The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1384

Yunqianyue nodded, stood up straight, no longer said, by the Shiquan mother-in-law came to cover her head, helped her out of the door.

When he came to the door, he bent down and said in a soft voice, "sister, come up! You can't clay your feet out of the door. I'll carry you on my back. "

When you get married, you have a brother or younger brother on your back. Nanlingrui and yundushan are all out of the cloud palace, and Yunli can be an important task.

"Does brother have strength?" Cloud shallow moon from the red cap of the tiny gap in looking at the cloud from the back, he and the scene thin degree of the same. However, Rongjing has martial arts skills. He is a weak scholar.

As for the elder brother, you are not naturally strong Cloud from immediately smile.

Cloud shallow moon nod, smile to lie on his back.

"Husband, be careful." Seven princesses smile to admonish, "you don't fall the younger sister, otherwise Jing Shizi looks for you to settle accounts."

"If I fall, I can't fall my sister." Cloud from the back of the cloud light moon on the ground paved with brocade red.

Yu Qingqing, seven princesses, Xi Mei, and Shiquan's mother-in-law all gathered around yunqianyue and went to the gate.

From the gate came the sound of bustling, beating gongs and drums, extremely jubilant, as if the whole imperial capital were noisy.

Cloud shallow moon lies on the back of Yunli. Although this elder brother is as thin as a scholar, she does look down on him. He does not shake his steps and walk steadily. She thought she would get married today! She always thought that it would be a long time before they could get together. When the land was set and the sun and the moon were shining, she could wait until his red sedan chair came in. At that time, maybe the cloud palace was gone. She didn't know where to get married, nor the Rong Palace. He didn't know where to marry. But sometimes, happiness looks far away, in fact, as long as you reach out, you can pick it up.

This day, come so fast, but so natural.

The courtyard where Mr. cloud lives is in the rear, so it is a little far away from the gate of Lord Yun's residence. In general, yunqianyue asked softly, "brother, are you tired, or I will use my lightness skill! You can keep your feet off the ground. "

"How about that? I can hold on to it. " Cloud from shaking his head, "these days for this day, I exercise every morning and evening. You're good. I'm sure I can deliver you to Jing Shizi. "

Cloud shallow moon nod, no longer speak.

The seven princesses who followed her came forward and took out Juan PA to wipe the sweat on her forehead for Yunli.

Cloud from to her warm voice smile way: "younger sister does not have now you sink, I back can move."

Seven princess angry at him, "I have two people in my stomach, naturally heavy. You practice with me every day these days. Now you are carrying your sister on your back. How can you not be relaxed? "

Cloud from smile eyes some bright, nodded.

Cloud shallow moon some moved, this is not a brother's cousin, she is very good. For his wedding, he had to take care of the seven princesses who were pregnant, while he was not idle to prepare for the big wedding in the mansion, but also to take charge of the affairs of the Ministry of rites. She still remembered seeing her first time. At the gate of the palace, she glanced at a group of people standing at the side branch of the palace. She did not even pause. Later, uncle Meng introduced him to take charge of the family Later, yundushan was taken away by Ye Qian. She promoted him to be a son of the world, and he seized the opportunity. It's been half a year. Compared with nanlingrui and yundushan, he is the most elder brother like person.

"Brother, I will always be your sister. No matter what the difficulties are, you should tell me. Although I married into the Rong palace, I will always be the daughter of the cloud palace and granddaughter of my grandfather. We won't ignore the cloud palace. " The cloud is shallow and the moon is low.

"Well!" Cloud from heavy nodded.

Cloud shallow moon no longer talks.

"They are useless. They open the gate and don't stop Xiaojing. Whose bridegroom and daughter-in-law are so eager to send the bride out? It's not so easy! " Yu Qingqing said with a smile.

Yunqianyue looked up and saw that Yunli turned out of the backyard and came to the front yard with her on her back. At a glance, you can see that the gate of the gate of the cloud palace is wide open, and a group of people gather at the gate, which encircles the gate of the cloud palace. At the gate stood a big Jiao carried by 16 people. One of them stood in the middle of the gate, dressed in red and happy clothes. The words placed on him in the past were not enough to describe his unique style and gorgeous world at this time.

There is a man who, as a bridegroom, is more than a bride. There is a thrilling color and magnificence.

Cloud shallow moon crazy, surrounded by her out of a group of cloud palace female dependents also crazy.

He in white is "Jinyi snow jade color, looking back at a smile world tilt." Then he in red is "gorgeous and gorgeous in the world, and the jade is beautiful and beautiful."

After Yu Qingqing laughed and scolded, he praised, "this little scene is really a disaster man. If he is riding on his horse to marry you today, after tomorrow, the daughter in his daughter who has seen him in the imperial capital will not marry."

Cloud shallow moon hook the corner of the mouth, this man at the age of seven let her can't help but stare at him. After so many years of watching, I still can't get tired of seeing everything. Her eyes light turned a way: "in order not to let him harm people like this, I will put him in the sedan chair with me to sit in the sedan chair together!""Is that ok?" Jade Qingqing smacked her tongue and said, "where is the bridegroom sitting in the sedan chair?"

"Why not? We don't have to talk about so many rules. " Cloud light moon road.

Yu Qingqing was silent and seemed to be thinking.

"Sister, this is a great joy. I can't joke about it. Let's follow the rules. " The seventh Princess comforted him and said, "although King Shizi is Taihua, there is no way to do it. You can't really go to the car. There's never been a case. "

Cloud shallow moon blinks an eye, smile way: "I said not calculate, a moment to see him, he said how to how."

Yu Qingqing jokingly said, "I haven't visited the hall yet, but I started to be virtuous first."

Yunqianyue chuckled and looked at the scene standing at the door. He was busy for several days and one night yesterday. He seemed to be unaffected. Zhilan Yushu stood there with a slight smile on her face. At this time, the sun did not rise, and he was a round of sunshine. Her eyes came out of her. She seemed to be shrouded in his eyes, as if she was sprinkled with warm sunshine.

Dozens of steps away, it seems to pull out a long line.

Leaping over time, space and samsara, she wandered around and finally found someone who could give her an arm.

Ten years, you avoid me, if you are at a distance, two people will mind into the sea, entangled into vines, and will be uprooted vine, sun in the sea level, only then can hand in hand, heart to heart.

With the last two remaining, Rongjing can't wait any longer. He steps forward and picks up the cloud moon from the back of the cloud. , the fastest update of the webnovel!