The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1382

Two people came to the bed, to see a look, Qi Qi reached out to push cloud shallow moon, "Miss, wake up."

Cloud shallow moon motionless, still ripe sleep.

"Miss, wake up soon." The two men increased their strength.

Yunqianyue was woken up, closed his eyes, pulled open their hands, turned over to continue to sleep, the tone is not good way: "don't disturb me."

"Miss, the master has brought people here. Don't sleep. Today is..." They were picked apart and pushed her together.

"Stop talking to me again." Yun Xiaoyue waved her hand, frowned and said, "what's so noisy out there? Get out of here. If anyone dares to disturb me, I will ask him to look good. "

Ling Lian and Yi Xue immediately stopped their hands and looked at each other, but there was no sound for a moment.

At this time, a large group of people into the shallow moon Pavilion.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue don't care about the cloud and shallow moon, and rush out of the door to welcome out.

The first one was Yu Qingqing. She was followed by seven princesses. After her, there were a large number of women and matchmakers in the mansion, as well as the perfect mother-in-law and maids. Naturally, all the people who come here today are masters with complete family affairs. Everyone is holding a tray or carrying a brocade box in their hands. They are dressed brightly. If the sun doesn't come out in the morning, they will be full of light.

The tray was filled with jewelry, glittering pearls, jade and emerald light. The brocade box contains clothes and all kinds of things to enjoy. What dates, peanuts, walnuts, chestnuts, boxes of them, and handmaids holding things in pairs. A group of people are as many as a hundred people. As soon as the spectrum comes in, the courtyard of the whole shallow moon Pavilion is almost full.

Only one shouts to dress up for such a big battle, let alone others.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue looked at each other and stood in front of Yu Qingqing. They didn't know how to open their mouth to the command of the moon. Are these people really waiting here? Such a big move, miss's martial arts can't be unknown, but just don't wake up, is there a contradiction with Jing Shizi yesterday? But not like it.

"Is she up?" Yu Qingqing looks at Ling Lian and Yi Xue, stops and asks with a smile.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue Qi shook their heads together, "Miss hasn't got up yet."

"This lazy girl, on such a happy day, she has a comfortable sleep." Yu Qingqing goes inside.

"Lord Princess, the young lady said that she was still awake. Don't disturb her... " Ling Lian choked out a word.

Yu Qingqing kept walking, waving her hand, "I'll go and shout."

Ling Lian and Yi Xue take a look at it, but they don't stop them. They follow Yu Qingqing and enter the house.

Inside the big bed, yunqianyue sleeps soundly with her back on her back.

Yu Qingqing comes to the bed, stares at the back of Yun Xiaoyue for a moment, then suddenly laughs and sits on the window edge slowly, saying: "there are many girls who like Xiaojing in this city? You said that if I tied one on the street and gave her a fancy sedan chair, could Xiaojing recognize that it was not you? "

Cloud shallow moon motionless, as if did not hear.

Yu Qingqing said slowly: "Xiao Jing was busy all night yesterday and controlled the capital city with his men overnight. The street, the side seam, did not miss by him. I'm afraid I didn't sleep all night. If I give him another person, even if he can recognize that it's not you, I'll have to wrestle with it before I give it to him. Do you think he will be too tired in the evening and soak up the soup in the bridal chamber

Cloud shallow moon suddenly sat up, staring at jade Qingqing, "you and my father, for the old do not respect."

Jade Qingqing suddenly smile, looking at the cloud shallow moon, "don't pretend to sleep?"

He didn't want to spend a night in his room, but he didn't want to do it for a month. Originally she thought about the bride, the first time, and Ling Lian, Yi Xue said at the door, how she is not nervous! So she closed her eyes and pretended to sleep. She heard the footsteps outside and walked to the door. She finally found some feelings, but now she has been completely destroyed by this woman. She suspected, is this woman in front of her mother?

"This small appearance is right. When I married your father and sat in the sedan chair, I took a mirror and looked at it. It was also the appearance of gnashing teeth." Yu Qingqing smiles, and she doesn't know where to turn out a mirror and put it in front of the cloud and the moon.

As expected, the mirror reflected the face of the cloud and the moon.

