened her eyes and saw that the hourglass had reached already, and there was an hour to go before noon. She immediately sat up and was not angry with Rongjing. She praised him and said, "you are wise enough to wake me up."

Rong Jing smiles and shakes his head and gets up to dress.

He had only been married for two days. Naturally, he would not wear plain clothes. In addition to the satin of silk brocade on the day of the crescent moon, Yun Qianyue also selected two gorgeous deep red brocade brocades to make several suits for him to wear after the wedding. And her own is a matching rose red floor dress.

Today is fengcha, although the time is short, but you can't be careless in dress.

Cloud shallow month called Ling Lian, Yi Xue to come in, carefully dressed for her.

Dressing up properly, Rongjing looked at the cloud shallow moon, then congealed eyes.

Cloud shallow moon looks at oneself in the mirror, also some congealing eyes and strange.

"How beautiful, miss!" Ling Lian and Yi Xue praise softly.

Rong Jing wakes up, the eye light shrinks, immediately way: "changed!"

Cloud shallow month looks back at him, "what's the matter?"

Ling Lian and Yi Xue don't know why.

Rong Jing looks at cloud shallow moon to repeat, "I said to tear down and re groom."

"Is it not appropriate?" Cloud shallow month purses lip, "I also feel not quite adapt, but I married you now, if not formal some, don't look like. Isn't it all me? Besides, it will be too late to do it again. "

Rongjing did not speak, but looked at her with a slight frown.

"Forget it, that's it!" Yunqianyue reached out and took his hand.

Rong Jing no longer objected, she pulled out of the door.

Two days did not go out, cloud shallow month a time some not adapt, the sun hit her face, she can't help but block with her hand, to Rongjing way: "today's sunshine is good!"

Rongjing "yes!" There was a sound.

They went out of the purple bamboo yard and went to the front hall of Prince Rong's house. Rongjing walked slowly.

The house of Lord Rong was quiet everywhere. The footstep of two people was light, but it became the biggest movement in the mansion.

Around the front yard, yunqianyue can see the imperial guards besieged at the gate of Prince Rong's mansion. Weapons and armor, the face is frightful. She thinks that ye Tianyi and ye qingran have been guarding here for a night with the imperial guards and black clothes. What do they want? I don't want to drink her cup of tea!

The front hall and the main hall of Prince Rong's mansion are guarded by a group of people. Among them, there are the servants of the Royal Palace, and the bodyguards of night Tianyi and night light dye. Hundreds of people.

See two people come, Rong Wang Fu's servants are tight face Qi Qi Yi loose, then immediately surprised to look at cloud shallow moon. Night Tianyi and night light dye's bodyguard eyes also show a startling look, but in the end is a trained guard, also only a moment, immediately gathered the mind.

Let Jingwei pursed his lips and pulled the cloud into the hall.

Guard at the door of the people wake up, immediately open the curtain, the situation in the hall at a glance.

Let the old prince sit on the top of the table with the gift of the night in his arms. He sat at the bottom of his left side, yetianyi and yeqingran, with the same expression on their faces. At the bottom of the right are the relatives of the near branches of the Rongwang mansion, the uncles, uncles and aunts of Rongjing, who are the people of the second, third and fourth rooms of the Rong King's generation who have passed away.

Rong Jing pulls Yun Qianyue to the hall, and the eyes of the people in the hall suddenly gather on their bodies. All of a sudden, everyone's eyes show the same amazing look as the people outside.Ye Tianyi and ye qingran have been looking at the door. When they see the cloud and the moon, their eyes are together.

She was wearing a woman's bun on her left side, a Peach Blossom Jade Phoenix hairpin sent to her by Rongjing on the left side of her head, jade steps on the right side of the bun, gold beads and jade rings on her ears, and a hundred fold and drooping tapestry of palace leaves of the first-class wives of Prince Rong's mansion. What she glared at was not her usual embroidered shoes, but the formal clogs and shoes of the women in the palace and the royal palace. The whole person let off a lazy and old days of arrogance, dandy, careless, a hundred not serious look, but look happy. Zhu Chai Yunbin, wearing a light ring. The appearance of Qingcheng, elegant appearance, the skirt under her feet is like a lotus flower, swaying. Even the princess Luoyao of Donghai Kingdom, standing in front of her now, is hard to match, which makes the women in the world pale.

All the people inside and outside the hall all jumped out with a sentence, "this lady of the Rongwang mansion, no, Princess jingshizi is the most beautiful woman in the world."

The princess of Luoyao is beautiful and beautiful, but she has more nobility and less respect for China.

In the past, Miss Qin, the prime minister's mansion, was known as the first beauty of heaven, but now she is thousands of miles away from this one.

For a time, the quiet and tense hall, the flow of breath into praise and stagnation.

After all, old lord Rong was old, and naturally he was not affected by this. He glanced at the crowd, and his voice broke the silence. "Stinky boy, are you willing to take your daughter-in-law out to serve tea for my old man?"

"I don't give up now, so you'd better drink your tea quickly." Rong Jing glanced at Rong Lao Wang Ye and said in a warm voice.

Let the old prince hum.

They broke the silence, and all the people woke up immediately. , the fastest update of the webnovel!