The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1387

The cover was raised half way, suddenly Rongjing withdrew the pole, and the cover fell down.

Rong Lingyan, Ling Lian, and Yi Xue were all stunned.

Cloud light moon blinks eyes, think Rong Jing dare not look at her face? As for it? He held her all the way.

Rong Jing sighed slightly from the top of his head, "your face is estimated to be terrible, let my men not go, how to do?"

Cloud shallow moon stares under the red cover head, angry way: "miserable, have ability you throw me out!"

Rong Jing shook his head and seemed to be thinking of countermeasures. He discussed with Yun Xiaoyue: "how about this! I close my eyes when I lift your veil, and you go and wash your face

Cloud shallow moon big roll white eyes, anger way: "not." She smoked all the way under the smell of powder. Just for this moment, how could he not watch it? She said, "do you want to lift it? If I don't, I'll do it myself! "

Rongjing stood still and did not answer.

Cloud shallow moon reaches out to take cover.

Rong Jing gently held her hand, and her tone seemed to be quite helpless, rather uncomfortable: "I'll come! I'll take it for a while

Cloud shallow moon grinds teeth, maliciously way: "you had better do me hereafter every morning to get up to put on powder to wipe grease preparation."

Rong Jing smelled the speech and looked at the door. Seeing all the people looking at him, he chuckled at Rong Lingyan, "there is a shrew wife at home! I don't dare to provoke you. You should be more careful in the future! Don't mess with her. "

"Yes Rong Linglan answered with a smile.

All the family members in the house of King Rong all turned pale. King Shizi took this as a warning to them. As long as they offend the imperial concubine, no one can eat good fruit, and all of them respond in a hurry.

Cloud shallow moon originally rises the vexation idea to become the smile, this person Who does he think can bully her? However, she will always be in charge of the affairs of the house. There are four rooms in Rong Wang's mansion. It's not possible to calculate her without eyes. Although she was not afraid, she was also troublesome. It would be good to give a warning like this. "I'm hungry," she said with a straight face. "You can lift it quickly."

Rong Jing nodded with a smile, picked up the gold jade pole again, picked it gently, and without half a minute hesitation, he easily opened the cover of cloud shallow moon.

As soon as the cover spectrum was opened, the room was bright red, and Rongjing stood in front of her, her face like jade.

This face did not appear what her mother said her father appeared "red orange yellow green blue purple" look, only gentle deep, smile deep gaze at her.

I didn't see Mr. Rong's face changed. Yun Qianyue was boring. I knew she didn't have this face. She reached out and pushed her away. She walked quickly to the water basin in front of the window. Before the hand was in the water, a hand stopped her.

Cloud shallow moon picks eyebrow to look at Rong Jing.

Rong Jing gently said, "I'll wash it for you!"

The cloud shallow month immediately withdraws the hand, obediently stands motionless, instructs to him, "washes clean some!"

"Good!" Rong Jing Ruyu's hand touched her hand and gently smeared it on her face.

Inside and outside the room, a large number of female dependents, including the matchmaker, showed an envious look. No matter how much jingshizi, who was publicized outside, loved miss Qianyue. For her sake, he did not hesitate to openly ask for marriage from the late emperor who had died, and even openly opposed the Regent. Those outside the teahouse restaurant storytelling and singing how the two people's story compilation of deep feelings like the sea, but not as shocking as this scene.

Not to mention the status and reputation of King Shizi, but to say that he personally served the woman's clean face. Which man in the world can do it?

They all breathed and looked at them, and Yun's face was taken for granted.

After a stick of incense, Rongjing finally washed the face of Yun Qianyue. He held her face and looked at it again and again. He sighed softly and said with a smile: "it's still comfortable to look at it like this."

Cloud shallow month picked pick pick eyebrow, "you later make me angry, I do not fight do not scold, also do not run away from home, smoke you with powder."

"That's a good idea." Rong Jing nodded with a smile, wiped his face to yunqianyue, put down Juan PA, and said to rongling flue: "did you hear that someone just said that he was hungry? Is there a prepared meal? "

Cloud light moon swept a glance in the room, only put two glasses of wine on the table, also looked to Rong Lingyan.

"Yes, it's already ready." Rong Lingyan immediately waved to the outside world and said with a smile, "bring it to the imperial concubine."

Outside, a mother-in-law came in with a plate of Lily sachets made of flour and wrapped with stuffing.

Cloud light moon eyes a bright, this kind of small bun she likes best. Although small steamed stuffed buns, but the work can take several procedures. In particular, the best medicine to eat. She had only eaten an apple in the morning. Naturally, she was hungry. Seeing the round steamed bun, she immediately reached out to pick it up. Rongjing first took the tray, clip a feed cloud shallow moon.

Cloud shallow month immediately opened his mouth, a small steamed stuffed bun quickly under the stomach, after the stomach felt not right, frowned: "it seems to be raw!"

"Raw?" Rongjing looks at her.

"Well, it's raw." Cloud shallow moon nods.

"Try another one." Rongjing picked up another one for her.

Cloud shallow moon mouth, just too anxious, this time ate out, frown way: "it is really raw." She looked at Rong Lingyan, "how can I eat raw one?"Let the lily of the valley pursed her mouth and laughed and did not speak. The housewives, the matchmaker and the perfect mother-in-law were all smiling.

Cloud shallow moon see no one answer, open mouth will spit out.

"Now the food is in short supply and can't be wasted. Eat it!" Rongjing stopped her in time.

Cloud shallow moon face smoked, Rong childe, you are not the world paved with brocade red, the world after the big water banquet no money? Can you save so much? She turned to his eyes and saw that he looked at her tenderly. The shimmering color inside seemed to suck her in. She could not help eating it.

Another scene.

Cloud shallow month looked at the plate in his hand, firmly shook his head, "no, I want to eat cooked, you like you to eat."

Rong Jing smiles and looks at Yun Qianyue's death and never eat again. He asks ronglingyan, "how many lives did the imperial concubine say just now?"

Rong Lingyan said with a smile: "go back to the elder brother, the princess said four lives."

Rong Jing handed the plate to Rong Lingyan and said to Yun Xiaoyue, "then you will give me four."

Cloud shallow moon finally understand the taste, thinking how she forgot to have this program. It's not surprising that she forgot. In her memory, people all ate dumplings. Now she made a plate of steamed stuffed buns that she loved to eat. In addition, she didn't sleep when she woke up in the middle of the night. At the fifth watch, she got up and made up. Although she was sitting in a sedan chair all the way and was held by Rongjing, she was also tired and hungry. She did not check for a moment and hit his way. She looked at the inside and outside of the house, and everyone laughed at her. She glared at Rongjing, "how can I be born alone? If I eat two raw ones, you will also eat two raw ones. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!