The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1376

Rong Jing wondered, "what do you do? The wound hurts and I can't sleep? "

"No Yunqianyue shakes her head and looks at him lying down. There is a faint moonlight coming in from the window. His outline is hazy with a trace of clarity, and the water chestnut is picturesque. She suddenly lies on his body and asks in a low voice, "you Can't you really sleep? "

All of a sudden, Wenxiang nephrite was lying on her body. Even though she had been hugging for months and roommates for several days, Rongjing still breathed heavily. Her hand was uncontrollably wrapped around her body. Her eyes were like a clear spring and her voice was slightly hoarse, "well, I haven't been tired of you these days..."

"In that case, let's be tired today." Cloud light moon red face low voice.

"No, you're hurt." Rong Jing shakes his head.

Yunqianyue lowers her head and kisses his lips. Rongjing breathes heavily, but her body is stiff and doesn't kiss her back. Yunqianyue doesn't depend on her. She teases him with the skills she has learned these days. Rongjing can't bear it. She avoids her with a slight breath and says in a low voice: "yunqianyue No way

Cloud shallow month looks at him, the face because of her kiss, in the hazy dim so gorgeous, she is infatuated, murmured: "fool, you don't know there is a kind of posture is a woman can be on it?"

Rong Jing was stunned.

Cloud shallow month looks at him, "you see, I so in your body, can't hurt my back. You Do you want to go down to me

Rongjing was stunned for a moment.

"If you don't want it, then I'm down Yunqianyue looks at Rongjing's rare stupidity and laughingly says a word, and plans to get down from him.

Rong Jing immediately put her arms around her and said in a low voice, "I want to."

Cloud light moon blinked an eye, Rong Jing did not allow her to speak and then kiss her, such a good day, such a night, he naturally is.

Endless love words tell endless heartfelt, entangled endless road, love heaven and sea, this night, doomed to a room of beautiful spring.

The next day, when the moon woke up, it was already noon. She looked out of the window. Yesterday's sunny day was completely gone. There was a thick layer of snow flying outside. She stretched herself, wrapped in a quilt, lying lazily on the bed, staring out of the window.

Yesterday's events are recalled in my mind one by one. Now it is this time that the world is afraid of spreading the events of yesterday. The capital has always been unable to hide secrets, let alone the capital of thousands of people.

She was thinking, there were footsteps outside. After a while, the door was gently pushed open from the outside, Ling Lian showed a head to the inside.

Cloud shallow month moved body, to Ling Lian way: "I wake up."

Linglian quickly pushed the door wider and said to the cloud Moon: "Miss, the seventh princess is coming! Do you think you're awake? If you don't wake up, I will send a message to the seventh princess that you are still asleep. Did you just wake up and see the seventh princess

"Let sister-in-law come in!" Cloud light moon road.

Ling Lian nodded, closed the door and went out to meet the light moon Pavilion.

Yunqianyue looks at the table, and the two mandarin duck lamps are quietly placed there. If they were not seen yesterday, they would be a beautiful decoration. Who can connect them with the magic lamp.

For a moment, Ling Lian led the seven princesses to walk in. The door opened and the seven princesses came in.

The seventh princess came in to see that yunqianyue had not yet got up. She was stunned for a moment. In a moment, she shook the snow on her body. She lifted her step to the bed, stretched out a finger and slid it on the face of yunqianyue. She joked: "I'm not ashamed. The sun has dried my ass, but I haven't got up yet."

Cloud shallow moon face not red tunnel: "there is no sun today."

Seven princesses angry her one eye, "you are garrulous? Look at the girls in your family who are still sleeping at noon

Cloud shallow month holds the quilt to lie on the bed not to move, hum a sound, "I just can't get up, and have what method."

Last night, Rongjing tired her in the middle of the night. She always thought that the people below were tired, but the people above were also tired. And tired of his man, after the spring breeze to go to court. She didn't sleep enough to lift her arms. Once again, we have to lament that the gender gap is so different.

The seventh princess looked at her clearly and joked, "I'm afraid it won't be long before the prince Rong's house will add a little son."

Yun Xiaoyue coughed gently, and her face finally turned red. She immediately changed the topic and said, "sister-in-law still comes to me in the snowy day, but she is thinking about the two broken lamps? If you like, just take it. "

"I heard about yesterday. You got the two magic lamps, but mother Meng burned herself." The seventh Princess accepted the smile, looked at the table and asked, "are they the two magic lamps?"

"Well." Cloud shallow moon nods, think of mother-in-law, white haired, an old woman, to also worthy of people's admiration.

"Mother Meng does not dare to ask me for a good chance to sleep, but she does not want me to have a good chance. Now these two are magic lamps. I dare not The seventh Princess shook her head.