She opened the mirror and deliberately said, "how am I like you? You were invited by my father at one word. I'm sitting in my own boudoir, waiting for someone else to take a big sedan chair to marry you. You're worse than me. It's worse than heaven and earth. "

Yu Qingqing was not angry and nodded, "you are right. I can't compare with you. But this little scene is no match for your father. But it's just to marry a woman. When your father was young and relaxed, he got me. Take a look at Xiaojing and cover the whole world with a net. How hard did it take. It's a win, a defeat, a draw. "

Cloud shallow moon some have no language, this still fastidious even hand? She didn't hear of it. She glared at Yu Qingqing with a funny look. "Don't hurry up and dress me up. I'll get on the sedan chair."I don't know what the sedan chair looks like. She hasn't been in it yet.

Yu Qingqing chuckled and reached for a little cloud on her forehead. "This is the same as I was when I was in a hurry to get on the sedan chair. For fear of being late, the man will be robbed. "

"No, we're all looking for a hot item." Yunqianyue and yuqingqing finally found a common ground.

Yu Qingqing smiles and waves to the outside.

Happy media and mother-in-law Shiquan come in, suddenly a hundred children and thousands of grandchildren, auspicious, happy marriage for a hundred years, the happy words of the harmony of the Phoenix and the moon. Two happy matchmakers, ten perfect mothers-in-law, one mouth than the other to speak more easily. A lot of good words said enough two sticks of incense, even a repetition of the words do not take.

Cloud shallow moon looks a bit dull, listen to how tongue.

Xi media and mother-in-law Shiquan finished the happy words, then ordered the people holding the tray and the brocade box to count in turn. The names of pearls, jadeite, agate, coral, jewel, pearl flower, golden silk and Phoenix belt were announced one by one in pairs, and those names were also labeled with a great joy. It is rare that all things are perfect and perfect.

Cloud shallow moon secretly thought, Rong childe, where have you searched for so many treasures? Is it because she has not yet got on the sedan chair, will you dazzle her eyes? Did you dazzle her ears?

When the news was over, the mother-in-law, who was in charge of the event, waved her hand and moved two large barrels outside. The two buckets were filled with hot water. One contained lotus seeds, dates, peanuts, chestnuts and other things. Some small ones floated on the water like flowers, while some large ones, such as chestnuts and walnuts, sank into the water. The other contained flowers, of all kinds, perhaps hundreds. She thought about the winter, where he picked it.

The mother-in-law Shiquan respectfully invited the moon to bathe.

Cloud shallow moon first from full of "early birth" in the water bubble out for a while, and into the "hundred year love" flowers.

After bathing, Yu Qingqing personally gives the cloud light moon hair.

Three thousand pieces of green silk were in her hands, and she said as she combed them: "one comb, to the tail; two, to the brow of white hair; three, to the land of children and grandchildren.".

Yunqianyue is dizzy and thinks that the first two points are acceptable. This is a place full of children and grandchildren. The Rongjing family's house is too large. We should think about it.

A good hairline is to make up her face.

In ancient times, the big married women had to paint their faces on this day.

Cloud light moon is very regular for the first time, without a word, meekly let people put on her face those things she never wipe.

Half an hour later, she looked at her miserable self in the mirror, wondering if Rongjing could recognize her? Don't think this woman is an old witch. She has been replaced by someone else.

Yu Qingqing sat on one side and looked at the face of yunqianyue, whose nose was smeared with powder, and her eyes couldn't see clearly. She laughed like a flower in bloom. "That's good. When your father opened my cover, he was shocked. I've been looking straight at me for a long time. My face is red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. All kinds of colors have appeared. After so many years, I still remember. "

Cloud light moon speechless, his father again God, face can change seven kinds of colors to come? When his face is colorful clouds!

Although she made her face very miserable, though the powder was too thick, and even though she usually smelled it, she felt strange today. She could bear it, and she still felt it was so good. How a good way is to think secretly whether Rongjing's wedding night will not do anything, just wipe the powder on her face is enough busy.

After makeup, it's dressing.

Dahong's wedding dress spectrum was taken out from the brocade box, which shook everyone's eyes. The sky will not be bright, the room is a bit dark, but the red wedding dress spread, the room suddenly bright as if falling into a bright red glow.

The beauty is dazzling, the beauty is away from God, and the beauty is the only one in the world.

In the sound of praise, the cloud shallow moon puts on the red wedding dress, puts on the Phoenix crown Xiayi. The whole person changed. Even if that face is a little ugly, but it is also a great country.

This piece of gorgeous, amazing people in the room.

In the silence, a familiar voice came from outside, "are you ready? Jingshizi's sedan chair is near the door. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!