The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1383

The sound of the clouds broke the silence in the house.

Cloud shallow moon looked at the sky, the sun has not come out, Rongjing came to meet her? It's too early!

Yu Qingqing looked out of the window and immediately said with a smile, "OK, OK, Xiaojing, this action is really fast." Words fall, she said to cloud shallow Moon: "first go to ancestral son incense, and then go to your grandfather's place to say goodbye. Let Xiao Jing wait for a moment. Let's see if these little fellows in the mansion have the courage to stop him from picking up the bride

Yunqianyue wants to let Jing come to meet her. Let alone stop. I'm afraid the people's Congress of the cloud palace will set off firecrackers to open the door for him to welcome in. Some people are born to be liked. She nodded. "OK!"

"Grandfather got up at the third watch, waiting for you." The seventh princess said with a smile, "when my mother and I went over in the morning, we listened to him muttering. After so many years, we still raised people for others. I'm not feeling well

Cloud shallow month curls lips, "he is not looking forward to me to marry out?"

"That's what grandfather said." The seventh princess said with a smile.

"When you get to grandfather, knock him on the head." Yu Qingqing said: "although it's not far from the cloud palace to the Rong palace, it's the daughter who married out."

Cloud shallow moon nodded, with a trace of sadness rising in the heart, "I know, grandfather is the most painful for me."

Yu Qingqing and seven princesses do not speak, one left and one right helped her out of the door.

Outside the room, the light moon pavilion was decorated with red silk and brocade. The bright red brocade was spread out from the door of the house to the courtyard outside. Red cut flowers were hung on the eaves corner and plum tree. In the eye, a red gorgeous. It's foggy in the morning, the sun hasn't risen, and the whole world is red.

Cloud light moon looked at the bright red, and her face swayed for a while, and suddenly felt dizzy.

Yunli was waiting there, dressed in splendid clothes. Seeing the bright red wedding dress of yunqianyue, he was stunned and speechless for a moment.

Seven princess looked at the cloud from one eye, jokingly said: "sister, you this makeup even your brother do not know."

Cloud shallow month opens a corner of the mouth, smile way: "a moment elder brother carries me to go out, don't the fat powder taste choke to him good."

Cloud from the God, smiling and shaking his head, "no!" After that, he said in a low voice: "Jing Shizi said for a month at that time. I really thought it was a month. I didn't expect that it was only 16 days now. My sister got married so soon."

Yunqianyue blinked his eyes and said with a smile: "at that time, my grandfather said that Naxi would get married the next day. In fact, he was also feasible, but some people didn't arrive, so he waited. Now, when some people arrived, they naturally got married. When I was married one day earlier, everyone was at ease, so as not to be nervous every day. These days, the government was careful to be afraid of something wrong. My sister-in-law was worried about being thin, and my brother-in-law couldn't sleep well day and night. "

"My sister said it too. Your sister-in-law always asks for God and worships Buddha these days." Cloud from helpless smile to see seven princess one eye.

"I hope it's going well today." The seventh Princess answered and laughed.

Cloud shallow moon nods, she also hopes to be smooth, this lifetime once big marriage, who dares to give her trouble, she certainly will not forgive him, no one can.

A group of people out of the shallow moon Pavilion, surrounded by cloud shallow moon to the ancestral hall of the cloud King's house.

When they came to the ancestral hall, Yunli and the seventh Princess accompanied Yun Qianyue to go in. Each tablet was decorated with three sticks of incense. After coming out, the crowd again surrounded her and rushed to the residence of old king Yun.

When he came to the residence of Mr. Yun, he was dressed in a new robe and was sitting in a critical position. See cloud shallow moon come in, he opens mouth to bombard, "smelly wench, others marry all cry happy, how didn't hear you cry a half sound."

Cloud shallow month rolled a white eye, clear voice way: "I marry from cloud palace to Rong Wang mansion only, say come back can't use a meal time, cry what?"

Mr. cloud snorted.

Yun Qianyue enters the room, and mother-in-law Shiquan has already put a cushion on the ground. She takes a look at it, takes the cushion away, kneels down on the floor, and kowtows to the old king Yun.

Although she grew up, she could not come to the yard once a month.

Although from childhood to adulthood, the old man either swung his cane to fight or scolded.

Although she grew up, she would blow his beard and stare at him every time.


But he was her grandfather. Her mother left when she was two and a half years old. She was not her father's uncle. When she became a father, she was still young. She was afraid that the old emperor would find out. She didn't dare to do anything to eradicate the wind side concubine. She could only disguise a dandy's arrogant sex to protect herself. However, there were always times when the horse faltered and had no choice, it was the old man in the back Yes. For example, the nanny is the one that the old emperor has always placed beside her. On that day, she started the Phoenix robbery and lost her memory and came back to ask about the nanny. However, the old man sent someone to kill the nanny and protect her. The story of her loss of memory was not disclosed. Although the suppression of the wind side concubine in the mansion aroused the storm, the old man secretly helped her to resolve the problem. In the small circle of cloud palace, she was controlled by the old man It was so easy to conceal the old emperor at the time of amnesia.Although the old man never said these things, she knew them clearly.

Her grandfather protects her more than all the people in the cloud palace.

The first one of the knock down, from small to large, every time the picture of getting along with each other like a film into the brain projection. I don't know when, her tears drop down, fall on the ground, drop by drop.

In the room, Yu Qingqing, Yunli, the seventh princess, Ximei, and Shiquan's mother-in-law did not speak, and only her kowtow was heard.

"All right, all right. It's endless. It's better to hold my grandson back more than kowtow." Cloud old Wang Ye sat on the chair and waved his hand. His eyes were red, and he said in a hoarse voice, "go quickly. Don't let my son-in-law wait. I've been waiting for a long time. Be careful to be robbed. It's time to cry. "

Cloud shallow month raises a head, open tear eye to stare at him one eye, "do not have a good word."

"Get out of here Mr. cloud closed his eyes and stopped looking at her.

Yunqianyue stood up, stepped forward, hugged Mr. Yun and said in a choked voice, "what are you sad about, old man? I'm not married to the ends of the earth. If you want me, send someone to greet me, and I'll roll back if I'm not

"Who is sad? Stinky girl, I wish you would get out of here so as not to get in my way. " Cloud old Wang Ye opened his eyes and blew his beard, "a smell of powder. His face is as ugly as a monkey's ass. don't go out, and you'll be taken back by Xiao Jing."

Cloud shallow moon "Puff Chi" suddenly smile, hum a way: "he dares!"

"Remember to take your husband as the key link. Don't let him worry and make him angry." Cloud old Wang Ye pushed away the cloud shallow moon, "don't go quickly! In order not to miss the auspicious time. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!