The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1378

"Sure enough, my sister-in-law loves my brother." Cloud shallow month smiles to wave a hand, to outside order, "Ling Lian, send elder sister-in-law to go back."

"Yes, miss!" Ling Lian answers outside.

Seven princess walked to the door, suddenly turned back, told cloud shallow moon, "sister, the magic lamp is a divine object, this can not be removed. You can't tear it down. "

"I see. Don't worry, sister-in-law." Cloud shallow moon nods sincerely.

"Second prince, this is not a joke. Although you are fun, you can't dismantle this one." The seventh princess said to Yuzixi again.

Jade son Xi also sincerely nods, "I say to play."

The seventh princess also felt that they were not children anymore. They should have understood the things that could not be destroyed by artifact, so she went out with ease. Outside Ling Lian is waiting at the door. Seeing her coming out, she quickly helps her go out.

The door closed and there was a moment of silence in the room.

Yunqianyue looks at the seventh Princess sent out of the Pavilion by Linglian. She takes back her eyes and looks at Yuzixi. Yuzixi also looks back at her. They look at each other. Suddenly, they all come to the table. One of them takes a mandarin duck lamp and starts to play.

It's so tempting to dismantle and reorganize. Whether it's a magic lamp or not, it's just because it's a magic lamp that they can work with. Ordinary broken lamps, they're still too lazy to move.

So the two brothers and sisters did not speak, one sitting in front of a table, facing the demolition.

Although Yuanyang lamp is strange, it is also a lamp. It is more complicated, more delicate and more mysterious than ordinary lamps.

The parts were easily taken apart by two people.

Rong Jing returns to the pavilion of shallow moon. In the past, his light and shallow steps just appeared at the door, and the cloud light moon was welcomed out at the first time. Now she only looks up and continues to play. Yuzixi did not even raise his head.

In front of them, the curtain was opened, and the two faces were opened. In a moment, he slowly came to the table, quietly watching the two people dismantle.

Half an hour later, yunqianyue opened the lamp in her hand, and a golden leaf fell out of it. She opened it curiously. When she saw the words on it, the corners of her mouth smoked.

Within a moment, Yuzixi also took another lamp apart, and a golden leaf fell out of it. He also opened it curiously. When he saw the words on it, the same corner of his mouth smoked.

I saw two gold leaves with two different handwriting, but the same content: "what magic lamp, a pile of scrap iron!"

It's a pile of broken iron!

"Who is a member of our generation who has taken off this magic lamp for a long time Yuzixi sighed at the two golden leaves.

Cloud shallow moon speechless for a moment, to Rongjing asked, "do you know this handwriting?"

"Who else? It's just the two men. With their arrogant personality, the magic lamp in their hands is just a plaything. " Let Jing bend the corner of his mouth and smile.

Yuzixi clapped her hands and said with regret, "it's a pity that you didn't give birth two thousand years ago."

Rong Jing glanced at Yuzixi and said, "your brother wrote a letter. Now it's in your room."

Jade son Xi smell speech Teng to stand up, in a twinkling of an eye out of the door no shadow.

Yun Qianyue sighs about the status of yuzishu in Yuzixi's heart. How high is it that he can act so quickly when he only hears his letter. She looks at Rongjing and asks, "has Zishu written to me? Do you have any letters from us? "

Rong Jing did not change his face, "cheat him."

Cloud shallow moon stare at him for a moment, some speechless beckoning, "come here, reorganize these two broken lamps."

The scenic spot nodded and sat at the table, but instead of reorganizing the magic lamp, he picked up the ink on the table and wrote under the handwriting of a golden leaf.

Cloud shallow moon sees his action, close to see, see him to repeat to write a sentence, "as expected is broken copper and iron!" The unique graceful and elegant handwriting of Rongjing. After a moment's appreciation, she snatched his pen and wrote from another gold leaf: "it's a piece of broken iron indeed!" Her unique arrogance.

After they finished writing, they enjoyed the two golden leaves for a moment, and then they had a tacit understanding to reorganize them.

The room was quiet. Within a moment, the two mandarin duck lamps were reorganized and placed on the desk. The traces of half silk dismantling could no longer be seen.

Yunqianyue moved her wrist and said to Rongjing, "my sister-in-law has just come here. She wants to make a divination, but the magic lamp has not moved. What was the fate it showed yesterday? Is that the reason for those two spirituals? "

Rongjing smiles and doesn't answer her. She reaches out and taps the magic lamp. The magic lamp made a slight sound of "Dong". In a moment, a word "phoenix" appeared on the lamp surface in the direction of cloud and moon.

Cloud shallow moon Leng Leng Leng.

Rong Jing turns the magic lamp and knocks it once again, aiming at his direction, a "dragon" character appears.

Cloud shallow month again Leng Leng, ask: "this is how to return a responsibility?"

Rongjing chuckled and said in a warm voice: "it has nothing to do with the broken iron. This magic lamp is indeed a magic lamp, and has the same life with the cloud family. It is said that the cloud clan is the land left by the Tian people. Thousands of years ago, the first leader of the cloud family loved lighting and loved a woman. So he made two mandarin duck lamps. After several trials and tribulations with the woman, she and the woman died on the same day and month in the same year. They were afraid that the two lamps would be destroyed, so they put a spiritual curse on the two lamps and transmitted their spiritual power to the lamps. As a result, the two mandarin duck lanterns became magic lanterns. For thousands of years. "Cloud shallow moon nods, "it is this origin originally."

Rong Jing said with a smile: "the spirit power of the cloud clan can open up the spiritual consciousness of all things in heaven and earth. It's covered in the magic lamp, and it's not strange to see people's previous and present lives and know the destiny of people."

Yunqianyue nodded. Seeing Rongjing's hand leaving, the writing of the magic lamp disappeared. She asked, "why didn't it move when my sister-in-law just came to see it?"

Rongjing said in a warm voice: "because now the two spiritual senses, one in you and one in me, have been absorbed by us. This is originally a mandarin duck lamp. Only when we are together can it show its destiny. It is indispensable. When she was here, I wasn't there. So, of course, she was quiet. "

Cloud shallow moon suddenly, "so it is! In fact, these two lamps are just a medium. It's the spirit of the cloud clan that determines the destiny of heaven. "

Rong Jing looked at her with a smile, "not bad!"

"I also have spiritual power, but it doesn't seem so powerful." Cloud light moon road.

"That's all you need! With me, you don't need those psychic things. " Yung King Road.

Yunqianyue thinks that her father only taught her a magic face. It seems that the spiritual power of the cloud family is broad and profound, and its source is far away. It's a pity that her family has strict husband and is under control. She can only understand the skin. Nodding, "I don't really need those with you. If you let me, who else dares to get close to me? You want to die, don't you? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!