The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1374

At this moment, all sounds are quiet, time seems to be stagnant, tens of thousands of people under the stage are empty.

Rongjing and yunqianyue are standing on the high platform quietly. The breeze blows, and their clothes are like the wind. They cater to the glimmer of the two mandarin duck lamps on the high platform. All of a sudden, they look down on the living beings like the xianque tower, which makes people want to pay homage to them.

After a while, I don't know who started it. Suddenly, he yelled, "long live the real dragon and Phoenix!"

"Long live the true dragon and Phoenix!" The people under the stage seem to wake up in fear and kneel down to the ground.

"Long live jingshizi and miss Qianyue!" There was another cry.

"Long live jingshizi and miss Qianyue!" Tens of thousands of people followed Qi and cried out.

In a moment, it seemed that the whole imperial capital was shaken and the sound was shocking.

Night Tianyi's face is expressionless, night light dye's face is cold, Cang Ting's eyes are unpredictable, Leng Shao Zhuo slightly purses her lips, and the six princesses still maintain her look of horror that she can't believe.

"Regent?" The hidden Lord of the royal family appeared and called Ye Tianyi in a low voice.

Ye Tianyi did not look back and did not answer, as if he had not heard of it.

"Dye prince?" The hidden Lord of the royal family called out to night light dye.

Ye qingran looks back at the hidden Lord of the royal family, and then looks at Ye Tianyi. He doesn't speak and waves to the emperor.

The hidden Lord of the royal family took a look at the high platform. He did not dare to speak any more and retired.

On the high platform, Rongjing and yunqianyue listen to the voice of the people. Their faces are quiet and their eyes are quiet. For a moment, neither of them speaks, and they all look at the platform.

The faces of the common people under the high platform, including young and old people, men and women, seem to have read all kinds of life at this moment.

There was a look of worship on everyone's face.

We can imagine the sensational consequences caused by mother Meng's words and today's events.

It seems that after a long time, but also seems to be only a moment, Rong Jing asked cloud shallow moon, "is going back? Or do you want to continue enjoying the lights? "

"Go back!" Cloud shallow moon also from the stage to take back the line of sight to the scene.

Let the scenic spot nod, "today is also late, so go back!"

Yun Qianyue took Rong Jing's hand and went down to the stage. After two steps, he suddenly remembered something. He took him to the two mandarin duck lamps hanging there. He reached out and gently untied them. He handed it to Rongjing. "We have to work hard. We can't afford to give it to others. Take it away!"

Rong Jing nodded with a smile, "you're right. These two mandarin duck lamps are actually excellent. When we get married, we'll use them to light the wedding candles."

Cloud shallow month horizontal his one eye, "bridal chamber flower candle you not all passed?"

"I didn't like it last time. It's OK to do it again." Rongjing looked at her tenderly.

Cloud shallow moon face a red, raised a foot to kick him a foot, indignant way: "all day do not want good thing son."

Rong Jing had no choice but to sigh, "how can I feel that all I think about every day is a good thing!"

Cloud shallow month said that he could not, red face no more words, pull him away.

When they got off the platform, Rongjing Wensheng said, "string song, collect the ashes of mother-in-law Meng, and choose a place with beautiful scenery to bury."

"Yes, Prince!" The string song fluttered and fell excitedly. He served Rongjing as a child. Sometimes without his command, he could know some of his thoughts. He had already prepared an iron pot to carry the ashes of mother-in-law Meng into the tin pot.

Rongjing and yunqianyue left overseas after they got off the platform.

Ye Tianyi did not stop them.

Night light dye stops two people, facial expression is dark, "weak beauty, little girl, you just leave?"

Rong Jing glanced at the night light dye lightly, "then do you still want us to do?"

Night light dye suddenly a choke.

Cloud light moon to night light dye way: "do you want us to say what? Maybe we can talk about it, but if we say it, if you can bear the consequences, let's talk about it twice. Are you sure you won't let us go? "

Night light dye face changes for a moment, silently let the way.

Rongjing and yunqianyue ignore others and walk out of the crowd. After a while, they disappear.

Tens of thousands of people gathered under the stage awoke and looked up. Only then did they find that Rongjing and yunqianyue had gone so far. After the magic lamp asking for her life and mother Meng's mother-in-law burned herself to death, they left without saying a word. When the people were excited, they were puzzled.

But the thought of Jing Shizi and miss Xiaoyue has always been puzzling, so it is not surprising that they left.

Xiange picked up the ashes of mother-in-law Meng, took a look at the audience and flew away.

After a while, ye Tianyi's quiet voice sounded in the crowd, "the new emperor is young, and the Empress Dowager is orphaned by King Shizi and miss Qianyue, who is blessed by heaven and protects all living beings. The real dragon and Phoenix can make sense now with Jing Shizi and miss shallow moon. Now it's late at night, it's all over! "

Night Tianyi words fall, leave this high platform.

Night light dye Yang voice: "Regent's words are reasonable, all scattered!" Words fall, he follows night Tianyi to leave behind.The Regent and the little prince ran left one after another. The people were suspicious, and no one said anything. They left.

"I'll take you back to the palace!" Sneer Zhuo looked at Cang ting and saw that he had no intention of leaving. He turned to the sixth princess.

Six princesses nodded, more meek than usual, obediently followed Leng Shao Zhuo to leave.

After several familiar people left, Cang Pavilion looked at the high platform where the mandarin duck lamp was hung, and did not move for a long time.

When the people saw that several powerful people left, dozens of people were in a gang, and hundreds of people were in groups. They did not intend to leave. They gathered together to talk about today's affairs. Although there were two words of night Tianyi and night qingran, the extraordinary demeanor of Rongjing and yunqianyue on the high platform was completely imprinted in the hearts of the people.

The saying of destiny and true dragon and Phoenix can not be eliminated by one word.

The night of Shangyuan Festival is the boiling day of Tiansheng capital, which is doomed to be restless.

Rongjing and yunqianyue walked out of the crowd and came to a quiet street. Yunqianyue asked Rongjing softly, "why don't you seize this opportunity? What a wonderful opportunity granny Meng has given you. Isn't it a pity to miss it like this

Rong Jing smiles, shakes his head, and says gently: "no pity, there are more important things to do than this."

Cloud shallow moon looks at him, "what matter?"

"Marry you." Rongjing's fingertips slipped across her face, and the touch from her warm skin made him feel very excited. He looked at her gently and said in a soft voice: "nothing is bigger than marrying you. Although this opportunity is good, I don't want it. I want you. If I didn't marry you, I couldn't be stable, and I didn't want to change things. "

Cloud shallow moon thought move, look at him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!