The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1372

They both turned and left.

"Jingshizi, miss Qianyue, stop!" Suddenly, mother-in-law Meng flew off the platform and stopped them in front of them.

Granny Meng's body is very fast. If it is not for her white hair, she can't really see that she is an old woman.

Rongjing and yunqianyue were forced to stop.

"Two thousand years ago, Yun Shao Zhu only had a blue snow princess in his heart, but he had a great success in the curse of heaven, and he loved all things. Take a step back, the world is prosperous and prosperous. It took thousands of years for the world to change. This is great love. For hundreds of years, Lord Rong's mansion has accumulated benefits for the common people. King Rong's benevolence moved the world a hundred years ago. Later generations have good fate, benevolence and good people. After Jing Shizi took charge of the palace of King Rong, the common people of Li people were given more protection, and the number of gold and silver relief was numerous. Although I am an old lady, I have heard more about Jing Shizi. Now that King Shizi is here, what about a woman in your heart? Your benevolence and kindness are enough to ask for peace of life. " Meng Po Po said.

Rong Jing smile, "the destiny of the word, the most important in the heart. There is no heart for the scenery, only the lack of kindness. What's more, my good thoughts are limited. If it's about cloud and moon, she is the first and the world is the second. So, forget it today! Mother Meng also said, "you can't ask for it."

Mother in law Meng choked at her words.

Rong Jing pulls cloud and moon around her.

Mrs. Meng stopped them again, looked at the cloud and the moon and said, "Miss moon, you are predestined with the lamp. Jing Shizi is right. You can't go up, but you can't. My old lady is the host of the magic lamp. This year's deadline is coming. The magic lamp will find a new host. Maybe you are the next host. The most suitable person. "

Cloud shallow moon shakes his head and says to mother Meng, "I don't want those two lamps."

"How many people in the world want to ask for these two magic lamps but can't. Why don't you want it, Miss moon? " Asked Meng Po Po.

"I'm not born with a cold about these supernatural powers asking for their lives." Cloud light moon road.

"These two magic lanterns are ancient yunzu gods. Miss moon, since you have the aura in the lamp in your body, it will do you no harm in your hands. " Mother in law Meng whispered, "if it falls into the hands of those who have a heart, I'm afraid it will become a disaster."

The moon's light clouds move.

"You don't want it. The people who want it are afraid that there are two people who want it. Now the little king of dye on the stage is taking over the magic lamp. " Meng Po Po said.

Cloud shallow moon's eyes narrowed.

"You go up now. You can't communicate with the magic lamp without you. The magic lamp is yours." Meng Po Po said.

The cloud light moon looks to the stage, the thick fog has already spread from the night light dye body, will two mandarin duck lamp package roll. The naked eye can't see what the night light dye does, but the aura in her body flows faintly, and you can feel the resistance breath of the magic lamp on the high platform. It can be seen that mother-in-law Meng is right. Night light dye takes the opportunity to subdue the magic lamp. His move is justifiable. He devoted himself to the holy land of heaven. Naturally, it was impossible for such artifacts to fall into the hands of others.

"Miss moon, if you delay further, the lamp will be dyed by the prince." The mother-in-law Meng urges the cloud to light the moon.

Cloud shallow moon smile, indifferent tunnel: "since he wants, then give him!" Words fall, she pulls Rong Jing to bypass mother-in-law Meng.

Mother in law Meng looked at the cloud and the moon in a daze. She never thought that there was someone who didn't want the magic lamp. But this person is the cloud shallow moon, has been different from the ordinary woman's cloud shallow moon, to also is not unexpected.

When she saw that they were really unintentional, she stopped and watched them leave.

Just as they were about to walk out of the crowd, a flame burst out of the thick fog and ran straight after them. The fire was like a long dragon, and it immediately came to them and wrapped them up.

Rong Jing Mou light micro motion, cloud shallow moon one Zheng, under the stage ten thousand people burst out a startling voice.

"The lamp has spiritual sense. You don't want to, jingshizi, miss Qianyue, but you can't help it if you are too lucky." Meng Po Po said, "you don't go to save the magic lamp, but the magic lamp has come to save you."

Rong Jing looks at the fire dragon on his head and suddenly makes a move. A powerful genuine Qi overflows from his sleeve and hits it.

The fire dragon hummed and suddenly expanded several times, and the powerful fire light covered the whole scene.

As soon as the cloud light moon's face changed, he did not care to expose his spiritual power. The spiritual power overflowed from the palm of his hand and instantly gathered into a circle of light, which covered Rongjing. After the fire dragon approached Rongjing, he turned around in a circle, and suddenly the part similar to the dragon head came straight to the moon.

All the supernatural powers of the moon and cloud are used to protect the scenery. Naturally, they are unable to resist. Intuition a strong rush, she was the whole person by the fire dragon to fly out.

"Cloud light moon!" Rong Jing called out, the voice changed the past calm, voice cold urgent.

"Moon!" Ye Tianyi cried out in a hurry.

"Little girl!" The night light dye on the stage originally wanted to recover the magic lamp, but saw that the lamp broke through his clamp and went to the cloud and the moon. His fog dispersed and he showed his body. He was slightly upset. Now he saw the cloud and the moon, which was very dangerous, also called out in a hurry.

Cang Pavilion and Leng Shao Zhuo are under the stage, and they all shout.The crowd again issued a cry of horror, drowning several people's shouts in the crowd.

The fire dragon rolled clouds, and the moon turned two circles in mid air. In a moment, it threw out.

Night light dye, night Tianyi, cangting, Leng Shao Zhuo and others face a change, many people have been shocked to death.

Yunqianyue was hit by the fire dragon on the high platform in an instant. Other people couldn't rescue him. Only night qingran stood on the high platform. As soon as he went to pick up yunqianyue, he was beaten out by the fire dragon. In a moment, "bang", the moon fell down on the platform and made a heavy sound.

Rongjing is protected by the spiritual power of yunqianyue. When her spiritual power is removed, he can move. He flies to the high platform with his toes lightly. Even though he is as fast as lightning, he can't catch the cloud moon because of the delay for a moment. He floated down beside her and reached out to help her.

Cloud shallow moon head some dizzy, she lives these days too comfortable, has not been with the human for a long time, now did not want to eat this magic lamp's loss. Open eyes, see Rong Jing face rare white, she endure the pain, quickly voice, "I'm ok! It's just a fall. "

Rong Jingwei pursed her lips and looked at her, "who wants you to protect me but let yourself into danger? Do you know me... "

"I love you the most. Naturally I want to protect you. If it burns you, where can I have a husband?" Cloud shallow moon interrupts his words, smile to him, touch his face way: "don't be angry, that kind of situation, I naturally want to protect you. If it's you, you have to protect me, right? You can't always stand in front of me, but I should do it for you once. "

Rong Jing Mou Guang gathered her emotions and lifted her up. In a low voice, "fool, how could it burn me?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!