The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1379

Rong Jing took a look at the cloud and the moon with appreciation, and said in a warm voice, "it's good that you understand it!"

Yun Xiaoyue groaned, looked at the two magic lamps and said, "these two magic lamps can be used for calculation. Don't tell your sister-in-law or anyone else. Otherwise, everyone wants to know the fate. The world will be in chaos."

"Well!" Rongjing nodded.

"Put it away! You can't take what's in your hands. " Cloud shallow moon thought for a moment, to Rong Jing Road.

"Good!" Rongjing threw the two lights out of the window, "string song, put it away!"

"Yes, Prince!" Xiange immediately held the two lamps flying out and retreated.

"In the early days of the day, night nature and night light dye did not embarrass you? Are there anything wrong with the civil and military officials in the imperial court? " Cloud shallow moon reaches out to embrace the waist of Rong Jing, buries in his bosom, soft ground asks.

Rongjing looked at the man in his arms and held her. He liked her sticking to him like this and shook his head. "Regent and dye Lord don't talk about yesterday's affairs foolishly, but I've got a lot of things from the court. All the officials have lost their memory and forgotten what happened yesterday. No one dares to say a word

Cloud shallow moon "ah" ground smile, "no matter how, the effect still has."

"Well, there are some. Most of them are in a mess. Some of the deployment needs to be changed. This change will take some time, so we can spend more time on our wedding night. " Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow month hears speech to be silent a silent, is speechless ground to look at him, Rong Jing lowers head to smile, she thinks secretly, Rong childe, your bridal chamber flower candle after all thought how many times? She was also prepared to avoid dying in bed.

This day, in a flash. One of the most significant things yunqianyue did was to dismantle the magic lamp together with Yuzixi, and he Rongjing left the magic lamp handwriting and reorganized it.

In the morning of the next day, a rare guest came to the cloud palace, the owner of the blue family, who had almost become LAN Yi, the sister-in-law of Yun Qianyue.

When Ling Lian came to report, Yun Qianyue was sitting on the bed reading with a quilt. She didn't read ordinary books, but threw a Rongshi family motto to her when she walked towards Rongjing this morning.

Yun Qianyue was most disgusted with such admonition books before, but now she even reads them with relish. The most interesting thing about Rong's family precepts is not to admonish women, but to teach men.

A man in the house of honor should respect his wife, respect his wife, and protect his wife.

On the basis of these three points at the beginning of the book, yunqianyue suddenly fell in love with this book.

Hearing Ling Lian's report, she put down the book, thought for a while, and said to the outside, "go and invite the blue master in."

"Miss, I don't think the blue master's face is very good. I'm afraid there is something bad. Do you really want to see him?" Ling Lian hesitated to ask.

"See you Cloud shallow moon nods.

Ling Lian should a, went out, Miss said to see, naturally went to ask for people.

Not long, blue Yi led by Ling Lian came to the shallow moon Pavilion.

Cloud shallow moon looked out of the window, yesterday was a heavy snow flying, today's snow is not as big as yesterday, after all, after all, spring is over, winter is about to pass, the snow has a soft. Lanyi is wearing a long blue dress, swaying and mopping the floor. The snow was curled up by her long skirt and fluttered with the wind. Her face was a little haggard. Compared with Lanyi, who first met in Lancheng and later went to the peach blossom forest for nanlingrui's sake, her heroism and aura seemed to have been drained out. She was not as sharp as a sword, and she was like a girl in the boudoir.

She remembered what LAN Yi said to cangting yesterday. No wonder her brother was interested in LAN Yi, but she didn't want her. She was able to show her brother that kind of array. She had such a heart. Naturally, she had no love for him. What she loved was cangting, a childhood sweetheart. The elder brother saw that and abandoned her. He has never been as emotional as his appearance. Can't stand half silk flaw.

Is thinking, Ling Lian pushes open the door, opens the bead curtain, asks blue Yi to enter the room.

LAN Yi stands at the door, looks inside and walks in.

"The master of the blue family is a rare guest!" The moon is still smiling on the bed. She and Lanyi have no deep hatred. She works for night Tianyi, but they are just different in their positions. Naturally, she does not have to face each other coldly, wave her hands, and points to the chair in front of the table, "please sit down!"

LAN Yi sits down, her eyes fall on Yun Qianyue. Seeing her sitting on the bed in a single dress without scruple, she does not shy away from her outsider. The kiss marks on her neck are clearly visible. She whispered, "the sky outside is about to collapse, but miss Jianyue is very leisurely."

Cloud shallow moon picked pick pick eyebrow, "the sky collapsed, naturally have tall person's top, this does not need me to worry about."

"Miss shallow moon is very open-minded, because of Jing Shizi?" LAN Yi's eyes fell on the book in the hands of Yun Qianyue, "I thought that Jing Shizi loved miss Qianyue so much that she didn't have to learn family rules, so it was not."

