The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1391

Ye Qian looked at Rong Jing suspiciously, "Jing Shizi, so nice to talk about? Say, what do you have in mind

"Rong Jing Yang Mei," if the night queen does not agree, now hurry out of this room, I even can't count you. "

Ye Qian hummed, "I'm not afraid of your calculation."

"Then drink a bar! I know some of you are coming, so I specially prepared a wedding reception. " Rongjing words down, to the outside command, "Qingshang, bring wine."

Qingshang answered.

Ye Qian looked at Rong Jing, "who knows if your wine is under the medicine, how dare we drink it?"

Rong Jing laughed, "if you don't drink, it will save me. There will be no money in Lord Rong's house. I will live a frugal life. "

Ye Qian sighed: "let the king of rongwangfu save life, this is Arabian Night." After that, she said, "when do you have no money to sell your carriage? Let me know and I'll buy it."

The moon's face was puffed.

Rong Jing nodded with a smile

"The yard is full of Jinshan. When he sells the carriage, you will be old and old." Nanling Rui chided.

Ye Qian immediately did not have good breath way: "be willing to wait, can you manage?"

"You don't look like a queen in gold." Nanling Rui looks at Ye Qian with disgust.

"You don't look like a king in a dragon robe." Ye Qian retorted.

The two people turned their eyes and made a quarrel, and the smoke of gunpowder filled them.

Cloud shallow moon looks at two people, is willing to see the good play.

After a while, Qingchang came in with two people and held several jars of wine. Before Kaifeng, she smelled the real wine.

Yunqianyue immediately exclaimed, "Rongjing, how can you give them such a good wine? If we take it out and sell it, it will last us a lifetime."

"If they are not afraid of poisoning, we will give up the silver. Don't worry. I can't starve you. " Let's touch the head of cloud and moon.

"These good wines! You've taken it all out! " Asked the moon.

"Well, no more." Rong Jing nodded.

Looking at the eight people sitting around the stove, Yun Qianyue kindly suggested, "there is no good wine to drink for nothing. There must be poison in it, or medicine like not waking up for three days. You'd better not drink it. If you don't want to stay up all night, you won't be drunk. "

Nanlingrui's eyes were bright. He took a jar of wine and poured it to himself first. "I want to try whether this wine is more powerful than the orchid wine in Lingtai temple. Let me sleep for half a month."

Ye Qian evaded nanlingrui's wine jar, and filled himself with a cup of yunmu cold. He said, "such a good wine, I don't have it in southern Xinjiang. Even if it's poisoned, I'll recognize it."

Wind ember hummed, did not speak, directly poured the wine to drink.

Xiyanyue took the wine jar and looked at it for a while. Then he looked at Rongjing's face for a moment. He affirmed: "it must be poisonous." He poured himself a glass and drank it.

Yuzixi left to see and see, only Rong Feng and Yu Zishu have not drunk, he asked: "brother, do you drink?"

Yuzishu looked at Rongjing and said with a smile, "is this wine made by jingshizi himself?"

Rong Jing picks eyebrows and doesn't speak, which is the default.

Yunqianyue thinks that Rongjing's grandfather, the old master of Chu, loves wine making. How could his grandson not?

"Oh, my brother-in-law made the wine himself." Yuzixi sighed and asked Rongjing, "brother-in-law, if I don't drink this wine today, can I still drink it tomorrow?"

"Only these ten jars, no more." Yung King Road.

Yuzi got tangled up and seemed to be in a tug of war in his heart. After a moment, he was ruthless, "forget it. It's hard to buy such a good wine. It's made by his brother-in-law. How many people in the world can drink it. Even if it's poisoned, recognize it. "

He said, Rong Feng has poured the wine, picked up the cup to drink.

Yuzishu laughed and saw that he was left alone and did not speak. He drank with the crowd.

Yunqianyue thinks of Rongjing's own wine. Naturally, she wants to drink it. She holds a jar of wine and looks at Rongjing.

Rong Jing chuckled at her, "there are ten jars in total, just one altar for one person. This wine has yours and mine. A few distinguished guests have come all the way to congratulate us. How can we not accompany them? "

Cloud shallow moon immediately smile, poured a glass of wine to drink. After tasting the product, he asked Rongjing silently, "myrrh?"

She did not smile.

Cloud shallow moon heart under strange, but also ignore, these people who come here today, are her close friends. She was moved that they could come. For her big marriage, they all travel thousands of miles. She was deeply impressed by this affection.

With the addition of Rongjing and yunqianyue, it becomes lively. After a while, everyone seemed to forget about the poisonous wine. I'll talk to you soon. I'll change the cup.

