The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1392

One night's lingering, doomed to get up late.

On the second day of the wedding, it was noon when the moon woke up.

She opened her eyes and just moved her hand. Then she heard Rongjing's gentle voice, "wake up?"

Cloud shallow moon partial head, see Rong Jinghuan holding her lying, eyes light gentle like water, lips hanging a trace of smile. She could not help but smile at him, "what time is it?"

"It's two minutes before noon." Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow moon immediately sat up and looked outside. Sure enough, she looked at Rongjing, "why don't you call me?"

Rongjing blinks.

"Can't you serve tea after noon?" Cloud shallow moon asks again.

Let the scenic spot nod, "it seems like this."

Cloud shallow month raised a foot to kick him a foot, angry way: "I told you to call me yesterday, why don't you call me? Do you have to make a big joke? It's afternoon. How can I go to serve tea again? "

"Tomorrow, then." Rongjing is really by the cloud light moon foot, careless tunnel.

"Don't be laughed to death tomorrow." Cloud shallow moon horizontal he one eye, begin to put on clothes.

"Didn't you say it yesterday? He would be considerate if he wanted to have a grandson. " Rong Jing stretched out his hand to embrace the cloud, and his voice was soft, "he wishes we didn't get up for three days."

Cloud shallow moon shakes off him, "do your spring and autumn big dream to go!"

Rong Jing gently coughed, "anyway, it's too late to get up!"

Cloud shallow moon glared at him, Yin way: "if you want us to be separated on the second day of marriage, I have no problem."

Rongjing immediately let go of his hand, reached out to help his forehead and said helplessly, "but it's too late now!"

"Aren't you good at it? You stop time. " Cloud light moon cool tunnel.

Rongjing was silent.

Yunqianyue doesn't look at him any more. He wears clothes quickly and thinks bitterly in his heart. He has a conscience. He knows that after a night's hard work, he washes her clean and makes her sleep after loosening her muscles and bones.

Clothes wear to half, cloud shallow moon just found wrong, how she was angry again picked up yesterday's wedding dress to put on. Hastily took off the wedding dress, stretched out his hand to command the silent man, "bring me a suit of clothes."

Rong Jing gets up, goes to the wardrobe, and takes out a new suit of clothes to yunxiaoyue and hands it to her.

Cloud shallow month reaches out to take over, the action agile ground goes to the body to cover.

Rong Jing is looking at her and has no intention to help.

In the room, I heard the sound of cloud and moon wearing clothes.

After a while, Yun Xiaoyue dressed properly and looked at Rongjing. Seeing that he was still in a single suit, he glared at him, "is it my business to serve tea alone? Are you not going? "

"Go!" Rong Jing shook her head and nodded again.

"It's time to change." Cloud light moon urged him.

Rong Jing looked at her and said slowly, "but I saw you didn't wake up an hour ago. I already sent a letter to my grandfather and the people in the mansion, saying that you don't serve tea today."

The cloud is shallow and the moon is glaring.

"Even if you go now, there is no one in the hall." Rong Jing looked at her, "unless you call up your grandfather and the people in the mansion again. In that case Well, it's not impossible. It's just Don't you think the joke is bigger? "

The cloud is light and the moon is dark.

Rongjing held her and said with a smile, "what are you afraid of if you don't serve tea on the first day? It's only late to get up. My grandfather is looking forward to his grandson. You said several students yesterday. How can I not make efforts to let you have children? Who dares to laugh at you? In the future, the Rong palace will take you as the heaven. You let others go east, others dare not go west, you say one, others dare not say two. Good, don't go

Cloud light moon looks at him with a black face.

Rong Jing rubbed her head with a smile and patted her back. Her voice was gentle enough to drip out of the water. "You are more happy to give your grandfather a grandson than to give him ten cups of tea. As for others, uncles and aunts, they are not qualified to drink your tea. Now you are the Empress Dowager's elder sister

Yunqianyue looked at the delay, and the hourglass had already pointed to noon. She could only give up with a black face and said angrily, "I told you several times yesterday that you would wake me up. Have you got wind in your ears?"

Rong Jing said with a smile: "ears did not enter the wind, but see you sleep soundly, reluctant."

When yunqianyue heard the last three words, the anger of Tianda also dissipated. This person has already spoiled her to this extent. Serving tea is the biggest thing on the second day of the wedding ceremony. He can deal with it carelessly. If he doesn't go, he can change the day? I took him. "I'm hungry," he said

"Qingshang, the princess is hungry." Rongjing immediately ordered the warm voice outside.

"Yes, my son. I'm ready for lunch. I'll wait for the princess to wake up." Obviously, Qingchang has been guarding the door all the time. She is afraid that she has listened to the words of two people, and her voice comes with a faint smile.

Cloud shallow moon facial expression some red, stretch out to open Rong Jing's hand, "took your dog's paw."

Rong Jing looked at her speechless, angry and funny, "sure enough, there is a fierce wife at home! This is the second day of the wedding. Do you dislike me from inside to outside? "Yun Xiaoyue was also made to laugh and snorted, "I served tea to my grandfather and met the people in the Rong palace. I was serious about this matter yesterday. I think it's very important. Who told you not to wake me up and make your own decisions? Now everyone will feel that we have no control, do what we want, and we are arrogant to the point of lawlessness. "

After hearing the speech, Rongjing kissed her lips and said with a smile, "it's nothing if you don't serve tea today. Who stipulates that it's not important to serve tea the next day? You do what you want. You're so arrogant. What's wrong with that? When you were in yunwangfu, you were yunqianyue, and you were married to rongwangfu. As long as I don't bind, who dares to restrain your temperament? I will not spare him. "

Cloud shallow moon some anger immediately because of this words disappear, in the heart warm warm, soft tone, "said also!"

"So, it's OK to serve tea tomorrow. You're tired yesterday, so take a rest today!" Rong Jing is gentle and genuine.

Yunqianyue nodded, just in a hurry. Now he relaxed and had nothing to do. Suddenly, he felt that his whole body was soft and lazy. His body was soft and he went back to bed.

Rong Jing looked at her with a funny smile, "and not spirit?"

Cloud shallow moon "um".

Rong Jing also tilted on the bed, holding her and saying, "how was it before, how about after. It doesn't need you to change who you want to cater to. The princess of the world is just a change of identity than Miss shallow moon. "

Cloud shallow moon funny, this person tirelessly taught her, as if afraid of her pressure. Maybe she hasn't been a daughter-in-law, but she's still nervous. Therefore, it was shown that this person, who had been reluctant to write, was so garrulous. Nodding his head, he said, "I know that you don't need to take me as a child and teach me step by step." , the fastest update of the webnovel!