The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1385

There was a cry of joy from all around.

Familiar as snow like lotus breath wrapped around, cloud shallow moon reached out to hook Rong Jing's neck, and her head was up on her face, and she was so red that she couldn't see anything. But the heart was pounding.

At this moment, I really realized that she was going to get married! To marry the man holding him.

Thank you for your hard work Rong Jing embraces the cloud, and the moon is tight in my arms and thanks to the cloud.

Yunli was already sweating. He took the Juan PA in the hands of seven princesses and wiped it. He shook his head to Rongjing, "it's not hard to send my sister to get married. Don't miss the auspicious time. Jing Shizi will take his sister back to his house. "

Rong Jing nodded with a smile and took a look at Yu Qingqing.

Yu Qingqing waved her hand to Rongjing, and her mother-in-law, who had no married daughter, waved her hand freely and freely, "go quickly!"

Rong Jing turns around, in the eyes of all, holding the cloud on the back of the 16 people carry the sedan chair.

People at the gate of the cloud palace burst out a burst of exclamations again. It is the first time for the bridegroom to sit in the sedan chair with the bride.

The seventh princess looked at the curtain of the sedan chair falling. Rongjing gave an order. The sedan chair carried by sixteen people went up. She pulled the sleeve of Yunli and said, "this This As her sister said, Jing Shizi went into the sedan chair with her... "

Yu Qingqing is smiling. "This small scene has been prepared for ten years. Naturally, we should take good care of people everywhere. We can't make any mistakes. When he left yesterday, he told me to watch her carefully, and now I am. It's not surprising. "

"But it doesn't conform to the rules. In case..." The seventh princess wanted to say what to do in case of breaking happiness, but she didn't say anything.

"They are very happy. They are made by nature. What rules and regulations do not conform to the rules are set by people." Yu Qingqing waved her hand.

"I think it's wonderful. Don't worry about it!" Yunli said with a smile to the seventh Princess: "although all the guests have gone to the Rong palace, our house is also to be entertained. You and the mother's concubine go to the backyard to accompany the grandfather! I'll be in charge. "

The seventh Princess thought about it, nodded and went to the house with Yu Qingqing.

When the sedan chair left the gate of the cloud palace, the sedan chair bearers carried by 16 people were stable and had excellent footwork. Obviously, they were all secret guard masters with no less martial arts than string songs. In front of the road, there are personal guards of Rongjing, and behind them are guards of King Rong's house. The procession of sedan chairs opened a long line.

Yunqianyue was held in her arms by Rongjing, listening to the bustling sound of the sedan chair passing by the sea of people on both sides. She wanted to open the cover and lift the curtain to see it. Rongjing reached out and held her hand and said in a soft voice, "bear with me. I'll show you enough later."

"All right." Cloud shallow moon wants to see words, outside estimate is also head to head.

"Good!" Rubbing her head.

Yunqianyue gave him an angry look under the cover, and said strangely, "you are suddenly overjoyed. How can these people besiege the streets of the capital in an instant? It's a bit faster. "

Rong Jing said with a smile: "last night, one night, I spread red silk and brocade on the capital. Naturally, they knew they were going to be overjoyed, and they were waiting in the early morning. "

Thinking about how much manpower he should have spent overnight, Yun asked, "so is the world?"

"Well!" Rongjing nodded.

Cloud shallow moon leans in his bosom, no longer speaks.

"How much powder do you put on your face?" Rongjing frowned and looked down at her.

"Do you want to have a look now?" she asked, blinking

Rongjing looked at her for a moment and shook her head, "forget it, I'm afraid I'll throw you out. Put up with it for a while. "

Cloud shallow month is angry for a while, reach out to pull cover head, "I just want you to have a look, want to see you throw me after all."

Rong Jing pressed her hand and chuckled, "don't throw it."

Yunqianyue stopped and smugly picked her eyebrows. Although the procedure was not up to standard, she still wanted to be more standard. For example, after three visits to heaven and earth, she went into the bridal chamber. He lifted her veil and drank Jiaobei wine.

Although Rong Jing knew that she was on purpose, she still couldn't help but hook her lips.

If they don't speak, the red color around the sedan chair will dazzle people's eyes. Outside the sea of people, they can only hear each other's heartbeat.

A long line of people went out of the cloud palace, turned all the busy main streets of the whole imperial capital, and then went to the Rong palace.

The journey was very smooth!

Yunxiaoyue felt that the time was very short, so the sedan chair stopped, and Rongxi's voice cheerfully called out, "brother Shizi is back with sister Xiaoyue. Let off firecrackers

As soon as he spoke, the firecrackers crackled. There were deafening cheers at the gate of King Rong's mansion.

"So soon Cloud shallow moon murmured, "this sedan chair has not done enough, how to do?"

"Do you want to stop going around the street?" Rong Jing looked at her and asked with a smile.

"Never mind. I'll sit down when I have time." The moon waved her hand.

"Well, when you want to sit, I'll sit with you again." Rong Jing nodded and did not think that the bridal sedan chair could only be sat in a big marriage. If you don't get married, you can do it if you want to, as long as he is with you. She was lifted up again."You have to go down first, shoot arrows on the sedan chair, kick the door of the sedan chair, and give me a horse's power!"