An hour later, ten jars of wine were drunk, and everyone's face was a bit drunk.

Cloud shallow moon looks at these people, without the slightest sign of coma, thinking when does Rong Jing's heart get better? No overpowering drugs? She tried to use her skills secretly. She found that her breath was smooth. Nothing happened. She could not help looking at Rongjing, or she asked suspiciously, "are you really not prescribing medicine?"Rong Jing chuckled and looked at her, her eyes glowing. "Do you want me to prescribe medicine?"

Cloud shallow moon Gaga mouth, mumble: "just think you do not prescribe medicine some abnormal."

Rong Jing nodded, looked at eight people and said with a smile: "who are they? Since you have made up your mind to wait here, can you buy a jar of good wine? If I really put the medicine on this wine, even if I brew it by myself, even if I can't buy it, they won't drink it. "

Nanlingrui hears speech and claps a big hand. He praises Rongjing and says: "I haven't been dazed by the wedding yet. It's good!"

Ye Qian nodded, "it's rare that the wedding night is still so sober, rare!"

Several people nodded in succession.

After a few words, Yu Zishu said slowly, "his wine is not drugged, but the incense in the house is half drunk."

Rong Jing's eyes flashed, and the moon looked at the incense in the room. She smelled it carefully. She was half drunk, but she didn't find it She turned to look at several people, and saw nanlingrui lying on the table first, followed by Ye Qian, yunmuhan, xiyanyue, Rongfeng, Fengjin, Yuzixi all lying on the table. The seven were originally very spiritual, but now they are unconscious.

Yunqianyue blinks her eyes and marvels that Rongjing has made such a big contribution. In the process of these people's prevention and prevention, she asks Rongjing, "how can I be ok?"

"You took the antidote ahead of time." Yung King Road.


"When you said it was raw." Yung King Road.

Yunqianyue is speechless, that is to say, it's time for her to eat those two raw steamed buns? The first one, she swallowed it whole, didn't taste anything, just felt raw. The second, she ate it under someone's bewilderment, but didn't eat it. Unexpectedly, there was an antidote for half a moment's intoxication. She thought that these people came. Naturally, Rongjing had already sent a letter about the wedding day. Therefore, when they came here, he naturally had plans and preparations. She looked at yuzishu and asked, "Zishu, since you know it, why don't you remind them?"

Yu Zishu said in a leisurely way: "if you offend someone, the consequences will be very serious. My father is looking forward to you going to the East China Sea one day. After that, your surname will be Rong. "

I see! Her surname is Rong, and she will be controlled by a man named Rongjing. It's not where she wants to go. Zi Shuming knew, but he could only pretend not to know. Cloud light moon is funny.

Rong Jing's mouth was slightly crooked, and said with a smile: "those who know the current affairs are heroes. The jade crown prince also goes to the room where he stayed when he was in the Rong palace! That room has been reserved for you

Yu Zishu nodded, got up, stood up, and walked out with a smile.

Rong Jing said to the outside, "come on, please let these seven distinguished guests go down and have a rest."

Qingchang faintly with a smile in the outside should a, a moment, with people in, will nanlingrui and other seven people carried out. Ling Lian and Yi Xue come in and clean up the leftovers on the table.

The door closed and the room fell silent.

Just the bustle and noise and now the silence form a sharp contrast, making people trance like a dream.

Cloud shallow moon and Rong Jing all sit quietly in place, no one speaks for a while.

The sand of the hourglass glides quietly, and the night outside the window is getting thicker.

For a long time, the cloud shallow Moon said, "Rongjing, I am very happy today."

Rong Jing suddenly took the cloud and the moon and walked to the bed. His voice was hoarse, "there are more happy..."

Yunqianyue's face turned red. She put out her hand and beat him gently. In a twinkling of an eye, she was crushed on the big bed. Rongjing's kiss fell. She quickly dodged and frowned: "there is something on the bed..."

"Early birth of a noble son." Rong Jing is gentle and genuine.

Yun Qianyue frowned, "take these things away first..."

Rongjing picked her up and waved her gently. The things on the bed suddenly fell to the ground, making a crackling sound.

In the sound, Rongjing held her face, and she could not avoid it. She deeply kisses her.

Wheezing, yunqianyue thinks of one thing and asks him, "are you going to serve my grandfather tea tomorrow?"

Rongjing gave a "yes".

"Is that to Get up early Cloud shallow moon asks again.

Rongjing peels off her clothes, and the scarlet silk slips down. He says vaguely: "he is eager to have a grandson. He will be considerate..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!