"Pregnant women are different from ordinary women. They like to think wildly." Cloud light moon road."The great doctor also said, and my grandfather and mother also said, which made me feel relieved, but I just felt uneasy." Seven princess helpless way, "I also have no way, cannot control."

Cloud shallow month reaches out to touch seven princess's abdomen, "my little nephew must be a restless little guy."

The seventh Princess immediately laughed, "isn't it? He's just such a small month that I can't rest. "

"Brother went to court?" Asked the moon.

The seventh Princess nodded and sighed, "he has been disturbed by me these days. My father was detained when he went to Nanliang. The affairs of the Ministry of rites fell on his head. He was tired because of many things. The whole person was thin."

Yunqianyue looks at the seventh princess. Although she is pregnant and looks plump, her complexion between her eyebrows and eyes does not look very good. Her mind is probably too heavy. She thought for a moment and asked, "sister-in-law, do you really want to have a divination? Have a look at Yun Shu? "

Seven princess nodded, "before I made up my mind to be with your brother. No matter what the front was, I had the courage to break into it. But now that I have a child in my stomach, I have to worry about it. Therefore, I always feel insecure and want to ask the way."

Yunqianyue nodded. Although she had not experienced this kind of mood, she could understand that there was a little person in her stomach, and she was still bone and blood, which would not be the same after all. She looked at the two magic lamps on the table and said to the seventh princess, "in this case, my sister-in-law will take a look at the lamp! Let's see if you have a chance to open their minds and work out your destiny. "

"Really?" The seventh Princess asked uncertainly.

"Yes." Cloud shallow moon nods.

"Yesterday I heard that the magic lamp had solved the fate of six elder sisters. Born in the Golden Chamber bird, died in the snow. Cold clothes can be wrapped in one's body. She Is she really going to end up like this? " Asked the seventh princess.

"That's what mother Meng said." Cloud light moon nods, see seven princess complexion show can't bear, no matter how six Princess hurt her, but always is a sister. She said with relief: "such a fate is linked to the fate of the heart. If she is kind and benevolent, maybe her fate will be changed."

"You're just comforting me. How could she be better?" The seventh Princess shook her head, touched her abdomen and looked at the magic lamp hesitantly, "if I were close to the magic lamp, like the sixth sister, would I hurt the child?"

"I'll take care of you. You just go there." Cloud light moon road.

Seven princesses smell speech to nod, lift a step to walk toward divine lamp.

Yunqianyue looks at her. She and Yunli are the most rare couple in the holy capital city. She is the daughter of the royal family. Although she has been trapped in the palace for ten years, she is still the daughter of the royal family. Now she is married to the cloud palace. The royal family and the cloud palace walk on the edge of the sword because of the scenery. In this situation, we can imagine how much effort she should spend to maintain her happiness 。 Ye Tianyu and Zhao Kehan died and left. In addition to her and Rongjing, there was no good marriage between Ye Tianyu and Zhao Kehan. She worked so hard to be happy that she began to worry about gain and loss. Naturally, she could help, but she could not stand by.

The seventh princess came to Yuanyang lamp. There was no movement or subtitle.

The seventh princess waited for a moment and looked at the cloud and the moon in doubt.

Two months ago, a light lamp came, and she was still.

"Sister Yue!" While they were studying the magic lamp, a familiar light voice came from outside.

Yunqianyue and the seventh princess looked out of the window at the same time. They saw Yuzixi approaching the shallow moon Pavilion against the wind and snow. His graceful figure was elegant and elegant in the wind and snow. This kind of posture is not good enough to describe.

"These two princes are really elegant figures. I don't know how many daughters have been murdered." The seventh Princess sighed.

Cloud shallow moon funny way: "is a skin monkey, stayed outside all night, still so spirit."

Before the seventh Princess answered, Yuzixi had already entered the room. Obviously, she heard Yun's words, shook the snow on her body, and said to Yun Xiaoyue with a smile: "my sister and brother-in-law mandarin duck have been soft for a night, but they are still so energetic."

Cloud light moon face a red, this dead child, is really what to say to export, than seven princess came in to say more barefaced. No matter how thick she was, she took up the magic lamp and hit him.

Seven princesses see cloud light moon unexpectedly to pick up mandarin duck lamp to throw out unexpectedly, exclaimed.

"My sister is so angry!" Yuzixi calmly reached out to catch the Yuanyang lamp, and happily enjoyed the red face of yunqianyue. In a moment, she lowered her head and curiously looked at the Yuanyang lamp in her hand. After looking over and over for a long time, she suddenly raised her head and asked Yun Qianyue, "elder sister, if you say you will dismantle it and reorganize it, will it return to God?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!