The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1377

Cloud shallow moon one Zheng, dismantle reorganization? She hasn't thought about it yet.

Seven princesses smell speech facial expression one white, quickly exclaimed, "this is divine lamp, how can tear down? No way

Yuzixi threw up the Yuanyang lamp in his hand and caught it again. After two times, there was still no movement. He turned his lips and said, "only two broken lamps. I have been fiddling with it for a long time. It doesn't even have a reaction. Where can I see it

Yun Xiaoyue nodded affirmatively, "well, you are right. It's two broken lamps."

"Since it's a broken lamp, what if I take it down?" Yuzixi's eyes are bright to ask cloud shallow moon, eager to try.

Just as yunqianyue was about to tear it down, the seventh Princess ran over first, grabbed the magic lamp from Yuzixi's hand, protected it in her arms, and solemnly said to him, "second prince, this can't be disassembled. Yesterday, the magic lamp appeared, and tens of thousands of people in the capital could see it. If you take down the lamp and get the blame of the gods, how can you live? "

Yuzixi looked at the seventh Princess holding the magic lamp. He was afraid that he would take it back again. He raised his eyebrows and said, "what show the gods? Asking about the destiny is just a trick for people. In my opinion, nothing special. "

"Mother Meng died of self Immolation. How can this be fake? Who would joke about human life? The second prince should not talk about it. To avoid being blamed. " Seven princess shakes her head, holding the magic lamp to come back to cloud shallow moon, "sister, you have to keep this magic lamp well. You and Jing Shizi's fate is in it. "

Cloud shallow moon laughingly took the magic lamp, "sister-in-law really believe this?"

"Why don't you believe it? Is it true that yesterday's affairs are false? " The seventh princess looked at the moon.

"Yesterday is not a sham." Yun Xiaoyue shook her head, fiddled with the magic lamp, and said to her, "it is only two thousand years ago that there was a man who liked his woman and crossed the spirit consciousness in it. The lamp has half of his spiritual knowledge, and can only believe half of it. It can't be fully believed."

"It's good to believe half of it. In short, it can't be destroyed. It's a miracle." Seven princess road.

Yunqianyue looks at the mandarin duck lamp in her hand. Rongjing says that it has the same birthday with the cloud family and is a sacred object of the cloud family. In fact, she also wants to dismantle and reorganize it to see what's rare in it. Now seeing the seven princess's appearance, if she dares to dismantle it, she would dare to faint. So she gave up and said to Yuzixi, "since it's a broken thing, it's estimated that it's nothing to tear it down. Forget it."

The jade son nods in the evening, the strong interest disappears, does not matter ground to wave a hand, "that does not dismantle."

The seventh Princess immediately put down her heart and sat down with her waist.

Yuzixi went to the soft couch, his body was crooked and lay on his back.

Seeing his lying down posture, yunqianyue looks like nanlingrui. She puts the magic lamp on the table and asks Yuzixi, "where did you go yesterday? Why didn't you go back to the house all night? "

"Yesterday..." Jade son evening hook hook lips, lips dyed with a deep meaning, "sister really want to hear?"

Cloud shallow moon "um".

Yuzi said slowly and leisurely: "yesterday, my brother-in-law was in love with you in the street. Someone couldn't bear to be sad and left. I followed the sad man and walked and walked to the moon river. What do you think? She dived into the river. In winter, she made a hole in the moon river. I took pity on the beauty. I was afraid that she would freeze, so I wanted to jump down and drag her up. But after thinking about it again and again, I was so weak that my aunt and sister would not worry. I had better take pity on myself. So I sat by the river and waited. It took two hours for the man to come out of the water

"How can I stand two hours in such a big winter?" The seventh princess was surprised.

"Yes, how can you keep it? However, some people can stand it. Not only can they stand it, but they also come back to the city happily after they come out, and the color of sadness doesn't appear again. Are you surprised? " Yuzixi road.

Seven princess is more surprised, tentatively asked, "you said that person is the night princess?"

Jade son Xi smile pick eyebrows, "seven princesses also know that night little princess that" a wisp of spring love wrong person "love affair son

Seven princesses smell speech to see cloud shallow moon one eye, nod to jade son evening.

"How can sister-in-law see it?" Cloud shallow moon thinks she unexpectedly did not see, seven princess is how to see.

The seventh Princess sighed and said to Yun Qianyue, "sister, you are in the blessing. The king Shizi treats you well. You are more and more lazy to think about things, so you don't notice. Do you still remember the first two days of her return to Beijing, the plum blossom poetry festival in Beishan? "

"Of course I remember." Yunqianyue nods. At this time, she is recovering from a serious illness. Beishan plum blossom poetry club is angry with Rongjing.

"The first thing she did when she came back to Beijing was not to go back to Prince De Qin's house. She went to the Rong Palace first. Isn't that enough? " The seventh princess said: "I wanted to talk to you about this a few days ago, but later you have been living in the Rong Wang mansion, and you can't see you when you come back. Later, when you see that you are good with Jing Shizi, no one can get in, so I feel that there is no need. Instead, I let you know how to increase your annoyance, so you can't speak any more."

"So it is." Yun Xiaoyue smiles, thinking that her ability to cut peach blossom is really not as good as Rongjing. She really thinks that the person she likes is his unreliable brother. If it wasn't for yesterday's words, combined with her suspicion of nanlingrui's identity, she wanted to expose him in the imperial mausoleum on the day of the Empress Dowager's death. If she really liked it, how could he be in danger? That's why she's thinking a lot. Seeing the look she showed when she asked about the scenery, she figured out some things."Originally, my prince was still interested in her, but now I know that the man she is after is her brother-in-law, so he has no vision. Forget it Yuzixi languid tunnel.

"Why does she have no eye for Rongjing? That's a good eye. " Yunqianyue refuted immediately.

"Sure enough, you are poisoned." Jade son Xi flat mouth.

The seventh princess looked at Yuzixi with a smile and said to the moon, "sister, why is the magic lamp gone? Is it that I am not predestined enough to ask fate? "

"Perhaps! I just got it back. I haven't understood it yet. " Cloud light moon road.

"It's better to believe in yourself than to believe in destiny." Yuzixi looked like a fortune teller, "things in the world have always had causes and fruits. You can get whatever results you plant. How can you be so good at heart, planting good causes and praying for blessings every day? There is no need to worry every day. It's tiring and tiring. It's better to protect the child in your stomach and don't starve him to thin

The seventh princess was stunned.

Cloud light moon blinked her eyes and said with a smile: "Zixi is right, sister-in-law, plant good causes and get good results. There has always been a cycle of cause and effect. Such fortune telling and divination can be ignored. Do you have to live like that, even if you know good or bad luck? "

"That's what you said, so you don't have to read it." Seven princess eyebrows of the depression spread some, smile to stand up, "your brother these days by I toss a person thin a circle, I go to the kitchen to inform a, he comes back in the evening, give him some tonic." , the fastest update of the webnovel!