Rong Jing chuckled, "you know better than me."

"That's natural. These days, I look at the grand wedding ceremony in addition to Rong's ancestral precepts. You didn't find a mother to train me to marry, but I can't make a fool of you, can't I?" Cloud light moon is very proud.

"None of these! I don't need to kick the car door, I don't need to dismount. " Rong Jing holds her out of the car door.

"Well, wait a minute. If you don't want to shoot arrows, kick the car door, or you can sit in the sedan chair and do it for me? How can you not do such a funny thing? " Cloud shallow moon holds Rong Jing and does not let him get off the sedan chair.

Rongjing looked at her, although across the cover, but also can feel her excitement, he whispered: "Miss moon, should save some physical strength, we grow this night."

Cloud shallow month rolled a white eye, shook his head, urged him, "long night is much, but this big marriage can be once. No, if you go down, you must shoot arrows, kick the car door, and demote me. Or I won't get out of the sedan. "

Rong Jing has no choice but to put her down and lean out of the sedan chair.

Cloud light moon sitting in the sedan chair, looking at the Rong Jing under the car, the car curtain down, she gently pulled a seam, looking out.

"Brother Shizi! The brazier is ready. Let sister Xiaoyue step into the brazier Rong Xi came forward happily and changed the old style of the chief manager of the Rong palace. Now he is a child.

"Young master, it's time to change my voice and call the princess!" Mother in law Shiquan reminds Rongxi.

"Yes, yes, yes, it's time to call the concubine, but no, it should be called the concubine and sister-in-law." Let bygones change their words happily.

Rong Jing, with a smile of approval on his face, told Rongxi, "go get the bow and arrow!"

Rong Xi was stunned, "Shizi brother, why do you want bows and arrows?"


"Didn't you say these were cancelled?" Rong used to open his eyes, but now why?

"Some people like it." Rong Jing spits out four words.

Rong Xi's little adult was very clever, and immediately understood it. He quickly waved to people and said, "go and get the arrow. Take the purple moon bow of the ancestor Rong Wang. Yesterday, my grandfather also said that he wanted his elder brother to use the purple moon bow, but he canceled it. I didn't get it. Now it's in use. "

Let the scenic spot nod, no objection.

Cloud shallow moon sat in the sedan chair, reached out to pick up the apple in hand, while gnawing, while waiting.

After a while, the purple moon bow was taken, and Rong Xi handed it to Rong Jing. Rongjing takes the purple moon bow, takes a look, and gently pulls the bow to build the arrow.

Three arrows plumed on the car door.

There was a loud cheer all around.

Rong Jing handed back the purple moon bow to Rong Xi, turned back and gently kicked the three feet of the car door. After that, he asked with a smile, "can I get off the sedan chair this time?"

Cloud shallow month an apple finished eating, the apple Hu held in the hand, faint smile from the sedan chair came, "good

Rongjing picked up the curtain of the sedan chair and held out the man wrapped by fengguanxialin. He saw the apple Hu in her hand at the first time. He jokingly said, "how did you eat it?"

"Peace and security, a lifetime of happiness, natural to eat into the stomach before counting." Cloud light moon road.

Rong Jing chuckled, "you're right, but why didn't you leave a mouthful for me?"

Cloud shallow moon is silent for a moment, "forget."

"You will be responsible for feeding me an apple later." Rong Jing said with a smile.

"Good!" Cloud shallow moon promised happily.

The mother-in-law Shiquan holds a vase that has been in love for a hundred years. She wants to change the apple Hu in Yun Qianyue's hand, and instructs people to put it away carefully. Then he hurriedly said, "son of the world, you can put the princess down. She's going to take the cauldron. "

Rong Jing holding cloud light moon across the fire pot, "I'm with her."

The mother-in-law of Shiquan is naturally a person who allows Jingxuan, and she does not refute it. The son of the world says what she wants. He quickly took people to present the good words of a hundred years' love for a hundred children and thousands of grandchildren. Surrounded by Rongjing, he walked to the house.

Cloud light moon through the cover of the subtle gap, see Rong Wang Fu today is decorated colorful luxury. At the gate, countless heads and faces, familiar or unfamiliar, are the family members of King Rong's residence. If you go inside, you can see that the huge cross courtyard of the front yard is occupied by people, and all the people in the courtyard are officials of the central court.

She glanced around the gap and saw the old courtiers of the older generation, such as Prince De, Prince Xiao, general Wen, and the new generation of Qingliu, such as Rongfeng, Leng shaozhuo, cangting and Shen Zhao, but she did not see night nature and night light dye. Her mind moved, did not say a word, Ren Rongjing holding her to go inside.

The hall is decorated with flowers, and the fragrance of flowers is everywhere in the palace of honor.

At the top of the table is Mr. Rong. Qingchang, holding the gift of the night, sat beside the old lord Rong to watch the ceremony.

Rongjing holding cloud light moon came to the auditorium, the hourglass is pointing to the auspicious time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!