The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1394

Cloud shallow month wants to use a game of exquisite chess, then complete a she and his big marriage, to really cost-effective. She thought about it, but she didn't think it was this. How many secret guards did she use to fight with those two people. It's not. As expected, Rongjing has a method of bloodless weapons. Of course, he will not use the method of fire and smoke. "When did you set up the battle? They didn't notice it before you set up the battle? "

"Two days ago, after going to court, they went to the imperial study, and I ordered people to start the array. By the time they found out, it was already late. " Rong Jing light way.

"That means I've been trapped for two days now. How many days do you think they will be able to come out? " Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows, think of regent and dye little prince together trapped in the imperial study, outside the prince de and a number of courtiers are not anxious crazy.

"I'm not sure. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, maybe tomorrow, maybe even longer." Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow moon looks at him, "if cannot come out!"

Rong Jing shook his head, "it's impossible not to come out. Linglong chess game can not only find students to break the array, but also can break the array cover. They are ye Tianyi and ye qingran. If ye Tianyi had not suffered internal injuries and could not use martial arts, they would have broken the array together and would have come out. "

Cloud shallow moon nod, no longer speak.

Rongjing put his head on the shoulder of yunqianyue, sniffing at his soft jade fragrance, and stopped talking.

This day did not serve tea, cloud light moon sleep half a day, the rest of the day will be in the room and scenery leisurely.

On this day and night, Rongjing did not disturb her, holding the cloud and sleeping on the moon.

In the middle of the night, outside came the voice of the green shadow, "son of the world!"

Although the voice is very light, but the cloud light moon or immediately opened her eyes, see Rong Jing has woken up, looked at her, to the outside should.

The green shadow whispered: "the exquisite chess array outside the imperial study seems to be broken by the Regent and ranxiaowang. Did your subordinates stop it? "

Rong Jing's voice was quiet, "don't stop it!"

"Yes The green shadow retreated.

"Keep sleeping!" Rongjing patted the cloud lightly for a while.

Cloud shallow moon looked out, now it is late at night. Nodded, nestled in his arms and closed his eyes.

I closed my eyes, but I didn't fall asleep. About half an hour later, a cry came from the gate of Prince Rong's mansion, "Regent! Here comes the king

Cloud shallow moon thought move, think as expected just out of the array to come, she opened her eyes to see Rong Jing.

Rongjing was lying still with her eyes closed.

There were two more shouts from the front. It seemed that there was a faint trampling of an iron horse, and the sound of weapons and armor rubbing. It seemed that there was a cold and murderous air in the air outside. Hearing the sound, I'm afraid it's the black clothes cavalry and the royal forest army that I saw on the road to Naxi in Rongjing on that day. This voice is much more powerful than that of the 5000 imperial guards who besieged the palace half a year ago. I'm afraid a pile of black clothes cavalry and 10000 royal forest troops were sent out.

What do you want to do, do you want to flatten the Rong palace tonight? Her heart is a little cold.

"The prince, regent and Prince dye, came to the Rong palace with a thousand black clothes and ten thousand royal forest troops." Qingchang's voice sounded outside, and it was like a cloud, and the moon had a similar result.

Rong Jing said, "well," but there was no further indication.

Qingshang no longer talks.

Cloud shallow moon feel the atmosphere of stability of the whole body, some impetuous heart instantly settled down. How can ten thousand Wu cavalry and Lin Yujun do? Since Rong Jing dares to trap them with the exquisite array of chess, he must have expected what they are doing now.

The lights of the front yard of the Lord Rong's mansion were on, and the voice of welcoming the driver came.

Not long ago, a footstep into the Rong Wang Fu, the footstep sound is very heavy, so that the cloud shallow moon can hear very clearly.

The sound of footsteps came straight to the purple bamboo forest.

Not long after, when I came to the purple bamboo forest, Rong Xi's voice came, "regent, dye prince, son-in-law's brother and his wife's sister-in-law have already stopped..."

Do not hear the night light dye and the sound of night nature, Rong Xi's voice seems to be stopped, also no sound.

A moment later, came the voice of Ye Tianyi's coldness, "come on, cut this purple bamboo forest!"

Someone immediately came forward and waved a big knife. It seemed that the wind could be heard hunting. Then, with a click, a bamboo was cut off and made a sound.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly sat up, stretched out his hand to drag the scene, "you didn't let people stop?"

Rong Jing said in a warm voice: "they have been shut up for two days and three nights by me. There is always something to vent the fire."

"That's not good. The purple bamboo forest has been growing for a hundred years." The cloud is shallow, and the moon says immediately.

"Because it has been a hundred years, it should be destroyed." Yung King Road.

"I just like the purple bamboo forest. I feel comfortable looking at it every day. What else can I see if you let them cut down the purple bamboo forest? Bare, what good-looking head? No, you stop them for me

"Cut and plant new ones. It's old anyway." Yung King Road."The new one is too tender. I don't want it. I just like the vicissitudes of purple bamboo forest." Cloud shallow moon reaches out to push him, "you quickly give me stop. If you don't go out and stop me, I'll go out. "

"New has new benefits." Yung King Road.

