The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1386

When the good time came, the wedding ceremony began.

Rong Jing gently put down the cloud and the moon, and Rongxi took the bright red brocade flower group. He took one side and gave the other side to the cloud light moon.

The ceremonial officer looked around and asked for instructions from Rongjing, "King Shizi, regent and dye Prince have not arrived yet."

"What is my big marriage to do with them? The emperor can watch the ceremony here. Let's go The voice of Rongjing is not salty.

Yunqianyue takes a look at Rongjing. It's impossible that Tianyi and night light dye will not come to her wedding night. Now they don't appear. What does it mean? Rongjing controls the people so that they can't come, or do they have any plans to give her a big wedding gift later?

The etiquette officer quickly said yes, shouting: "from the auspicious time, King Shizi, Miss shallow month line big ceremony."

On the first place, Rong Laowang is sitting in a critical position, and Qingchang is also sitting in front of him with the gift of night. Night Tianci, wrapped in a rich quilt, showed a small head and looked curiously at Rongjing and yunqianyue, who were bright red. The guests' eyes were fixed on the two people in silence.

"Worship heaven and earth!" The ceremonial officer yelled.

Rong Jing and the cloud and the moon worship the sky together.

"Two obeisances to the high hall!" The ceremonial officer yelled again.

Rongjing and yunqianyue worship the Lord ronglao and the night God on the first seat.

"Husband and wife worship each other!" The ceremonial officer's voice is high.

Rongjing and yunqianyue turned around together, bent down together, and their heads just touched their heads.

"Licheng, send to the bridal chamber!" The ceremonial officer gave a final shout.

Rong Jing picks up the cloud and the moon at the waist and walks gently to the chamber.

All the guests did not speak, looking to Rongjing, holding the cloud, the moon came out of the Xi hall and went to his purple bamboo yard.

The wedding ceremony was just a incense stick. It was so smooth that all the preparations made by those who came here today to watch the ceremony collapsed. I thought that the marriage of these two people today should be a thousand obstacles and difficulties. There is no one who doesn't want to go out and stop it. Even the wind seemed to be still.

A moment later, old prince Rong burst out laughing and everyone looked at him.

Rong Laoye's laughter was full of vicissitudes of life, and he was deeply depressed. After half a laugh, he suddenly stood up, reached out and patted the armrest of the chair and said in a loud voice, "good!"

The earth trembled under him.

Qingchang hurriedly held the night gift to avoid his three Zhang distance. Night Tianci was scared "wow", Qingshang immediately put out his hand to cover his mouth, whispered: "today, the son of a son and his concubine are married, do not cry."

The voice of the night God stops suddenly.

"If you cry, let you drink milk instead of rice soup." Qingchang looked at him and said.

Night heaven give blink eyes, GA GA small mouth, look at green clothes wrongly. Qingchang let go of his hand, and he did not cry.

"The boy has loved this little girl for ten years, and now he has got what he wants! Today, my old man is very happy, and I'll have a good drink with you. " Let the old prince greet the guests.

All of them woke up from the great ceremony of the two people, and said, "Congratulations! Congratulations

Hearing the congratulation, the old prince laughed with joy.

With a wave of his hand, Rongxi's delicacies and delicacies were put on the table.

For a moment, the garden was full of flowers, wine, and congratulations from guests. It was very lively.

Yunqianyue is carried into the purple bamboo forest by Rongjing, and you can still hear the original joyful and boisterous voice ahead. She is in the bosom of Rong Jing, the red color in front of her eyes. She is in a trance for a moment. Is this a big marriage?

Such a big marriage, even she felt too smooth is not true.

"What are you thinking?" The low voice of Rongjing rings in the ear of cloud and moon.

Yunqianyue slightly raised her head to see Rongjing, but she only saw a outline from the gap between the covers. She said to him uncertainly: "Rongjing, we just had a big wedding ceremony, haven't we?"


"I will be your wife and your son's concubine from now on, won't I?"


"I am not dreaming! You pinch me Yunqianyue is still not sure. She doesn't know whether the bride is like her, but she married into the Rong palace smoothly, which makes her feel dizzy and unreal.

Rongjing stretched out his hand and pinched the waist of the moon.

Cloud shallow moon ache "sizzles" a, immediately cries out, "ah, good ache, you really pinch ah!"

Rong Jing looked at her innocently, "the lady has a life, don't dare not follow."

Cloud shallow moon eyelid rolled, soft lying in his arms, exclaimed: "it is true. Rongjing, how much have you done behind your back to have our wedding today. Those two people Are they trapped by you? "

Rong Jing smiles and says in a warm voice, "I've been preparing to marry you for ten years. How can I not be successful? If it doesn't go well, isn't it as you said, it's better to hit the wall with a piece of tofu. "

Cloud shallow moon "Puff Chi" a smile, stretch out his arms around Rong Jing's neck.Rong Jing saw that she no longer spoke, meek and gentle in his arms, he carried her into the purple bamboo yard with a smile.

In the past, there were not so many people in Zizhuyuan. Only Qingchang, yaolao, Qingquan and Xiange were waiting. Later, yunqianyue lived in, and later gelinglian and Yixue came. Now the gate of the courtyard is waiting for a kind of female dependents of Rongwang mansion headed by ronglingyan. And Xi Mei and Shiquan's mother-in-law. A lot of people.

"Congratulations! Congratulations Rong Lingyan saw Rong Jing holding cloud and moon, smiling and congratulating him.

"Congratulations! Congratulations The crowd cheered.

Rong Jing nodded with a smile and walked inside. A crowd of people followed them.

Come to the door of the room, Ling Lian and Yi Xue have been waiting here, one left and one right open the curtain, laughter clear, "Congratulations son, congratulations to miss!"

Rongjing holding cloud shallow moon into the house, she will be sitting on the edge of the bed.

Rong Lingyan comes in with Xi Mei and Shiquan's mother-in-law. Linglian takes a pole made of gold and jade and hands it to Rongjing. Rongjing took the pole made of Jinyu and stood in front of the cloud and the moon, looking at her for a long time.

Cloud light moon secretly think of Rong Jing, probably afraid to see her ugly face, she is funny, sitting still waiting for him.

There is enough time for a incense stick, the scenery is still, and a group of people inside and outside the house do not give a sound.

After a stick of incense, Rongjing takes a pole made of gold and jade to pick the cover of cloud and moon.

The cloud shallow moon eye corner looks at that pole gently picks up a corner of the cover head, in a moment, the dim light in front of her eyes gradually brightens. Her heart thumped twice, thinking that although she had already been intimate with each other for a long time, she suddenly had a feeling of eternity. This feeling comes naturally. , the fastest update of the webnovel!