The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1373

"I was in a hurry, and I forgot what you could do." Cloud shallow month pulled the corner of the mouth, back some silk to ache, she thought must have rubbed the skin, this damned fire dragon. She raised her head and saw that the fire dragon was perched on the two heads. It seemed that she looked at her and Rongjing in a rather pompous manner. Her face turned black.

Rong Jing Mou light rare heavy, suddenly silent to fire dragon hand. His palm overflowed with a light of ice, like a dragon of ice and snow, whistling away to the fire dragon hovering overhead.

"The truth of heaven and earth is not the ultimate of all things." Granny Meng exclaimed.

There was also a burst of exclamation in the crowd.

Ye qingran is barely able to stand firm. Ye Tianyi, cangting and others were supposed to go to the high platform to save the moon. At this time, they all stopped. They looked at the situation in front of them, and their faces were different.

Cloud shallow moon pursed lips to see for a moment, that fire dragon is really too arrogant, even if the scenery breath is broad, but it is not as big as the fire dragon, entanglement is at a slight disadvantage. She thought of the arrogant character of the young leader of the cloud clan two thousand years ago. Since he has injected his spiritual power into the lamp, he has also injected his own spiritual consciousness. Let this fire dragon also be like his most primitive master, publicize without taboo, frivolous and invincible. His character is exposed. It must have heard the words of mother-in-law Meng and her. She was angry that she said no to her mother-in-law. Then she chased her and Rongjing and knocked her down. She was also a little annoyed. There are still such arrogant people in the world. See it that arrogant appearance, let her angry not hit a place, don't feel with two bully one what is wrong. She spread out her palm, and instantly gathered a cloud. The aura in her body was drawn by the powerful aura of the lamp and fire dragon. Without her own prompting, the aura overflowed vigorously. In a moment, petals were stacked one after another, and a total of nine layers were stacked. Suddenly, the petals burst out, and a pure spirit light of ice blue flowed out from the stamen. The pure spirit light was instantaneous with the ice of Rongjing Snow dragons come together.

One of them was practicing Tiandi Zhenjing and the other was practicing Fenghuang Zhenjing. When they were in the underground Buddhist Hall of Lingtai temple, they fused their true spirit. In addition, they had ten years of affection. Now they are physically and mentally integrated. They have a soul in their hearts. They are not troubled by any external forces and impurities. Naturally, they feel together easily.

In a moment, Rongjing's ice dragon doubled in an instant because of the cloud and moon.

At this time, another has been quiet mandarin duck lamp suddenly out of a fiery red similar to the fire condensed into a Phoenix, an instant and the fire dragon gathered together.

The light of Rong Jing's eyes flashed, and the moon was stunned.

Mother Meng suddenly exclaimed, "it's Huofeng! When the Dragon comes out, the Phoenix must follow. The real dragon and the true Phoenix appear! "

When the people under the stage heard the speech, they all opened their eyes together. The original deafening cry of surprise suddenly disappeared.

"Jingshizi, Miss shallow moon, stop it!" Meng Po Po fluttered up to the platform and knelt down to them.

The scenery is not moved, and so is the cloud and the moon. It seems to be more powerful. Four powerful spirits collide with each other. There was a constant spark.

"If it goes on like this, both sides will be hurt." Granny Meng looked at them and said in horror. Her words fell, the two people as if they had not heard, no one paid attention to her. She continued to tremble: "Jing Shizi, Miss shallow moon, the common people read benevolently."

"Why don't you let it focus on humanity? It was it who provoked us first. " Cloud shallow moon annoyed way.

"It is a sin for my old lady to dare to ask the sky and disturb the two gods. The old woman knew that she was guilty, and she was willing to go to 18 levels of hell. Now that you are lucky, it's the well-being of the common people. Stop! " She knelt on the ground and prayed.

One dragon, one wind, and one fire dragon.

The scenery and the moon are not retreating.

There was blood on her forehead and she prayed, but it was useless.

After a while, the pure spirit light of cloud and moon suddenly broke out from the ice blue fire dragon of Rongjing. It was like a galaxy, but gradually turned into a Phoenix.

The people, who had been silent and terrified, suddenly burst out again.

The faces of night Tianyi, night light dye and cangting pavilion are unpredictable in the red and blue fire and the cold ice fire.

The sixth Princess couldn't believe it and said, "it's impossible. How could she possibly have a cloud and a light moon How could it be Feng? What does she look like? "

Ye Tianyi glanced back at the six princesses and said in a deep voice, "she was born to be a Phoenix."

Night light dye voice low dark, "yes, she was born phoenix."

"The king's son How could he be a dragon? He Is he going to rebel? " The sixth princess said in horror.

Night Tianyi and night light dye together, close the corner of the mouth, face a heavy one dark, did not answer.

What else does the sixth Princess want to say? Leng Shao Zhuo covered her mouth and warned, "disaster comes from the mouth. Do you want to die now? Now it's a snowy day. Do you want to have a straw mat

The six princesses turned pale and shut down immediately.

Leng Shao Zhuo disgusted to let her go and looked at the high platform.

At this time, the fire light of two dragons and two phoenixes on the high platform trembled more and more fiercely. The body shape of Rongjing and yunqianyue seems to burn with the fire light. The two mandarin duck lamps hanging there swayed gently.Mother Meng knew it was useless to kowtow, so she stopped kowtowing. She raised her head and looked into the air.

After a cup of tea, it's still hard to tell.

However, the battlefield was originally on a high platform, and gradually expanded, and it was likely to affect the people. Some people feel dizzy and tinnitus.

"There are tens of thousands of people here today." Mother Meng's old voice called out.

Rong Jing and cloud light moon together for a meal, that fire dragon and fire phoenix is also a meal.

On the occasion of this meal, mother-in-law Meng suddenly stretched out her hand to hold up the sky and said in a loud voice, "I sacrifice my soul with my blood to the gods, thank the gods for their kindness, and the true dragon and Phoenix appear. Heaven and earth are the co masters of all things, protecting all things, and the blessing of all living beings. King Shizi and miss Qianyue, you should not let down the world if you undertake the destiny of heaven. "

Mother Meng's mother-in-law vomited a word, and her body burned in an instant.

At the same time, the dragon and Phoenix broke through the protection of Rongjing and yunqianyue respectively, and rushed into their bodies from Lingtai. Almost in the blink of an eye, they were integrated with the true Qi in their bodies.

Four flames suddenly disappeared on the platform, leaving only two mandarin duck lamps hanging quietly, and mother-in-law's body was dyed into ashes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!