"Didn't you ask me to be a bird in your purple bamboo forest? I just married the next day, the Birdwood will be destroyed? I'm still Farting Cloud shallow moon see the scene does not move, angrily dressed to get up.

Rong Jing Wen Yan chuckled and stopped her, "OK, don't get up."

"Can you stop it?" Yunqianyue looked at him, and there were two or three "click" sounds, that is, two or three purple bamboo trees were destroyed. She was heartbroken.

"Qingchang, go out and tell the Regent and the little prince dye. If you don't want the night princess to be like the bamboo they just cut off, they will destroy the purple bamboo forest. " Let's face the light outside.

"Yes, Prince!" Qingchang immediately answered, and it was obvious that she could not wait. She was waiting for Rongjing's command. They have lived in purple bamboo forest for several years, and they have more feelings for purple bamboo forest than yunqianyue.

Cloud shallow moon looks at Rong Jing, "night light warm in your hand?"

"Prince Yu said that he couldn't catch an insect at the top of Yulong Mountain and let it go in a flash. Besides, a useful insect would always produce some value. So he stayed. " Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow moon thinks that night light and warm is dark Phoenix, night Tianyi and night light dye dark assistant. The dark dragon of the royal family is as important as the Dark Phoenix. They can't make the night warm.

Qingchang came out of the purple bamboo forest and conveyed the original words of Rongjing.

The chopping stopped abruptly.

Cloud shallow moon a sigh of relief, they just out of the battle, the air rushed to the ground, probably did not expect that the night light and warm was controlled by the scene. Now this turn here to find Rongjing account, is not much rational, but now a light and warm night, let their rational pull back a bit.

Night Tianyi sneered, "King Shizi is really prepared for the rainy day."

After Qingchang delivered the message, she did not speak any more.

"Jing Shizi is so skillful that he even got us trapped in a delicate chess game. Has it become lawless to bully the royal family in the Rong palace? " Night Tianyi is cold again.

If you don't hear it, there is no one inside or outside the purple bamboo forest.

"What? Did Jing Shizi dare to do something and dare not come out? Threatening a weak woman? " Ye Tianyi sneers.

"Weak woman? How did the weak woman get to the top of Yulong mountain? Regent and dye prince, why do people in Ming Dynasty speak in secret? It's getting late today. If you have nothing to do, don't disturb your wife. " The light voice of Rongjing passed out.

Ye Tianyi's voice is silent for a moment. With a sneer, "the king Shizi, who is respected by everyone in the world, is not so confident? Don't even dare us to attend the wedding ceremony? Trapped us in the battle with such a low strategy? Are you afraid that we might disturb your marriage

"Linglong chess is a strange array, which can not be broken by master Lingyin. In the eyes of the Regent, is it a low trick Rong Jing picked her eyebrows, and her faint voice showed a trace of coolness, "I really dare not let you two participate, and I am really afraid that you will stir up my big marriage. Why don't you dare to talk to people? Cloud shallow moon, she is my life's careful. "

In the last sentence, there is tenderness and weight in the coolness.

The cloud is shallow and the heart is warm. How many people are waiting to see if their big marriage is not going well, how the Regent and the little prince of dye stir up their big marriage, and how the Regent, little prince ran and King Shizi are fighting each other. But their marriage was surprisingly smooth. The success was incredible. Not only did she seem to be in a dream. I'm afraid all the people in Beijing yesterday thought it was a dream. Today is the time to wake up.

"Rongjing, Hello, very good!" The night light dye, who has never opened his mouth, suddenly makes a sound. The tone is different from that of night Tianyi, but is rarely quiet.

Rongjing did not speak.

"It is said that the new imperial concubine has not offered tea today. As regent and Ben Xiaowang, she is entitled to have a cup of tea from her." Night light dye voice a turn, and quiet way: "we will stay to drink her cup of tea."

Cloud shallow moon pursed lips, Rong Wangfu belongs to the four royal families, is the royal family. The Regent Ye Tianyi and ranxiaowangye yeqingran are not mentioned about their royal family background. However, considering their current status, they naturally want to drink a cup of tea from her, which is definitely qualified. She turned her head to Rongjing.

Rongjing did not make a sound, the light in the room was dim, and his face could not see the color.

"Weak beauty, you'd better let your son and concubine prepare well. Let Ben Xiaowang and the Regent try to see if her tea is better than everyone else's Night light dye throws out a word, to green dress order, "take this small king and regent to the hall of tea."

Qingchang looks at the purple bamboo yard behind her, waiting for the instruction of Rongjing.

The light and cool voice of Rongjing came out, "Qingchang, take the Regent, he ran, to the front hall."

Qingchang immediately answered, "yes!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!