The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1375

"I said that the mountains and rivers are too heavy, once opened, it will be the flames of war. Where else can we have a comfortable life or let me marry you Rong Jing stretched out his hand and held the moon in his arms. "So, compared with you, this is nothing."

Although the winter has not yet passed and the night is very cold, she feels that she is bathed in the warm spring water and says softly, "you are right, nothing can compare with our big marriage."

Rong Jing clapped her with a smile, "good!"

Cloud shallow moon back "sizzling" to a pain, Rongjing hand a stiff, smile disappeared, release her immediately: "first back to the house, I see your injury."

Cloud shallow moon nods, see his eye light show self blame, hastily smile way: "a little bit of injury is just, on the medicine is good."

Rongjing did not speak, but picked her up at the waist, used her lightness skills, and went to the cloud palace.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly thought of jade son Xi, hurriedly asked, "where did Zi Xi go?"

"When he saw the night light and warm left, he followed him. Since he was the younger brother raised by yuzishu on behalf of his father, you don't have to worry." Rongjing looked at her with relief.

You don't want to be a little bit of a loser, because you're a little bit of a loser. I should worry about other people. "

Rongjing gave a "yes".

Within a moment, the two returned to the cloud palace, and Rongjing floated down in the shallow moon Pavilion. Qingchang, Linglian and Yixue immediately welcomed them. They looked at them excitedly. They obviously knew what had happened to the real dragon and Phoenix.

Rong Jing took a look at the three, and said to Qingshang, "go and fetch a basin of warm water."

Green dress complexion a change, "shallow month Miss hurt?"

"Miss?" Ling Lian and Yi Xue Qi face color change.

"It's just a little injury. It's not that serious." Cloud shallow moon in the arms of the scene, indifferent to swing hands.

The three of them took a look and stopped talking. Qingshang went down to fetch water.

Rong Jing came into the room with Yun Qianyue in his arms. He gently put her on the bed, dropped the curtain in front of the window, pulled off her coat and exposed her back. There was a bruised bloodstain on his back. His face was slightly cold, "so serious, how can we call it not serious? Cloud shallow moon, you tell me, what is serious? "

Seeing him sink in the face, yunqianyue immediately turned around and hugged him, saying softly, "it's just a scratch. It's not serious. It's all due to the two broken lamps, and even more to the one inside the two broken lamps. It's really arrogant, Auntie... "

Rong Jing put out his hand to cover her mouth and sighed helplessly, "forget it, I don't blame you."

The cloud is light and the moon is blinking.

Rongjing let go of her hand and said in a funny way: "the magic lamp has the spirit of the young master of the cloud family who curses Da Cheng. Your surname is Yun. You can't scold him. He was born arrogant, publicized, invincible, but the crown of the crown, true sex, wide range of sources, long, rarely seen in the ages. In particular, it is admired and respected by the world for its beauty. "

Cloud shallow moon looks at him, "never listen to you admire who? Now I admire an old man. Let's do it for a woman. Look at him

Rong Jing chuckled and nodded her forehead. She said in a warm voice, "if possible, I would like to help you in the world, but it's a pity that I won't be with you."

Cloud shallow moon think of today's world situation, no longer speak.

Rongjing touched her face and said in a very light tone: "I admire him for his splendid red color, millions of soldiers and horses, as well as the emperor's career. You can just flick your finger and walk around the world. For thousands of years, no one can compare. "

"That's true." The pain on the back of yunqianyue is lighter, and she is less resentful of that person's spirit consciousness and such a big temper. What's the relationship between a man like that, even if he's a little bit more arrogant, arrogant and arrogant? It must be very happy to be his woman.

"When he falls on you, he scolds you for being ignorant of the time. Obviously, it is a magic lamp, and it is regarded as a broken lamp by you. " Rong Jing said with a smile.

Cloud shallow moon cold hum a, although the heart also admire that person, but for was hurt or heart is not willing, looking at the bedside of the two mandarin duck lamp, curling his mouth, deliberately said: "is two broken lamp!"

The two lights flickered.

Cloud light month came interesting, continue to approach two lamps: "broken lamp, broken lamp, no one rare broken lamp!"

She said, two lights "whoosh" out of the flames, burning to her face.

Rong Jing waved his sleeve and moved the two lamps to the desk in front of the bed. He said with a laugh to Yun Qianyue: "I don't think you really hurt. Don't make trouble. I'll give you medicine."

Cloud shallow moon solved a little hate, but also for her childishness some funny way: "two broken lights and temper! Now it's in my hands, and I'm going to wear them out. "

The two lights flickered.

Rong Jing looked at her with a smile and said in a warm voice, "lie still."

The cloud shallow moon lies quietly and does not move again.

Qingchang carried a basin of warm water into the room, curiously looked at the two mandarin duck lamps, put the water down, pursed his mouth and walked out with a smile.

Rongjing cleaned the blood on her back for yunqianyue, smeared her with medicine, wrapped the wound with silk ribbon, and then lay down with her arms, whispered in her ear and said, "I wanted to tire you today, but now it's not."Yunqianyue naturally knew what his tired finger was, and his face was red and he didn't speak.

"Two broken lamps, indeed." Rong Jing murmured after half a ring.

Yunqianyue glanced at the two lights. They didn't know whether they were angry or tired. They didn't sway any more. She chuckled.

"Sleep Rongjing waved out the light and patted her.

In the dark, the cloud shallow moon looks at the shed top, has no sleepiness idea.

After half a ring, Rongjing said again, "not sleepy?"

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

"I'm not sleepy either." There is a secluded tunnel.

Cloud shallow month smell speech to think about, looking for words: "that a fire dragon and fire phoenix breath into our body, I have no feeling, you?"

"I don't feel it either." Yung King Road.

"It's good for no harm." Cloud shallow moon road.

"That's nature! One is the spiritual knowledge of the little cloud master, the other is the spiritual knowledge of blue snow princess. The mental power injected into these two lights is the essence of their collection, and we are lucky.

Cloud shallow month picked pick pick eyebrow, "that so say, I was it fell a bit or worth it."

"Well!" Rongjing nodded.

The two people just like this, you and I talked about each other.

Half an hour later, there was still no sleepiness. Rong Jing sighed and said, "tonight is doomed to be sleepless."

Cloud shallow moon looks at him, think really have no sleep, how can have no sleep? She thought about it, and suddenly she got up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!