The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1390

Rong Jing picked her eyebrows. "It's hard to buy a jar of snow lotus fragrance. I prepared two jars for him. It's worth his while to do something. "

Cloud shallow moon laughingly looked at him, let Jing take her to fly down.

Night light warm nature is not the son of the book's opponents, he swept the obstacles, it is not uncommon.

Floating down from the top of the mountain, the cloud moon is in the arms of Rongjing, and the scope of the distant view is getting smaller and smaller.

Half an hour later, they drifted to the foot of the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, he didn't see the figure of yuzishu. Yunqianyue thought that he should go back to the house first.

Rong Jing's pace is not stop, the toe is light, with the cloud shallow moon to the capital. Now it's dark, but from a distance, the capital is still a riot.

When they returned to the city, the capital was as good as when they left, and the banquet continued.

Rong Jing returned to Rong Wang's mansion with cloud and light moon, flying over the purple bamboo yard and falling lightly in the purple bamboo yard.

Zizhuyuan swept away the quiet when they left, and the voice of pushing cups and changing cups came from Rongjing's room.

Cloud light moon blinked her eyes, looked at the room, only saw a few familiar figures inside. She thought they would find a place. He turned his head and looked at Rongjing.

Rongjing squinted.

Qingshang came to Rongjing with the gift of night in her arms, and whispered to Rongjing, "the son of heaven, the jade Prince is here. Now a banquet has been set up in your room. It's not easy for me to stop them."

Let the scenic spot nod, pull cloud shallow moon to walk in.

When the bead curtain was lifted, the people inside sat cross legged by the fire. A table was set by the fire, and several people sat around the stove.

Yuzishu, Yuzixi, Rongfeng, Fengjin, xiyanyue, nanlingrui, yeqian and yunmuhan.

Cloud light moon vision from several people one by one, see wind ember to not strange. She's married, and he'll come naturally. But to see nanlingrui, ye Qian and yunmuhan is a little unexpected. "Why are you here?" she said with a smile

"Dead girl, why can't we come?" Nan Lingrui stares at cloud shallow moon one eye.

"You've been sent back to Nanliang by Rongjing. How dare you come? I'm not afraid I can't go any more. " Cloud shallow month glimpses the south Ling Rui one eye, she suspects that he just returned to the South Liang buttocks have not sat steady and ran again.

Nanling Rui snorted and looked at the scene and said: "wait for me to settle accounts with you."

Rong Jing Wenrun smiles, "if brother Xiaorui still wants to see Princess Luoyao, it's better to put your tail away."

South Ling Rui a choke, will be angry to cloud shallow moon body, "see what man you are looking for? Black heart and black lung. "

Yunqianyue ignores nanlingrui and looks at the cold in the evening. He releases Rongjing's hand and pours at him. "Brother, I heard you've finished your house. Now, do you bring a child to my wedding?"

Rong Jing didn't take a hand to hold the cloud shallow moon, but one hand stopped her. Ye Qian's voice of shame and anger warned, "Yun Qianyue, remember that you are married. Don't jump at men."

Cloud shallow month one hand opens her, twinkling of an eye rushed into the cloud evening cold's bosom, "elder brother, how does your woman adjust? She's just a shrew

Ye Qian was furious.

Cloud dusk cold smile, embracing the cloud shallow moon, the once gloomy and overcast cloud has already faded, although the voice is still a little indifferent, but in the end to the cloud light moon warm, "now are all married, still like a little girl."

"Xiaojing, a woman who will jump at men like this, and stop her." Nanlingrui immediately said.

Rongjing did not speak.

But the wind ember said coldly: "cloud shallow moon, are you blind? Don't see me

Cloud shallow moon rolled her eyes, came out of the cold arms of the cloud evening, pulled the wind ember, looked her up and down, frowned: "are you soaking in the women's pile every day? Was gentle township to take out the blood essence? Why are you so thin? "

Wind ashes face a black.

With a smile, yunqianyue quickly turned around, came to xiyanyue and said with a smile: "it's said that Xiyan has changed his youth's appearance. Do you have any plans to get him into the harem? "

Xiyanyue's face was black.

Yunqianyue immediately ran back to Rongjing's side, hiding behind him, and said to him, "Rongjing, these people are really eye-catching here, and will drive them out."

Several people smell speech all look at her, Qi Qi picks eyebrow.

Nanlingrui "ah" to a smile, slow old God in the tunnel: "do not know with eight to one, can not let small view hole tonight."

Cloud shallow moon light cough.

Jade son Xi eyes a bright, immediately raised his hand in favor of the way: "I think this idea is good."

Rong Feng answered with a smile, "I also think this proposal is good."

Ye Qian immediately nodded, "I also feel good!"

Although Feng Jin and Xi Yanyue didn't speak, their looks were gnashing their teeth. It seemed that they were the first to rush forward as long as they said something. The evening jade smile, but don't smile.

Rong Jing's eyes turned around and looked at the cloud. She asked, "what do you think of eight to one?"Cloud shallow moon looks at eight people, jade son book one person is enough to allow the scene to deal with. She looked at the eight people sitting here, obviously waiting for the bridal chamber here, the comer is not good! She shook her head with a good sense of the times and waved her hand with a pretence of magnanimity, "forget it! Visitors are guests! I'm joking. We are a country of etiquette. We treat guests with courtesy. How can we treat distinguished guests like that? "

Rong Jing chuckled, "you're right!"

Ye Qian rolled her eyes and said to the cold cloud evening, "how can you have such a sister? Shame

Yundushan gave a funny look at yunqianyue and said to Ye Qian: "although most of her are useless, she has one advantage, that is, she knows the current affairs very well. When I taught her how to read, she knew how to read, but she didn't mean to. It made me angry. When I got angry, she learned. In the shallow moon Pavilion, one pass is half a month. "

Yunqianyue heard that yundushan mentioned that she had started the Phoenix robbery and lost her memory. She was forced to read in the light moon Pavilion for half a month. She felt that she was shrouded in a layer of dark clouds. She looked at him speechlessly for half a month, and the past was terrible.

Ye Qian smell speech immediately smile, wave to cloud shallow moon, "come here, tonight we are not drunk endlessly."

Cloud shallow moon looks at Ye Qian, very do not blush to remind a way: "night empress, this is our bridal chamber candle night."

Ye Qian indifferent tunnel: "anyway, it's not mine. I don't care if you're in a cave or not. We are coming from thousands of miles. If you dare to drive us out, I want you to look good. "

Cloud shallow moon speechless, look to Rong Jing. Thinking of Mr. Rong, I'm afraid your bridal chamber will be ruined.

Rongjing hooked his lips and sat down with a gentle smile. "Several people came from thousands of miles, and Rongjing was very moved. I don't go home until I'm drunk. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!