Cloud shallow month hears speech to throw the family rules to her, "show you. It's natural for me to learn such family rules. "

LAN Yi took the book and took a look. She was stunned for a moment. In a moment, she closed the book and returned it to Yun Qianyue. Her face was a little gloomy. "I'm afraid there is no place in the world that can compare with the Rong palace, and no one can compare with the king Shizi.""Not really." Cloud shallow moon a smile.

Blue Yi stares at cloud shallow moon bloom eyebrow eye, looking at her slowly way: "do you know cangting he..."

"I don't want to know." Cloud light moon interrupts LAN Yi's words.

Blue Yi looks at her, suddenly sneer a smile, "originally you already knew?"

Cloud shallow moon raises eyebrow, "you come today just to say he with me?"

LAN Yi pursed her lips and whispered: "in addition to you, in front of any woman in the world, I can say him. The last thing I want is to say him in front of you." After a pause, she said, "ten years ago, he went back with his grandfather's body. In addition to practicing martial arts, he practiced chess every day. He has studied all the ancient chess scores of the ten aristocratic families

Cloud light moon listen quietly.

"He has spent ten years hiding his mind very deeply. I boast that I have practiced martial arts with her, and I know him well. But I don't know him after all. Half a year ago, he suddenly said to me that he had been Chopping for ten years. Now he has finally passed and can come to the capital. I didn't understand at that time. Later, when he came to the capital and went back, the whole person changed. I just got it. There are his thoughts in the capital. If his thoughts are broken, the natural person will change. " LAN Yi Dao.

Cloud shallow moon frowned, did not speak.

Blue Yi suddenly a smile, "you must think that I say these with you is meaningless, meaningless! But apart from you, I find that there is no one to talk about. "

"I don't feel bored, but I don't think it's necessary. I'm going to marry into the Rong palace, and you're going to marry into the Cang family. Our well water doesn't offend the river. " Cloud shallow moon way: "blue Yi, you are intelligent person, why do stupid thing?"

"You mean I pretend I don't know?" LAN Yi looks at the moon.

"What if you love him and pretend you don't know? He married you, and he spent a lifetime with you, will never be someone else. I tried my best to accept his mental calculation. If you can't stand half a silk flaw, just like nanlingrui, you abandon Ye Qian who lost his heart to him first, then you who have no intention to him, and then abandon the night light warmth that wants to get married. It's just a heaven and earth, no time to be a man. " Cloud shallow moon looks at her, "if you do these two points, why should you suffer?"

Blue Yi's face darkened down, "I'm not nanlingrui after all, without his free and easy heart. I used it for ten years, but I couldn't find his heart. What about another ten years? I can't do it yet

Cloud shallow moon no words, she is not love ambassador, can know how to do! Besides, for LAN Yi, she has no position to help her.

There was silence in the room, and neither of them spoke.

After a while, LAN Yi opened his mouth again. His voice was very light. "I'm here to tell you that Luo Yu, the princess of the East China Sea, is in the hands of cangting Pavilion."

Cloud shallow moon mind move, Luo Yu in Cang Pavilion hand? She looked at LAN Yi, "why tell me?"

"No, why not." LAN Yi stood up, looked at Yun Qianyue and said, "yunqianyue, I have always admired you, but it's a pity that I was born in LAN's family and you were born in the cloud palace, and the person you want to marry is Jing Shizi. We are not meant to be friends. " She turned out of the room.

Cloud shallow moon looks at blue Yi's figure disappearing in the shallow moon Pavilion, thinking if it goes back ten years ago, is there something that doesn't have to happen? But after all, it can't go back to ten years ago. She took back her sight and picked up Rong's family motto again.

When Yuzixi came to the shallow moon Pavilion, yunqianyue was still holding the family precepts. He glanced at the kiss on her neck and murmured, "it's really a declining trend of the world, and I don't know how to cover it up."

Cloud shallow moon head also does not lift, "do not want to long needle eye don't look."

Yuzixi looked at the book in her hand and snorted, "the little princess of the night just stopped her brother-in-law's carriage. I don't know what she said. Her brother-in-law left the city with her."

Cloud shallow moon Li also ignored him.

"Your men are about to be robbed. Are you sure you don't want to go and have a look? Are you still in the mood to see Rong's family precepts here? " Yuzixi also said.

Yunqianyue still ignored him.

"Sister, you don't love Rongjing as much as you think?" Yuzixi stimulates her again.

Yunqianyue put down her book and looked at Yuzixi. She was angry and funny and said, "he cheated you yesterday. Do you come to me today to avenge? I haven't learned deception yet. When I go back to the East China Sea, I'll let Zishu teach you well. When you cheat, don't twinkle in your eyes. It's easy to show off. "

Yuzi Xi blinked, suddenly took out a piece of Juan PA from his arms and put it on his face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!