The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1393

Rongjing looked at her and said with a smile, "someone was really like a child last night. He was afraid that he couldn't get up and served tea late. He said he was not very good at being a daughter-in-law. He asked me to wake her up..."

"You say it!" The cloud is shallow and the moon is glaring.

Rongjing chuckled, "OK, I won't say it!"

Cloud shallow month looks at him, hum: "you wait, now I serve tea, nervous, you laugh at me, wait for three days to return to the door. You're nervous. "

Rong Jing shook his head, "it's not nervous about it."

"I don't know. Someone has never been a new son-in-law. When the time comes, a lot of people in the cloud palace will see the new son-in-law. " The cloud shallow month speech falls, the voice turns, lengthens the voice way: "Rong childe is who? Thick skinned than the city wall, maybe it's no better than me. You may be right to say that you are not nervous. "

Rong Jing stretched out her hand and flicked her forehead. She said in a good breath: "cloud shallow moon, I see you are very energetic today. It seems that yesterday my efforts are not enough." Then he looked at her, "do you think we just don't get out of bed today?"

Cloud shallow moon immediately silence.

"Well?" Rongjing held her ear lobe in her mouth.

Cloud shallow moon hide for a while, hear outside have footstep sound to come, immediately way: "green dress came."

Rongjing ignored her and gently pressed her waist.

Looking at his very light move, but the cloud shallow moon is unable to swing him, she even busy way: "I am hungry."

"I'm hungry, too." Rongjing's lips fall and kiss.

Yunqianyue felt that her stomach was empty, and she had to replenish her energy. Otherwise, she would not be able to serve tea today, but would be miserable tomorrow. Knowing that she had been angry and responsible for many times, she quickly said, "good scene, I'm really hungry."

"Well?" Rong Jing looked at her, "is that a good word?"

That's not a good thing to say! Yunqianyue looks at him.

Rong Jing shook his head, bowed his head and continued to kiss him. His voice was hoarse, "this is not..."

When yunqianyue heard that Qingchang stopped, she stood at the door and did not dare to come in. The smell of food wafted in. She quickly begged for mercy. Her voice was soft and soft, and she had no confidence. "Husband..."

She felt that it was too sour and unprofitable for her to claim compensation for the land.

Who knows Rong Jing is still not satisfied, hook lip, critical way: "voice is too small."

Cloud shallow month stares at him, see him a pair I am really very hungry, really don't mind before you eat appearance, helpless, can only shout again.

Rongjing also knows that he can't go too far. He releases her with satisfaction, picks her up, gets out of bed and walks to the table.

Two people just sat down, Qingshang just dare to carry the tray to come in, smile to two humanity sound happy, put down the meal, quietly backed down.

Cloud shallow moon sits still, let Rong Jing feed her, Rong Jing naturally has no problem.

"What about Zishu and brother?" Eat half, cloud shallow moon think of yesterday in her this room the eight people who make the bridal chamber.

"The jade prince went to the cloud palace, and the rest of them were asleep." Yung King Road.

"How many days will it take to wake up?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows. It turns out there's more sleep than she can.

"Tomorrow." Yung King Road.

"It's really dark for you. People come all the way here. You let them sleep for two days." Cloud shallow moon rebukes a sentence.

"It was because they came so far away that they could not rest. I was willing to give them half a quarter of a drink and let them have a good rest for two days. Treat your guests with courtesy. " Rong Jing Wen Sheng Dao.

Cloud shallow moon is speechless, say so? But it's true that it's hard work to travel thousands of miles. It's good to sleep for two days.

They stopped talking.

After dinner, yunqianyue lazily nests in Rongjing's arms and looks out of the window. The peach blossom covered by Rongjing has already passed its flowering period. Now there is only one tree left, but she still enjoys the treatment of a fire stove greenhouse. It seems to be waiting for it to bear fruit.

Zizhuyuan is more peaceful than ever before.

"How many days off do you have for a big wedding?" Cloud shallow moon think of such a quiet and comfortable time, do not know how many days.

Rong Jing Mou Guang flashed, "it's hard to say."

"Why not? Is there no fake marriage? The emperor still has three days off for his wedding Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

Rongjing Wensheng said: "if no one bothers me, you can take a few more days off. If someone bothers me, it will be hard to rest for half a day at most after today."

Yunqianyue hears the speech and thinks of Ye Tianyi and yeqingran. Yesterday she didn't see the two people. She asked once, but Rongjing didn't answer, so she didn't explore. Now that she talked about it, she became curious, "what did you do? They didn't do anything. "

"It's nothing. It's just a battle outside the imperial study." Rongjing understates the tunnel.

"So they're trapped in the battle?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

Rongjing gave a "yes".

"What array?" Cloud shallow moon think of what array can trap night nature and night light dye."It's you and I, who played an exquisite chess game that day to watch Magnolia grandiflora on the south mountain of Lingtai temple in Qingquan mountain." Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly, "is that you said that nobody can crack, I accidentally cracked the chess game?"

"Well!" Rongjing nodded.

"Can't Ye Tianyi and night light dye be solved? They are not stupid either Cloud shallow moon doubts tunnel.

Rongjing casually said: "they are not stupid, but they think too much. When you cracked that chess game, you left at will, with nothing in your mind. And they know that I am going to marry you, and they are in a hurry to get out. How can they not be trapped? Besides, you think everyone is you? Ten years ago, master Lingyin and I played the same exquisite chess game as you and me in Lingtai temple. Master Lingyin and I did not explore the chess game. Later, we buried a pot of orchid wine together. We agreed to have another game in ten years, in order to break the exquisite chess game. But ten years later, although master Lingyin and I got together again, the master said that he still couldn't understand the exquisite chess game, so he didn't go to Nanshan anymore... "

"So you abducted me afterwards?" The cloud is shallow and the moon suddenly appears.

"Oh, you can't even smile at the chess game."

Cloud shallow month rolled a white eye, "that is hit by mistake, blind cat met dead mouse."

"That said, it is not easy for everyone to hit by mistake, and it is even more difficult for a blind cat to meet a dead mouse." Yung King Road.

"So do you." Yunqianyue had to admit that when she got lucky, it was not half past one. She raised her eyebrows. "So they haven't appeared yet, that is to say, they are still in the exquisite chess game you arranged in the imperial study?"

"Probably." Rong Jing nodded. , the fastest update of the webnovel!